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ESPAÑOL 3-4 BENSON HIGH SCHOOL. CIUDAD 3-D. PROYECTO DE ESPAÑOL. Cities are the largest communities were humans live in the USA and in Spanish speaking countries .
PROYECTO DE ESPAÑOL • Cities are the largest communities were humans live in the USA and in Spanish speaking countries . • However, culture not only gives different lifestyles to these groups of people but also it is expressed in different city designs. • With this project you will practice Spanish vocabulary that you have recently acquired and also you will research about real cities and their different manifestations.
Grading: • The project is worth 100 points. • 70% of your project grade will be given by the teacher using a rubric. • 30% of your project grade will be given by the rubric other Spanish classes will complete when they evaluate your city. • The teacher will provide both grading rubrics to each group for reference, the one the teacher will use and the one for students evaluation. • BE AWARE THAT YOUR PROJECT WILL BE SHOWN IN THE LIBRARY. THUS, YOU WILL NEED TO MAKE AN EXTRA EFFORT FOR NEATNESS AND ORIGINALITY. YOU WILL NEED TO IMPRESS THE AUDIENCE.
GROUPING: • There will be groups of a maximum of 3 people. Every member must be working and contribute to the final result. • The right to make group member changes is reserved to the teacher if necessary. • Be aware that your project will be shown to other students in Benson. Work hard and do the best you can. This project is 100 points.
Cities / Ciudades: • Each group will choose on of the following cities: • Salamanca, Castilla y León, Spain. Cerca de la Plaza Mayor. • Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain. Entre la Plaza Nueva y la Universidad. • Santander, Cantabria, Spain. Cerca de el Paseo de la Pereda. • Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. • Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Designing your 3-D city. • Now you will take your city as a model and use it to create a 3-D city. • Before you start remember that you will not be able to recreate every detail of your real city. Although it needs to look great, the real city is a model for your project. • Basic materials (construction paper, glue, etc) will be provided by the teacher. However, to beautify your city you can bring any materials you consider appropriate. It may have an effect on its decoration, neatness, audience’s opinion, and consecutively in your grade. • You will use construction paper to build little buildings that are inspired on the original. Your city will show the particularities of the original city. Street names, park names, malls, or even ports or bullfighting rings if there are any in your city. Also you will need to add shops and other buildings. • All labels must be in Spanish.
Buildings: • Category 1. Every city has special and unique buildings. Build in 3-D and label 3 of them. • Category 2. Also you will need to build and label 15 other buildings such as: cafés, grocery stores or supermarkets, plazas, parks and avenues, town halls, police or fire stations, butcher’s, fish markets. • Category 3. Build and label 5 city features such as traffic lights, sidewalks, bus stops, intersections, pedestrian areas, etc. Label all streets with real names.
Category 2. • For all buildings in category 2 there must be a flag with a sentence in Spanish showing a) who works there, and b) what they do on that place. • Examples: • LA ESTACION DE BOMBEROS • El bomberoapagaincendios. • LA FRUTERIA. Se venden bananas y naranjas. • Grammar and Vocabulary correctness will be corrected by the teacher.
Research: • On the first day all members of a group will be researching the city of your choice. You will use Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/ • Find a map of the city using the search button. • If you select “My maps” you will be able to narrow your search by clicking on “Places of Interest” In this way you will find some of the places you need.
The last part of your project will consist of a discussion within your group before you answer the following questionnaire in English: 1. What unique or special buildings did you find in the city of your choice? Name them. 2. Why are they special or unique? 3. Can you find those buildings in your own community? 4. Could you find every building, store or city feature you were looking for in this city? 5. If you answer is yes, explain why do you think they were all easy to find. 6. If your answer is no, explain why do you think there are some buildings you could not find. 7. What do you think is the relation between the city you built and the culture of the country where it is located? 8. Is the morphology of the city you saw in google maps different from Omaha? Why? 9. Are there any similarities between Omaha and the city of your choice? Some of the previous questions may require discussion in your group and that you write more than one sentence to answer. A questionnaire sheet will be provided by the teacher.
10. What are those similarities. Explain in terms of morphology, services, buildings or other if any. 11. Do you think the city of your choice is more rural or urban? Why? 12. Are rural or urban areas in the United States different from the city of your choice? Why? 13. What other services or buildings do you think are important in a city that you did not show in your Spanish labels? 14. What services would you like to find in an ideal city of the future to make it more humane and easy to live? 15. Are there any city services in Omaha that make it easier to live compared to the city of your choice? 16. Are there any city services in the city of your choice that make it easier to live compared to Omaha? 17. To whom do you think all this information you researched could be meaningful? 18. Do you think this information about the city of your choice could have economic value to an American company wanting to invest in Spanish speaking country? How?