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Cartography at the International Civil Aviation Organization

Learn about the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and its role in setting international standards for aeronautical charts. Explore the different types of charts and their usage, including instrument flight rules (IFR) charts, aerodrome charts, and obstacle charts. Discover the regional planning process and the Airport Characteristics Databank. Also, find out about the challenges in the amendment process and the goal of providing charting and GIS functionality through the web.

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Cartography at the International Civil Aviation Organization

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  1. Cartography at the International Civil Aviation Organization

  2. The International Civil Aviation Organization • specialized agency of the United Nations • sets international standards for the safety, security, efficiency and regularity of air transport • improving safety is ICAOs main activity • serves as a medium for co-operation among its 185 member States

  3. Background information about ICAO • headquarters in Montreal • seven regional offices • Bangkok, Cairo, Dakar, Lima, Mexico, Nairobi and Paris • technical standards for most aspects of international civil aviation are contained in the 18 ICAO Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation

  4. Annex 4 - Aeronautical Charts • contains Standards and recommended practices for 17 types of aeronautical charts • ICAO does not produce these operational charts - they are published and distributed by the civil aviation authorities of ICAO member States • Planning and visual navigation charts • Aeronautical Chart - ICAO Small scale • World Aeronautical Chart - ICAO 1:1 000 000 • Aeronautical Chart - ICAO 1:500 000

  5. Annex 4 - Aeronautical Charts • Instrument flight rules (IFR) charts • Enroute Chart - ICAO • Plotting Chart - ICAO • Area Chart - ICAO • Standard Arrival Chart - Instrument (STAR) - ICAO • Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) - ICAO • Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO

  6. Annex 4 - Aeronautical Charts • Charts of the aerodrome and vicinity • Visual Approach Chart - ICAO • Aerodrome /Heliport Chart - ICAO • Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart - ICAO • Aircraft Parking/Docking Chart - ICAO • Aerodrome Obstacle Charts • Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - ICAO • Types A, B and C • used for calculating aircraft performance limitations

  7. Annex 4 - Aeronautical Charts • includes specifications for colour and symbology • requirement for all geographical coordinates to be stated in terms of the WGS-84 geodetic reference datum • Includes aeronautical data quality requirements • supported by the ICAO Aeronautical Chart Manual and WGS-84 Manual

  8. Regional Planning • requirement for civil aviation authorities to plan and implement air navigation facilities in cooperation with each other • world is divided into seven ICAO regions • each has its own Air Navigation Plan Publication (ANP) which is frequently amended

  9. Regional Planning • Air Navigation Plans contain detailed tabulations of planned air navigation facilities with associated charts • include charts of flight information regions, air routes, aids to navigation, aerodrome usage, search and rescue, MET, COM and AIS facililties • not for operational use

  10. Airport characteristics databank • provides information on over 1000 of the worlds main airports • runway lengths, slopes, bearing strengths, lighting, obstacles, etc. • data from State AIPs and ICAO missions • intended for planning purposes not operational use

  11. ICAO cartographic unit • Air Navigation Bureau, AIS/MAP Section • MapGrafix, ArcView, Adobe Illustrator • basic back ground political map is from digital chart of the world • aeronautical data is from ICAO regional meetings, regional planning groups and approved ANP amendment proposals • Microsoft Excell and Filemaker Pro • Adobe Acrobat pdf

  12. Problems • our ANP amendment process is not as efficient as it could be • goal to give ICAO regional offices charting and GIS functionality through the WEB • two way link between the data base and chart required with an amendment history • difficult to ascertain and plot appropriate political boundary representations • world elevation data would be useful

  13. Formats • shape files- shp,shx,dbf • ANP chart scale - typically 1: 5 000 000 • for special projects 1: 500 000 and larger • multiscale data base would be useful • accuracy (usually to one second), elevations/heights to 3m or 1m • geodetic datum - WGS-84

  14. Other ICAO AIS/MAP documents • Aeronautical Chart Catalogue (Doc 7101) • Aeronautical Information Services Provided by States (Doc 7383) • Location Indicators (Doc 7910), • Designators for Aircraft Operating Agencies, Aeronautical Authorities and Services (Doc 8585) • Aircraft Type Designators(Doc 8643)

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