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Tiger / Carnivore Sign Survey. Intensive search for tiger sign Minimum 15 km search in most likely areas in each Beat 3-5 searches each of 4-6 km Important to record distance covered in each search. Data Sheet-1 Data Sheet for Tiger, Leopard & Other Carnivore Sign Encounter Rate.
Tiger / Carnivore Sign Survey • Intensive search for tiger sign • Minimum 15 km search in most likely areas in each Beat • 3-5 searches each of 4-6 km • Important to record distance covered in each search
Data Sheet-1 Data Sheet for Tiger, Leopard & Other Carnivore Sign Encounter Rate
Ungulate Encounter Rates • Establish line transect 2-4 km (or seg. >2 km) in each beat. • Walk early morning. Count no. of each species, group size, young of the year.
Data Sheet-2 Encounter Rate on Line Transects
Vegetation : Canopy Cover • Subjectively classify the canopy cover as <0.1, 0.1-0.2, 0.2-0.4, 0.4-0.6, 0.6-0.8, >0.8
Data Sheet-3A Vegetation (15m radius plot) Name of Observer: …………………. Date: ………………… Forest Division…………………. Range: ………………………………… Beat: ………………… ID No. of Line Transect: ……… *Bamboo more than 2m is entered in “Tree” category, less than 2m in “Shrub” category
Vegetation & Human Disturbance Survey • Along every 200 m on established transect • List 5 tree & shrub species in order of dominance within 15m radius • List signs of wood cutting, lopping, grass cutting, human trails within 15m radius
Data Sheet-3B Human Disturbance Name of Observer: …………………. Date: ………………… Forest Division…………………. Range: ………………………………… Beat: ………………… ID No. of Line Transect: ……… Are there any permanent human settlements in the beat? (Yes/No). If Yes, how many?_____. Approximate human population___________, Approximate livestock population _______ Cattle, _______ Goat/Sheep, _______ Other Livestock. Is there NTFP collection in the beat____ Yes/No. If yes, what NTFP is collected_____________, __________, ___________, ___________, Rate NTFP collection on a scale of 0-4, 0-No to 4-Very high_______________, _______________, _______________, ______________.
Vegetation : Ground Cover • At every vegetation plot (every 200m on line transect) quantify ground cover. • Record % of 2m radius plot that is covered with grass, herbs, weeds, bare ground. • List 3 dominant grass species, herb species, weeds.
Data Sheet-3C Recording Ground Cover (1 m radius or 2m diameter plot ) Name of Observer: …………………. Date: ………………… Forest Division…………………. Range: ………………………………… Beat: ………………… ID No. of Line Transect: ………
At 5 random locations along the line transect (at least 200m apart) sample a 2 by 20 m strip. • Classify and count ungulate pellets to species (wild & domestic) Ungulate Pellet Counts
Data Sheet-4 Pellet Counts of Ungulates Name of Observer: …………………. Date: ………………… Forest Division…………………. Range: ………………………………… Beat: ………………… ID No. of Line Transect: ……… *Based on your personal knowledge mention if the species occurs in the beat irrespective of whether its dung was recorded or not. 1. Do goat/sheep graze the sampled area ? Yes / No 2. In case pellets are obtained in large piles then these could be categorized into the following categories:
Data Sheet-5 Track Plot for Carnivores and Mega Herbivores (Pressure Impressure Pad) Name of Observer: …………………. Date: ………………… Forest Division…………………. Range: ………………………………… Beat: ………………… ID No. of Track Plot: ………..…
Data Sheet-6 Patrol Form Name of Guard: …….…. Date: ………………… Forest Division…………..…… Range: ……………………. Beat: ………………… No. of Persons on Patrol:….. ……… Armed……………. Unarmed………………….. Patrol Type: General Duties, Investigations, Surveillance, Others Patrol Method: Foot, Jeep, Motorbike, Bicycle, Elephant and Others M – Male, F – Female, Un – Unknown, Y – Young, Ad – Adult.