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Divorce. Mark 10:3 3 And He answered and said to them, "What did Moses command you?" Why did the Pharisees ask him about Divorce?. DIVORCE.
Divorce • Mark 10:3 • 3 And He answered and said to them, "What did Moses command you?" Why did the Pharisees ask him about Divorce?
DIVORCE • Mairrage was a business transaction. The husband or his family had, as a rule, to pay a certain dowry to the parents or guardians of the betrothed before the marriage was consummated. • A wife thus acquired could easily be regarded as a piece of property, which, without great difficulty, could be disposed of in case the husband, for any reason, were disposed to rid himself of an uncongenial companion and willing to forfeit the “mohar” which he had paid for his wife. • " The common term used in the Bible for divorce is “shilluach 'ishshah”, "the sending away of a wife" (Deut 22:19,29)
DIVORCE • (1) he had to write her a BILL OF DIVORCE (which see) drawn up by some constituted legal authority and in due legal form. In the very nature of the case, such a tribunal would use moral suasion to induce an adjustment; and, failing in this, would see to it that the law in the case, whatever it might be, would be upheld. • (2) Such a bill or decree must be placed in the hand of the divorced wife. • (3) She must be forced to leave the premises of her former husband. • Divorce was denied two classes of husbands: • (1) The man who had falsely accused his wife of antenuptial infidelity (Deut 22:13 ff), and • (2) a person who had seduced. a virgin (Deut 22:28 f). In addition, a heavy penalty had to be paid to the father of such damsels.
DIVORCE, JEWISH • The ground of divorce was what the text calls (lit. nudity of a word or thing, i.e., anything filthy, some shameful act or circumstance, as in Deut 23:14), "some uncleanness" (Deut 24:1), • The school of Shammal seeming to limit it to a moral delinquency in the woman, while that of • Hillel extended it to trifling causes ( "for every cause," Matt 19:3; e.g. if the wife burnt the food she was cooking for her husband or merely over-salted it . • Rabbi Akibah allows divorce if the husband merely saw a wife whose appearance pleased him better
DIVORCE • In allowing divorce for the single reason of "immorality," or illicit sexual intercourse, Jesus' thought is clearly that a person dissolves his marriage by creating a sexual union with someone other than the marriage partner. Such union violates the sacred "oneness" intended by God when he united Adam and Eve in the first marriage relationship (Gen 2:18-25)
Jesus Blesses Little Children • Humility • Simplicity • Forgiveness • Always Learning • Believes in promises and acquire it
Jesus Counsels the Rich Young Ruler • Young • Rich • Educated • Social status • Gentleman (morals) • Religious
What was the Rich man problem? • The Heart is the center of life • Money is the first priority • Is Jesus is the center of my life • God is the source of all
But he who carries his riches in his soul, and instead of God’s Spirit bears in his heart gold or land, and is always acquiring possessions without end, and is perpetually on the outlook for more, bending downwards and fettered in the toils of the world, being earth and destined to depart to earth
The Lord acknowledges a twofold treasure, — the good: “For the good man, out of the good treasure of his heart, bringeth forth good;” and the evil: for “the evil man, out of the evil treasure, bringeth forth evil: for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” As then treasure is not one with Him, as also it is with us, that which gives the unexpected great gain in the finding, • but also a second, which is profitless and undesirable, an evil acquisition, hurtful; • So also there is a richness in good things, and a richness in bad things, since we know that riches and treasure are not by nature separated from each other. And the one sort of riches is to be possessed and acquired, and the other not to be possessed, but to be cast away.
He then is truly and rightly rich who is rich in virtue, and is capable • of making a holy and faithful use of any fortune • Again, in the same way there is a genuine poor man, and another counterfeit and falsely so called. • He that is poor in spirit, and that is the right thing, and he that is poor in a worldly sense, which is a different thing. • To him who is poor in worldly goods, but rich in vices, who is not poor in spirit and rich toward God,
Because what is impossible with men is possible with God • This again is full of great wisdom. For a man by himself working and toiling at freedom from passion achieves nothing. • But if he plainly shows himself very desirous and earnest about this, he attains it by the addition of the power of God. • For God conspires with willing souls. But if they abandon their eagerness, the spirit which is bestowed by God is also restrained.
persecution • There is a persecution which arises from without,from men assailing the faithful, either out of hatred, or envy, or avarice, or through diabolic agency. • But the most painful is internal persecution, which proceeds from each man’s own soul being vexed by impious lusts, and diverse pleasures, and base hopes, and destructive dreams; • More grievous and painful is this persecution, which arises from within, which is ever with a man, and which the persecuted cannot escape; for he carries the enemy about everywhere in himself. • Thus also burning which attacks from without works trial, but that from within produces death. • War also made on one is easily put an end to, but that which is in the soul continues till death.
RICH, RICHES, RICHLY, RICH MAN • 2. chrema NT:5536, "what one uses or needs" (chraomai, "to use"), "a matter, business," hence denotes "riches," Mark 10:23,24; Luke 18:24; see MONEY, No. 2.
Mark 10:32Jesus a Third Time Predicts His Death and • The Third Revelation of his suffering • More Detailed. • Mark 10:33-34 33 "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be • betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes; and they • will condemn Him to death and • deliver Him to the Gentiles; • and they will mock Him, and scourge Him, and spit on Him, • and kill Him. • And the third day He will rise again."