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Exhibit 8-1: The Preapproach Involves Planning the Sales Presentation

Learn how to effectively plan your sales presentation with the preapproach technique. Develop a customer profile, determine customer benefits, and set sales call objectives to maximize your sales success.

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Exhibit 8-1: The Preapproach Involves Planning the Sales Presentation

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  1. Exhibit 8-1: The Preapproach Involves Planning the Sales Presentation

  2. Exhibit 8-4: Steps in the Preapproach: Planning the Sale Develop/Review customer profile Develop customer benefits Determine sales call objective Develop sales presentation

  3. Strategic Customer Sales Planning - the Preapproach cont… • Always Have a Sales Call Objective Why am I going into the customers office? • To present my product/service and • To gain a trial order • To be given a second meeting • To get information about the current supplier • To write an order

  4. Always have a sales call objective Strategic Customer Sales Planning - The Preapproach cont… • S • M • A • R • T • Set a SMART call objective pecific easurable chievable ealistic imed

  5. Strategic Customer Sales Planning - Customer Profile Provides Insight • Review information to create customized presentation • See what customer has done in the past to determine future needs • If do not have customer profile - get one for each customer

  6. Exhibit 8-5: Information Used in a Profile and for Planning

  7. Customer Benefit Plan:What It’s All About! • Steps in creating the customer benefit plan: Step 1: Select FABs for product discussion Step 2: Select FABs for marketing plan discussion Step 3: Select FABs for business proposition discussion Step 4: Develop suggested purchase order based on first three steps

  8. Exhibit 8-6: Examples of Topics Contained in the Marketing Plan Segment of Your Sales Presentation Resellers • 1. Advertising • Geographical • National • Regional • Local • Co-op • Type • Television • Radio • Direct-mail • Internet • 2. Sales Promotion • Contests • Coupons • Samples • 3. Sales Force • Working with salespeople 4. Trade Shows

  9. Exhibit 8-6: Examples of Topics Contained in the Marketing Plan Segment of Your Sales Presentation End Users 1. Availability 2. Delivery 3. Guarantee • 4. Installation • Who does it? • When? • How? 5. Maintenance/service 6. Training on use 7. Warranty

  10. Exhibit 8-6: Examples of Topics Contained in the Marketing Plan Segment of Your Sales Presentation

  11. Exhibit 8-7: Examples of Topics Contained in the Business Proposition Segment of Your Sales Presentation Resellers 1. List price • 3. Discounts • Cash • Consumer • Quantity • Trade • Financing • Payment Plans • Interest Rate 4. Markup 2. Shipping costs 5. Profit

  12. Exhibit 8-7: Examples of Topics Contained in the Business Proposition Segment of Your Sales Presentation End Users 1. List price 2. Shipping costs • 3. Discounts • Cash • Quantity • 4. Financing • Payment plans • Interest rates 5. ROI 6. Value Analysis

  13. Exhibit 8-7: Examples of Topics Contained in the Business Proposition Segment of Your Sales Presentation

  14. Customer Benefit Plan: Develop Sales Presentation • Write out all FABs for steps 1 - 3 • Write out suggested purchase order • Now you are ALMOST ready to create your sales presentation

  15. Exhibit 8-8: Major Phases in Your Presentation: A Sequence of Events to Complete in Developing a Sales Presentation

  16. What is Left in Creating Your Sales Presentation? As shown in Exhibit 8-8 you need to create your: • Approach - covered in Chapter 10 • Close - covered in Chapter 13

  17. Before You Can Pick Your Approach You • Select which presentation method to use - covered in Chapter 9 • Prepare for anticipated objections from your prospect/customer - covered in Chapter 12

  18. In Planning a Sales Presentation, You Should Consider • The prospect’s mental steps • What would the prospect be thinking as you give your presentation?

  19. Exhibit 8-9: The Prospect’s Five Mental Steps in Buying

  20. How Do You Obtain Someone’s Attention When You Begin Your Presentation? • Show you are there to help! • The proper approach is important! (Chapter 10) • Your goal is to determine a need or problem

  21. How Do You Keep Someone’s Interest in What You are Presenting? • Show you are there to help! • Quickly present major FABs that: • Fulfill a need • Solve a problem • Show and tell as discussed in Chapter 11

  22. How Do You Build Desire for Your Product? • Show you are there to help! • Using your trial closes, determine if prospect is interested in benefits • Watch for nonverbal signals! • Green • Yellow • Red

  23. How Do You Establish The Conviction Your Product Will Solve Needs or Problems? • Show you are there to help! • The customer sees how your product’s FABs will solve their needs or problems • Your trial closes indicate ready to buy

  24. How Do You Know if Customer Ready to Purchase So You Can Close? • Show you are there to help! • Trial close response(s), nonverbal signals indicate positive beliefs product will fulfill needs or solve problems

  25. Overview of the Selling Process • Getting the prospect’s attention and interest by having the prospect recognize a need or problem, and stating a wish to fulfill the need or solve the problem • Uncovering and answering the prospect’s questions and revealing and meeting or overcoming objections results in more intense desire • Desire is transformed into the conviction that your product can fulfill the prospect’s needs or solve problems

  26. Exhibit 8-10a: The Selling Process and Examples of Prospect’s Mental Thoughts and Questions

  27. Exhibit 8-10b: The Selling Process and Examples of Prospect’s Mental Thoughts and Questions

  28. Summary of Major Selling Issues • Careful planning of the sales call is essential to success in selling • Planning builds self-confidence, develops an atmosphere of goodwill, creates professionalism, and increases sales • Sales call planning • Have a sales call objective that is SMART • Develop or review the customer profile • Develop your customer benefit plan

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