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IAN Exchange Linking people and ideas to advance autism research

The IAN Exchange is an online Community of Practice empowering autism researchers to exchange knowledge, collaborate globally, and foster best practices. Join to connect, learn, and advance research.

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IAN Exchange Linking people and ideas to advance autism research

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  1. IAN Exchange Linking people and ideas to advance autism research

  2. The IAN Exchange is an online Community of Practice for Autism Researchers that will: • Enable the exchange/convergence of community knowledge and ideas • Promote collaboration in the autism research community IAN Exchange

  3. But what’s a Community of Practice (CoP)? A network made up of individuals who share: • Set of concerns • Common mandate • Sense of purpose IAN Exchange

  4. But more than just a community, CoPs, like Guilds: • Span borders of organizational and geographic boundaries intentionally • Complement existing structures • Promote collaboration, information exchange, and the development of best practices • Self-governed and managed IAN Exchange

  5. A Very Brief History of CoPs • The first known ‘CoPs’ (Guilds) were developed in India 2000 – 500 B.C. • Term coined in 1991 • The first known (by me) ONLINE CoP was developed in Baltimore in 1990 IAN Exchange

  6. Known as the Genome Database Project… • It organized and amassed information about the subject at hand • It was maintained by the researchers themselves – they were the ‘curators’ of the information IAN Exchange

  7. And…it organized the peopleand brought them together in new collaborations in a brand new way IAN Exchange

  8. In the 21st Century, Online CoPs exist in most professions The Best: Organize people, organizations, and groups. IAN Exchange

  9. The Best: Provide tools that help professionals get their work done better IAN Exchange

  10. The Best: Allow the professionals do it by themselves (with a little help from the staff)! IAN Exchange

  11. The Best: Provide mechanisms for groups and individuals to manage their knowledge assets IAN Exchange

  12. The Best: Create unprecedented partnerships IAN Exchange

  13. The Best: Foster informal learning and exchange of experiences. IAN Exchange

  14. Most importantly: Become an essential part of the participants’ lives. IAN Exchange

  15. Most importantly: Become an essential part of the participants’ lives. IAN Exchange

  16. But why do autism researchers need this? IAN Exchange

  17. Because autism researchers come from…. IAN Exchange

  18. A variety of disciplines… Psychiatry Genetics Neurobiology Education Anthropology Physical Therapy Psychology Pediatrics Occupational Therapy Epidemiology Public Health Psychopharmacology Sociology Speech and Language Etc. IAN Exchange

  19. A variety of institutions… Universities Clinics Schools Hospitals Non-profits/NGOs Governmental agencies from local to national Etc. IAN Exchange

  20. All over the world… IAN Exchange

  21. We publish in scores of journals… American Journal of Medical Genetics Current Opinion in Psychiatry Journal of Neuroscience Research Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders Archives of General Psychiatry Clinical Endocrinology CNS Spectrums Pediatrics Pediatric Clinics of North America Biological Psychiatry American Journal of Mental Retardation Pediatric Nursing Journal of Child Language Epilepsia Etc. IAN Exchange

  22. But much of what we learn comes from peers and mentors… IAN Exchange

  23. Do you want to expand your horizons, explore new territory, learn from the experiences of others, and become part of an international collaboration? IAN Exchange

  24. How will the IAN Exchange help? IAN Exchange

  25. The IAN Exchange will provide secure online meeting rooms where existing groups can discuss their projects and share and organize their documentsand other digital assets Centers Networks Committees Professional Associations Boards of Directors Research Projects Multi-center studies Departments IAN Exchange

  26. The IAN Exchange will provide Special Interest Areas (Cafes) where ad hoc groups can discuss and share assets on topics of interest. Immunology Maternal depression Cross-cultural attitudes Special diets FMRP deficiency Educational interventions Grant writers Research on adults with Asperger’s Autism and females Phenotypes Journal Clubs IAN Research Data Users IAN Research Subject Recruitment Assistance Users IAN Community Authors IAN Exchange Leaders Group Etc. IAN Exchange

  27. The IAN Exchange will foster a self-organizing, community-rated, searchable library containing all manner of ‘assets.’ Projects Findings Images Films Discussions Podcasts Documents PowerPoint Slides Ideas People Groups Lectures Online Learning Modules Etc. IAN Exchange

  28. The IAN Exchange will build trust with the broader autism community by allowing them to be observers of selected groups and assets. IAN Exchange

  29. How will the IAN Exchange help? • Enable life-long learning • Broaden the circle for informal learning (learning from experiences) • Facilitate important day-to-day collaborative activities • Allow you to participate in a variety of collaborative activities (from your lab to international consortia) with one USER NAME and PASSWORD • Foster interaction between new/more junior and senior/more experienced • Move knowledge assets fluidly from group to group • Tie your work to the other internet assets. IAN Exchange

  30. But better than that, the IAN Exchange will help you: • Adapt to pace of change in creation and dissemination of knowledge • Create a stronger synchrony of efforts • Create a culture of shared responsibility • Engage the public in the research agenda • Address the ethical, legal, and social issues involved in autism research • Foster the notion that data derived from the people should serve the public good (Source: Derived from IOM Roundtable on Evidence-Based Medicine) IAN Exchange

  31. How can you help? • Start your own or facilitate a special interest group • Open your own meeting rooms • Engage other researchers in the project! IAN Exchange

  32. Coming soon to a browser near you… IAN Exchange

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