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eNARFE Florida. A BRIEFING FOR MEMBERS ON A NEW OPTION FOR NARFE MEMBERSHIP. This is an introduction to NARFE’s new eNARFE membership option. Actual operation of an eNARFE chapter is subject to its Constitution and Bylaws. eNARFE ?.
eNARFE Florida A BRIEFING FOR MEMBERS ON A NEW OPTION FOR NARFE MEMBERSHIP This is an introduction to NARFE’s new eNARFE membership option. Actual operation of an eNARFE chapter is subject to its Constitution and Bylaws
eNARFE? • eNARFE chapters are a new membership option authorized by the NARFE National Executive Board in December of 2010 • It provides all of the same benefits of NARFE membership, and more • eNARFE chapters are a new option for members who prefer to participate in NARFE electronically • Current and retired federal employees can still choose the traditional NARFE membership, which includes a local chapter affiliation eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
eNARFE Florida? • eNARFE Florida is a new NARFE chapter that is not zip code based • eNARFE Florida covers the entire state of Florida and utilizes the new eNARFE chapter form of electronic membership eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
All electronic? • With an eNARFE chapter membership, all communications are electronic • With the exception of the NARFE magazine, which is mailed monthly (but there is an option to opt-out of the paper copy) • eNARFE chapter members are provided electronic updates from Capitol Hill, action alerts, and weekly legislative hotlines, plus a virtual gathering place for discussion groups and interaction with other members • Members also will have access to the latest news coverage related to federal workers and retirees, general benefits information and advice, also CSRS and FERS-related information eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Any person who is or will be eligible to receive an annuity from any of the civilian retirement programs of an agency of the government of the U.S. or D.C.. His/her spouse is also eligible NARFE member can join Any person who is or will be eligible to receive an annuity from any of the civilian retirement programs of an agency of the government of the U.S. or D.C.. His/her spouse is also eligible NARFE member can join Must maintain an active email address Current NARFE members with an active email address can transfer to an eNARFE Chapter Membership eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Monthly chapter membership and Executive Board meetings are face-to-face Some chapters in Florida do not meet in the summer, or meet informally in the summer All Executive Board and member meetings will be via conference call, Webinar, etc. No need to travel to meetings Meetings eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Officers consist of President, one or two VPs, Secretary, Treasurer (or Secretary-Treasurer) Other officials can include, but are not limited to Legislation, Membership (recruiting and retention), Public Relations, ALZ, FEEA, Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, etc Officers consist of President, Executive VP, Secretary, Treasurer (or Secretary-Treasurer) Other officials can include, but are not limited to Communications Officer (includes website maintenance and internal chapter communications protocols) , Legislation, Membership (recruiting and retention), Public Relations, ALZ, FEEA, etc. Organization eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Located in a District with assistance provided by a District Vice President Sits with other chapters in the District at Federation Conventions Statewide, not associated with a District Oversight and assistance provided by designee on the Federation Executive Board Sits in an assigned area among the Districts at Federation Conventions Where eNARFE Florida fits organizationally in the Federation eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Constitution and Bylaws (or a combination), Policies, managed by the chapter reflecting how the chapter is to operate Constitution and Bylaws (or a combination), Policies, managed by the chapter reflecting how the chapter is to operate Bylaws vary from the NARFE HQ model to reflect the total electronic nature of the chapter Governing documents eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Website is encouraged Website host can be purchased from any source NARFE host is preferred Provides uniformity with other NARFE sites Allows easy transfer of management from one member to another Provides easy access to technical help from NARFE HQ Website should be set up to require minimal maintenance while providing timely info Links should be provided so the actual source of info is readily available and does not have to be repeated by the chapter If the chapter were to use NARFE as it’s webhost, its website would be www.narfe.org/chapternumber. Website is mandatory and hosted by NARFE National All eNARFE websites will be designated as www.enarfe.org/statename and use a HQ supplied template for uniformity with other eNARFE sites Allows easy transfer of management from one member to another Provides easy access to technical help from NARFE HQ Local content managed by the eNARFE Chapter Website requires minimal chapter maintenance while providing timely info Links provided so the actual source of info is readily available and does not have to be repeated by the chapter Website eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Chapter can use: Monthly/periodic face-to-face meetings Newsletters Postcards Calling Tree email Conference calls Webinar Facebook, etc. Chapter uses: Conference calls Webinar GEMS, through coordination with the Federation President Email National is setting up a blog for eNARFE Florida members, and will maintain and manage a blog for all eNARFE members nationwide Facebook, etc. Internal chapter communications eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Members receive hard copy magazine, but can opt-out and receive electronic only Members with their email address with NARFE can sign up to receive GEMS messages, Action Alerts, etc Members without email will get Action Alert phone calls Members receive hard copy magazine, but can opt-out and receive electronic only Members will automatically be signed up to receive emailed GEMS messages, Action Alerts, etc. Communications from NARFE HQ eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Like any business, should be set via an annual planning and budgeting process which assures enough funds to communicate with its members, take actions to recruit and retain members, take actions to advocate for the membership, and pay in whole or in part for at least one representative to attend Federation and National Conventions Will be set via an annual planning and budgeting process which assures enough funds to Communicate with its members Recruiting and retention efforts Take advocacy action If funds are available to support: Pay in whole or in part for at least one representative to attend Federation and National Conventions Pay in whole or in part for one or more members to participate in person at other NARFE meetings, or meetings associated with NARFE’s mission, where appropriate Since it is not known how many members will join the chapter in its first year, its first budget will be set by the Chapter’s EB in coordination with the Federation EB, and will include: Seed money from the Federation and possibly Matching Funds from NARFE HQ Chapter budget eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Classic chapters can keep their checking account and other investments, if any (CDs, money markets) in any federally insured institution Some keep their money locally, some use the NARFE Premier Credit Union Since eNARFE Florida members will reside all over the state, when a new Treasurer takes over, moving money form one bank to another would be difficult The Chapter may keep its funds in any federally insured bank or credit union that has full electronic and bank-by-mail processes Where will the chapter checking account and investments be kept eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Officers elected once a year, usually at the annual meeting. Requires a quorum and then a vote of the attendees. May also provide for proxy votes First set of officers will be appointed by NARFE Florida, Inc. President and confirmed by the NFI Executive Board Thereafter, officers will be elected, providing a quorum exists, and appointees will be selected pursuant to the chapter Bylaws. Future elections will be held electronically in a fashion to be determined Election of officers eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
How many eNARFE chapters will there be in Florida • NARFE National has limited the formation of eNARFE chapters to the Federation level • The Florida Federation EB has decided to limit to one the number of eNARFE chapters in Florida at this time eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
What will the Federation do with the 10% of National dues it receives for each member in the eNARFE Florida Chapter? • All 10% funds the Florida Federation receives from NARFE HQ go into the Federation general fund to be used pursuant to its annual budget • All chapter funds go into the Chapter general fund to be used pursuant to its annual budget • The Florida Federation EB is being asked to budget seed money for eNARFE Florida’s first year of operation • Matching Funds may be sought from NARFE Headquarters eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Can a classic chapter set up an electronic component? • NARFE National has limited the formation of eNARFE chapters to the Federation level • The Federation urges all classic chapters to do as much as they can electronically, however, • Only about 20% of our current members have email, so the electronic component would have minimal impact on operations and budgets for most chapters eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
I am a current member, and want to join eNARFE Florida – how do I do that? • Current members can transfer to eNARFE Florida, or any other chapter, by: • Completing a NARFE Member Request for Chapter Transfer, Form F-84 (02/08), and faxing or mailing it to the Membership Department at NARFE National • eNARFE Florida is Chapter 2364 eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
I like the people and activities in my current chapter, but I like eNARFE Florida, too • If members want to join eNARFE Florida, and remain affiliated with their current chapter, they can do so by transferring to eNARFE Florida, and remain an informal/social/associate member of their current chapter. eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
How does a potential member join an eNARFE Chapter? • While hard copy applications will still be accepted, all membership applications will direct applicants to go online to join through the NARFE website • Online applications will be handled electronically and get the new members on the membership roles quicker • Each member joining online will have the option to select a state eNARFE Chapter, if one is available, or the National eNARFE Chapter 2363 • If no state eNARFE Chapter exists, membership will default to Chapter 2363 • As each state eNARFE Chapter is developed, members from Chapter 2363 will be offered the option to transfer to his/her state eNARFE Chapter eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Dues withholding • All retired members of eNARFE Florida are urged to sign up for Dues Withholding, to • Eliminate another source of paper communications • Reduce NARFE mailing costs so resources can be better targeted for advocacy • Reduce the member’s National Dues by 15% • Assure their NARFE membership continues from year to year • Unfortunately, dues withholding is not yet available to active federal employees, however • Active federal employees could arrange for monthly, quarterly or annual allotments from a checking or savings account eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
How will potential members know of the option of joining eNARFE Florida or a conventional chapter? • NARFE Florida, Inc. will promote eNARFE Florida when funds are available • NARFE National has begun an eNARFE marketing campaign, however it is has been limited to the National eNARFE chapter. • National will adjust its marketing campaign and the NARFE website after eNARFE Florida is chartered, and as other eNARFE chapters are chartered eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Why should I join eNARFE Florida and not the National eNARFE Chapter • NARFE’s eNARFE initiative began with a pilot chapter run by NARFE Headquarters • Members in Florida were concerned that if a lot of Floridians were to join the pilot chapter, NARFE in Florida would lose its voice and political punch • Remember, “all politics are local” • NARFE Florida, Inc. believes that, since NARFE is a legislative lobbying association, a home state eNARFE Chapter would be in the best interest of the Florida membership • A NARFE member can join any chapter he/she wants • If you live in Florida, have an active email address, and want to join an eNARFE Chapter, eNARFE Florida is the best choice eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
Will the eNARFE Florida Chapter and its members have the same voting power at Federation and National conventions as members of conventional chapters? • Yes • Voting power for National conventions is specified in the National Bylaws • Voting power for Federation Conventions is specified in the Federation Bylaws eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
How will eNARFE Florida members vote at chapter elections? • NARFE National is seeking the most effective and cost efficient electronic method to conduct chapter elections eNARFE Florida 4-18-11
For more information on eNARFE Florida www.enarfe.org/Florida