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“Great Learning Starts By Asking Great Questions”

“Great Learning Starts By Asking Great Questions”. Outline of Presentation. How to start. Kahoot creation. What is it?. Views. How to create Kahoots. What is Kahoot ?. How to create an account/login. How to play (teacher/student) view. What is Kahoot ?.

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“Great Learning Starts By Asking Great Questions”

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  1. “Great Learning Starts By Asking Great Questions” Krupp

  2. Outline of Presentation How to start Kahoot creation What is it? Views How to create Kahoots What is Kahoot? How to create an account/login How to play (teacher/student) view Krupp

  3. What is Kahoot? Krupp

  4. How To Create An Account/Login Krupp

  5. Go to www.getkahoot.com Krupp

  6. Click on “Get My Free Account” 1st time users Krupp

  7. Select what role applies to you. Krupp

  8. Complete the necessary fields. Suggestion: Place your username and password in a safe place to be able to access it throughout the year. Ex: Send yourself an email with username and password to your email and then make a folder of all of your passwords where you can access anywhere in the world 24/7. Krupp

  9. Suggestion: Click on “Watch Intro Video” It’s a 2:59 minute overview of how Kahoot works. Krupp

  10. How To Login As a Teacher Krupp

  11. Go to www.getkahoot.com Krupp

  12. Click on “Sign In” Krupp

  13. Complete the fields & then click “Sign In.” Krupp

  14. How To Create A “Kahoot” In simple terms, it means how to create a quiz/game. Krupp

  15. There are 3 options when creating a Kahoot. You can create a quiz, discussion, or survey. Krupp

  16. Two Ways To Get Started:Click “NewK!” or Select 1 of the 3 options Krupp

  17. Create a name to your quiz. Suggestion: Be specific when naming quiz so it is easy to recall for later instructional purposes. Krupp

  18. Understanding the basic template Krupp

  19. Type in the question. Need to customize your question? See next slide. Krupp

  20. Click on this to customize question. • Select characters for: • Latin • Currency • Math • Greek • Arrows Krupp

  21. Ability to add time/points to the question Question can have points/no points. Note: Cannot regulate the point value. Select amongst: 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120 seconds Krupp

  22. Type in answer choice(s) &then select the correct response. Type in answer choices here. Allows you to delete # of answer choices. Select correct/incorrect by clicking on the box. You are able to have more than one correct. answer. Krupp

  23. How To Add/Delete Question Scroll to the bottom of the question & locate this toolbar. Select the option of choice. Krupp

  24. How To “Reorder Images” Scroll to the bottom of the question & locate this toolbar. See next slide for more steps. Krupp

  25. Steps on reordering questions: Click on question you want to change. (It will turn to grey). 2. Then hold down the left cursor on keypad and drag it up or down to where you want it to go. Krupp

  26. “Next Settings” When done with the quiz, click on “next settings” Krupp

  27. Complete fields of choice. Tags link to age, subject, topic, etc. Krupp

  28. Quiz will have a “cover image” (optional).Select a pic that represents the quiz. Krupp

  29. Krupp

  30. How To Play The Software Krupp

  31. How To Play Step 1: Click on “Me” to locate quizzes already created. Krupp

  32. How To Play Step 2: Select the quiz of choice and press “play” Krupp

  33. How To Play Step 3: Turn on/off specific options to model your type of instruction. Krupp

  34. Students sign in with web at kahoot.it Students will enter the game-pin to get access. When students enter, their names will be placed here. This screen will be projected for all the learners to see in the classroom. This changes once players enter. Krupp

  35. How It Works Student(s) enter the game room and read the question that is being projected on whiteboard, LCD projector, etc. Students enter game room (pin needed) and answer question (need access to internet) in specific time and select correct response. Krupp

  36. Student’s View Login at kahoot.it Enter game pin. Student then selects correct response to the question. Kahoot acknowledges entrance into quiz/game. Krupp

  37. After all responses are in, it shows the correct answer and how many people answered each response. Krupp

  38. After each question, a scoreboard is presented on the projector. Krupp

  39. At the end of the game, this is the classroom view. Krupp

  40. Winner is Congratulated! Shows best score of incorrect/correct responses. Krupp

  41. Learners Give Feedback On Quiz 4 Criterion: Fun, Learning, Recommend, Feeling Krupp

  42. Click “Download Results” To Get Game Results in Spreadsheet Krupp

  43. Feedback in Xcel Spreadsheet Can easily translate these scores into grades in a classroom gradebook. Krupp

  44. Useful KahootWeblinks • KahootTutorial: (How To Get Started) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFFv6_6was4 • How To Play A Game Of Kahoot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2JbY979WUg • Kahoot in the classroom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjMf2aBcxsA Krupp

  45. Krupp

  46. Images • https://getkahoot.com/img/kahoot_meta_og_image.jpg • www.getkahoot.com • http://great-test-taker.com/images/teacher_login_final2.png • https://www.google.com/search?q=kahoot&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=WK_-U5TIBoLpggTK1oDYCw&sqi=2&ved=0CAkQ_AUoBA&biw=1684&bih=815#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=eF52HoXmMwO5pM%253A%3Bc9N8X0iyEC1WEM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ftech4teaching.info%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2014%252F03%252Fkahoot.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ftech4teaching.info%252F2014%252F03%252F27%252Fkahoot-game-based-student-resonse%252F%3B355%3B200 • http://media.tumblr.com/6b3c55947c1a4ede88919bbc41f05da2/tumblr_inline_mqfsusRWcb1qz4rgp.png • http://joanaflor.com/MorganRitchie/home/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Kahoot_colours-35.jpg • http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/keep-calm-and-play-kahoot-1.png • https://www.graphite.org/sites/default/files/experience-media-file/kahootjoinscreenlarge.png • http://cdn3.blogsdna.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Kahoot-.jpg • http://digitalgoonies.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/kahoot-Small.jpg • http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-G0BHz6ZFjU4/UqfwT3jAy-I/AAAAAAAAVZw/9ZOC2N2Fhs8/s1600/Kahoot13.png • http://38.media.tumblr.com/5e2e2b40c1cf989fee8cfdc919529118/tumblr_n8t498ejmj1snsa9ro1_1280.png Krupp

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