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Investigating Epilayer Defects in Thin Films using Rocking Curves

This article discusses common epilayer defects in thin films and explores the use of rocking curves to investigate these defects. Topics covered include layer and substrate peak splitting, broadening of layer peaks, the effects of sample position, mismatch in thin films, misorientation, dislocations, curvature, and relaxation.

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Investigating Epilayer Defects in Thin Films using Rocking Curves

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  1. Thin films (see Bowen & Tanner, High Resolution X-ray Diffractometry and Topography, Chap. 3) Common epilayer defects

  2. Thin films (see Bowen & Tanner, High Resolution X-ray Diffractometry and Topography, Chap. 3) Common epilayer defects Investigate using rocking curves

  3. Thin films (see Bowen & Tanner, High Resolution X-ray Diffractometry and Topography, Chap. 3) Common epilayer defects Investigate using rocking curves Layer & substrate peaks split rotation invariant

  4. Thin films Common epilayer defects Investigate using rocking curves Layer & substrate peaks split varies w/rotation

  5. Thin films Common epilayer defects Investigate using rocking curves Broadens layer peak invariant w/ beam size peak position invariant w/ sample position

  6. Thin films Common epilayer defects Investigate using rocking curves Broadens layer peak may increase w/ beam size peak position invariant w/ sample position

  7. Thin films Common epilayer defects Investigate using rocking curves Broadens layer peak increases w/ beam size peak position varies w/ sample position

  8. Thin films Common epilayer defects Investigate using rocking curves Layer & substrate peaks split splitting different for symmetric & asymmetric reflections

  9. Thin films Common epilayer defects Investigate using rocking curves Various effects vary w/ sample position

  10. Thin films Investigate using rocking curves Film thickness Integrated intensity changes increases w/ thickness Interference fringes

  11. Thin films Mismatch constrained relaxed

  12. Thin films Mismatch Layer & substrate peaks split – rotation invariant Measure, say, (004) peak separation , from which d/d = – cot  = m* (mismatch) constrained relaxed

  13.  = 90° Thin films Misorientation First, determine orientation of substrate rotate to bring plane normal into counter plane do scans at this position and at + 180° orientation angle = 1/2 difference in two angles

  14. shift +   = 90° Thin films Misorientation First, determine orientation of substrate Layer tilt (assume small) layer peak shifts w/  in scans

  15. shift –   = 90° Thin films Misorientation First, determine orientation of substrate Layer tilt (assume small) layer peak shifts w/  in scans

  16. no shift   = 90° Thin films Misorientation First, determine orientation of substrate Layer tilt (assume small) layer peak shifts w/  in scans

  17. no shift   = 90° Thin films Misorientation First, determine orientation of substrate Layer tilt (assume small) layer peak shifts w/  in scans

  18. Thin films Dislocations From: high mismatch strain, locally relaxed local plastic deformation due to strain growth dislocations

  19. Thin films Dislocations From: high mismatch strain, locally relaxed local plastic deformation due to strain growth dislocations Estimate dislocation density  from broadening  (radians) & Burgers vector b (cm):  = 2/9b2

  20. Thin films Curvature R = radius of curvature, s = beam diameter angular broadening = s/R =  beam radius broadening 5 mm 100 m 10"

  21. Thin films Relaxation Need to measure misfit parallel to interface Both mismatch & misorientation change on relaxation Interplanar spacings change with mismatch distortion & relaxation – changes splittings

  22. Thin films Relaxation Need to measure misfit parallel to interface Both mismatch & misorientation change on relaxation So, also need misfit perpendicular to interface Then, % relaxation is

  23. reflecting plane Thin films Relaxation Grazing incidence Incidence angle usually very low….~1-2° Limits penetration of specimen

  24. Thin films Relaxation Grazing incidence Incidence angle usually very low….~1-2° Limits penetration of specimen Penetration depth –G(x) = fraction of total diffracted intensity from layer x cm thick compared to infinitely thick specimen

  25. Thin films Relaxation Grazing incidence Incidence angle usually very low….~1-2° Limits penetration of specimen Penetration depth –G(x) = fraction of total diffracted intensity from layer x cm thick compared to infinitely thick specimen

  26. reflecting plane Thin films Relaxation Grazing incidence Incidence angle usually very low….~1-2° Reflection not from planes parallel to specimen surface

  27. Thin films Relaxation Grazing incidence If incidence angle ~0.1-5° & intensity measured in symmetric geometry (incident angle = reflected angle), get reflectivity curve

  28. Thin films Relaxation Need to measure misfit parallel to interface Use grazing incidence e.g., (224) or (113)

  29. Thin films Relaxation Use grazing incidence e.g., (224) or (113) Need to separate tilt from true splitting Tilt effect reversed on rotation of  = 180° Mismatch splitting unchanged on rotation

  30. Thin films Relaxation Use grazing incidence e.g, (224) or (113) For grazing incidence: i = +  –  splitting betwn substrate & layer

  31. Thin films Relaxation Use grazing incidence e.g, (224) or (113) For grazing incidence: i = +  e = –  Can thus get both and 

  32. Thin films Relaxation Also, And

  33. Thin films Relaxation Also, And Finally

  34. Thin films Homogeneity Measure any significant parameter over a grid on specimen Ex: compositional variation get composition using Vegards law measure lattice parameter(s) – calculate relaxed mismatch

  35. Thin films Homogeneity Measure any significant parameter over a grid on specimen Ex: variation of In content in InAlAs layer on GaAs

  36. Thin films Thickness For simple structure layer, layer peak integrated intensity increases monotonically w/ thickness calculated curves

  37. Thin films Thickness For simple structure layer, layer peak integrated intensity increases monotonically w/ thickness Note thickness fringes Can use to estimate thickness calculated curves

  38. Thin films Thickness For simple structure layer, layer peak integrated intensity increases monotonically w/ thickness calculated curves

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