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Technology Development Project Presentation TDP Overview Jim Cordes Programmatics

Technology Development Project Presentation TDP Overview Jim Cordes Programmatics International connections Project Manager’s Report Lynn Baker Organization & Activities Antennas, Feeds and Receivers (AWG) Jack Welch Matt Fleming German Cortes Sandy Weinreb

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Technology Development Project Presentation TDP Overview Jim Cordes Programmatics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Technology Development Project Presentation • TDP Overview Jim Cordes • Programmatics • International connections • Project Manager’s Report Lynn Baker • Organization & Activities • Antennas, Feeds and Receivers (AWG) • Jack Welch • Matt Fleming • German Cortes • Sandy Weinreb • Calibration and Processing (CPG) • Athol Kemball Jim Cordes US SKA Consortium Meeting Washington, DC

  2. Technology Development Project • NSF-funded 2007-2011 for $12M • Includes US contribution to the SPDO • Complementary to and integrated with PrepSKA • EC-funded project 3+1 years, ~ same time frame as TDP • Targets areas that bear strongly on cost and basic performance (Ae, Tsys, B, cross polarization, processing) • Will deliver to the SKA project: • Technology options for LNSD array with broadband single-pixel feeds • Costing of reflectors+mounts vs. D and fmax • Optical designs that include both SP + PAF options (decision tree) • An SKA-optimized antenna, outfitted with feeds/receivers • Calibration and processing technology for LNSD arrays • Cost-modeling information for project decisions Jim Cordes US SKA Consortium Meeting Washington, DC

  3. TDP Management • TDP Project Office (Cornell) • Project Director (JMC) • Project Manager (Lynn Baker) • Administrative assistance (D. Howe, J. Tarbell) • Web-site maintenance (A. Brazier) • TDP Advisory Committee • Sarah Church, Phil Diamond, Paul Goldsmith, Peter Hall, John Weber • Project Execution Plan (PEP) approved by the NSF/STOG • Distributed effort organized at mid level by working groups: • Antennas Working Group (Jack Welch/Matt Fleming) • Calibration and Processing Group (Athol Kemball) • Direct collaborations with Australia, Canada, South Africa via participation in the AWG or CPG • TDP work packages integrated with the PrepSKA Jim Cordes US SKA Consortium Meeting Washington, DC

  4. Jim Cordes US SKA Consortium Meeting Washington, DC

  5. Other TDP events/issues: • PrepSKA Board Meeting (11 Apr ’08, Perth) • Mapping TDP WBS to PrepSKA WPs (ongoing) • Forthcoming talks: • URSI/Chicago Aug ’08: Baker, Cordes, Cortes, Kemball, Weinreb • 400 Years of Astronomical Telescopes: Noordwijk, Netherlands, Sep ’08: Cordes talk on >1990 existing and planned radio telescopes • 2007/2008 SPDO dues • SKA Research Associate • Intellectual Property and ITAR • Phased-array feed development in U.S. Jim Cordes US SKA Consortium Meeting Washington, DC

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