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Jean-François JANIN 2009 年11月10-11 based on communications by: Sébastien RABUEL (CERTU) , Jun LI (IDDRI), Zhenyu LI (CATS). Transport with a high level of service in France 法国高品质交通. WWW.developpement-durable.gouv.fr. French Transport with high level of service 法国高品质交通.
Jean-François JANIN 2009年11月10-11 based on communications by: Sébastien RABUEL (CERTU) , Jun LI (IDDRI), Zhenyu LI (CATS) • Transport with a high level of service in France • 法国高品质交通 WWW.developpement-durable.gouv.fr
French Transport with high level of service 法国高品质交通 Definitions of urban transport of people using specific infrastructures (French TCSP ) 使用专用的基础设施的城市交通的定义(法国公交专用道) • Metros: the track is totally inaccessible for pedestrians 地铁:铁轨对行人完全封闭 • Urban public transport of people on “devoted” lanes are divided in: • 城市公交专用道可分为: • Tramways (light rail): vehicles guided by rail, with a specific legislation • 现代电车(轻轨):轨道导向车辆,具有具体的运行规则 • Bus with a high level of service(BHNS): vehicles under the common laws on road circulation 高品质巴士:车辆需遵守路规 • When the vehicles are guided on a part of their course, the 2 legislations are applied • 当车辆在混合型的基础设施上运行时,须遵守上述两种不同的运行规则
The tramways 现代电车 • 二战后,法国电车几乎完全被拆除以给小汽车让路。30年之后,法国重建电车,鼓励人们用电车代替小汽车出行。 French tramways were almost totally dismantled after World War II because they took the place of cars on the streets. They were reinvented 30 years after, for the exactly opposite reasons • 在街道、建筑物和店面完全改造后,南特( 1985 年),格勒诺布尔( 1987 年),卢昂 和斯塔拉斯堡( 1994年)分别在市区开通了现代电车Nantes (1985), Grenoble (1987), Rouen and Strasbourg (1994) opened tramway lines in central districts, after complete renovation of the streets, buildings and shopfronts • 2009年:17个城市至少开通一条现代电车线(总线路407公里)2009: 17 cities have at least one tramway line (total 407 km) • 至2015年,10 个城市将开通现代电车线 (总线路750公里) 2015: 10 cities will join “the club” (total 750 km)
高品质巴士 Bus with high level of service (BHNS) • 即使在一个具有20万人口的城市,一条高品质巴士线不足以推动公共交通的使用,需有序渐进的实现高品质巴士路线网。高品质巴士与现代电车和地铁相互补充,适用于乘客量少的区域Even in cities of 200 000 inhabitants, a unique THNS line is not sufficient to promote the use of public transport, a progressive and visible deployment of a network of several lines is necessary. BHNS are deployed for lines with lower ridership in synergy with tramways and metro • 高品质巴士: BHNS has been decided as: • 南特在实现了3条现代电车线之后,开通了称作 ’’BusWay”高品质巴士线 In Nantes as a 4th line of THNS, after 3 tramway lines, and is called BusWay • 卢昂在实现了1条现代电车线之后,开通了高品质巴士线 In Rouen as a 2d line of THNS, after a 1st line of tramway • 在巴黎地区,正推行1个包括140条高品质的巴士线(760公里)的计划来减少小汽车交通In Paris area, a plan to reduce the traffic of cars includes 140 MOBILIEN lines (760 km) with increased quality of service
巴黎80条巴士线的改善计划 Mobilien: a program to improve 80 lines in Paris area 巴士专用道及公交优先的交通信号系统有利于提高商业运速和减少交通堵塞 Protected lanes and traffic signal priority increase the commercial speed and reduce congestion 巴士停靠站信息:巴士到站的等待时间Information at stop: Expected time of arrival and routes of the next vehicles 巴士上:下一停靠站站名,票价In the bus: Name of the next stop, integrated tariffs when commuting 5
预计候车时间Expected waiting time before arrival of next buses 通过电话也可得到信息:《 巴黎公交就在口袋中!》 Available also on mobile phones : « My RATP in my pocket » AAaaaaoop
现代电车Tramways • 现代电车已在法国很多城市应用,与地铁连接形成换乘系统, 在一些客流量不足以开通地铁线的城市,现代电车成为地铁的替代方案:20万居民的法国城市汉斯的现代电车项目 • Tramways have been implemented in many French cities in connection or in substitution of metros, on routes whose estimated trafic does not justify a metro line: Project in Reims: 200 000 inhabitants 7
决策Decision making • 城市交通管理委员会: Urban transport authorities • 与运营商签订协定Contracts with transport operators • 票价Decides on tariffs • 投资Funding • 对总体规划和公开听证会做研究 Make studies on master plans and public hearing • 和公众及私人机构组织对交通和出行的讨论会Organize discussions with public and private bodies concerned by mobility and transport
城市交通管理委员会: 269个 269 public transport authorities • 43个城市交通管理委员会负责超过20万居民的城市交通管理,其中 43 have more than 200 000 inhabitants • 10个负责超过40万居民的城市, 10 have more than 400 000 inhabitants • 3个负责超过百万居民的城市,如里昂、里尔和马赛3 millionaires : Lyon s, Lille, Marseille • 226个城市交通管理委员会负责20万居民以下的城市的交通管理。226 less than 200 000 habitants
城市出行总体规划 Mobility master plan • 是一份与城市居民出行政策有关的文件。 • An official document about the mobility policy of the city • 统筹规划的领域包括所有的交通模式:私人汽车、公共汽车、有轨电车、地铁、出租车、自行车、货运…… • All transport modes are included ( private cars, bus, tramways, métros, taxis, bicycles, transport of goods …) • 条列施行措施,以改善运输效率、减少污染、节约能源,并确保所有城区居民的使用方便。Contains all the measures to be taken to improve efficiency of transportation system, réduce pollution, spare énergy, improve the accessibilité of all the districts • 必须经过公开民意调查同意。Approved after a public hearing
如何比较现代电车和高品质巴士 How to compare tramways and BHNS ? • 容量:在法国,当单向每小时乘客量超过2500人次时,现代电车更具有竞争力Capacity: in the French context , buses can't compete with tramways when there are more than 2500 passengers/ hour/ direction • 成本:计算需基于一个相对长时期的乘客量:一条现代电车线可使用40年,而这期间,城市可能会有很大的改变Cost: calculation need to be based on previsions of ridership on a relatively long period: A tramway line may be used for 40 years and the city will change during this period • 风险:即使在系统成功的条件下,如何保持其服务质量 • Risk: how to maintain the quality of service even if the system is successful ? • 城市规划和交通的协调性:电车可视为城市结构的一部分,连接多模式交通枢纽和出行产生点 • Coherence between urban planning and transport: tramway can be seen as a piece of the structure of the city , linking multimodal transport nodes and poles generating movements 11 Réunion Rapport d'activité 2007 Du 7 au 9 mai 2008
可持续城市交通 Sustainable urban transport • 城市交通在能源消耗和排放中占重要的地位The urban transport takes an important place in energy consumption and emissions. • 法国城市机动性占 Urban mobility in France represents: • 40% of total flows of passengers 客流量的40% • 53% of the emissions of gas with greenhouse effect of this sector 交通温室效应气体排放量的53% 可持续性意味着尽量减少能源消耗和二氧化碳排放量:结果评估需要各部门之间的合作,评估各方面的改善情况:Sustainability implies minimization of energy consumption and CO2 emissions: Evaluation need cooperation between stake holders to evaluate improvements of: • 公交线路a bus line • 城市的大交通系统 the whole transport system of a city • 整个城市包括住房……the whole city including housing ... 12
不同交通模式尾气排放比较Comparison between emissions from different modes 年巴黎公交总公司的测量结果显示,在通常情况下,巴士和小汽车的尾气排放量(按人均计算)不相上下,但是在非高峰小时,一辆乘满5人的私家车比巴士更有效。另一比较指标为汽车每公里的CO2排放量Results given for PARIS- RATP (2005) In normal circumstances, bus can compete with cars, but in off-peak hours, a bus can be less efficient than a private car with 5 persons Comparisons could also be made with gCO2/veh.km 13 Réunion Rapport d'activité 2007 Du 7 au 9 mai 2008
建模Modelling • 一个重要的衡量工具 A very important tool for evaluation: • - 计算交通量,平均速度和加速度 calculate traffics, average speeds and accelerations • - 作出预测和分析方案 make forecasts and analyze scenarios • - 结果值取决于数据质量 value of results depends on quality of data • 各交通机构对数据具有不同目的(规划,运行,乘客信息 …),数据收集、处理与分配的成本可由各机构共同分担(各基础设施和交通管理中心)。数据质量是某一特定区域各机构之间相互合作的条件和结果。Cost of data collection, processing and distribution, can be mutualized between different actors (infrastructure and transport management centers) and different purposes (planning, operation, passengers information...). Quality of data is the condition and the results of cooperations of all the stake holders on a certain territory( district, urban area ...) 14 Réunion Rapport d'activité 2007 Du 7 au 9 mai 2008
How to compare emissions ? 如何比较尾气排放 • 相对“容易”和有意义的 Relatively “easy” and meaningful: • 同一行程的两种不同交通模式的尾气排放比较Emissions of two modes of transport for the same trip • 同一交通系统在不同时期的尾气排放比较 (一天的不同时段比较,假期与工作日的比较,现今与10年后的比较…) Emissions of the same transport system at different periods (hours of day, holidays/workdays , now and in 10 years ...) • 较大难度的比较方式,需慎重使用More difficult and to use carefully • 不同城市和不同国家之间进行比较(气候,文化,城市形态,公共空间的规划,现有的基础设施和运输情况…)Emissions in different cities and different countries (climate, culture, urban morphologies, regulation on public spaces, existing infrastructures and transit ...) • 负责可持续交通和城市规划的地方政府需对各种不同的方法进行比较、验证和跟进 Methods need to be compared, validated and followed by authorities in charge of sustainable mobility and urban planning 15 Réunion Rapport d'activité 2007 Du 7 au 9 mai 2008