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ESL & APPR: where do they meet?. Dr. Annette SHIDELER August 23, 2013. Goals of Workshop. Provide a very general overview of the field of ESL… Review latest data from NYSED regarding standardized test results of ELLs across New York…
ESL & APPR: where do they meet? Dr. Annette SHIDELER August 23, 2013
Goals of Workshop • Provide a very general overview of the field of ESL… • Review latest data from NYSED regarding standardized test results of ELLs across New York… • What should you see when you walk into an ESL classroom and why…
True or False? • Turn to your neighbor • Take 3 minutes to answer the following --
How did you do? • Adults learn second languages more quickly and easily than young children. _______ • Students in ESL only programs, with no schooling in their native language, take 7-10 years to reach grade level norm. ____________ • A lot of immigrant children have learning disabilities, not language problems. They speak English just fine but they are still failing academically. _______________ • Older generations of immigrants learned without all the special language programs that immigrant children receive now. It was “sink or swim” and they did fine! _________ • Second language learners will acquire academic English faster if their parents speak English at home. _________
The more time students spend soaking up English in the mainstream classroom, the more quickly they will learn the language. ___________ • Once Students can speak English, they are ready to undertake the academic tasks of the mainstream classroom. __________ • Cognitive and academic development in native language has an important and positive effect on second language acquisition. ____________ • The culture of students doesn’t affect how long it takes them to acquire English. All students learn language the same way. _______________ • All children learn a second language in the same way. ___________
Stages of Language Acquisition • Pre-Production/Silent Period -- Entering • Early Production -- Emerging • Speech Emergence -- Transitioning • Intermediate Fluency – Expanding • Proficient -- Commanding
Bilingual Common Core Initiative http://www.engageny.org/resource/new-york-state-bilingual-common-core-initiative
What should you see in ESL lesson plans… • ESL Standards to be addressed • Content area standards to be addressed • Essential question for unit/Higher Order question for lesson • Learning/content objective • Language objective common everyday words academic words possible multiple meaning words Syntax to be mastered Differentiation for language levels Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Components identified for every lesson
What you should see in an ESL classroom… • Form a group with someone you haven’t seen before • In 3 minutes, create a list of what you think you should see based on our discussion thus far…
You should see… • Support for different cultures • A strong sense of acceptance and safety • A great deal of talking and small group work • An atmosphere of respectful collegiality • Clear procedures so that beginners can perceive behavioral & procedural expectations • Words, words, words – pictures, pictures, graphic organizers – play with words & word sorts
What an ESL teacher should sound like… • Different levels of questioning for students of different language abilities • Support for L1 -- it is acceptable for students to negotiate meaning between themselves in their own language • Accepting different levels of responses from students based on their language abilities • Long wait time… • Informal assessment – touch the green crayon; touch the angry character
How an ESL teacher should behave… • A strong working relationship with mainstream teachers is essential for students’ success • Outreach to parents and follow through with them • Maintain student records and assures accuracy of on-line records • What else should be added to this list???????????????????????????????
“Elena” by Pat Mora My Spanish isn’t enough.I remember how I’d smilelistening to my little ones,understanding every word they’d say,their jokes, their songs, their plots.Vamos a pedirledulces a mama. Vamos.But that was in Mexico.Now my children to go American high schools.They speak English. At night they sit aroundthe kitchen table, laugh with one another.I stand by the stove and feel dumb, alone.I bought a book to learn English.My husband frowned, drank more beer.My oldest said, “Mama, he doesn’t want youto be smarter than he is. “I’m forty,embarrassed at mispronouncing words,embarrassed at the laughter of my children,the grocer, the mailman. Sometimes I takemy English book and lock myself in the bathroom,say the thick words softly,for if I stop trying, I will be deafwhen my children need my help.