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FY 2013 “Re-Inventing Japan Project” ~ International Collaboration for Strategic Higher Education ~. ASEAN Initiative to foster next generation talents to lead environment-friendly food production, technological innovation and regional planning.
FY 2013 “Re-Inventing Japan Project” ~International Collaboration for Strategic Higher Education~ ASEAN Initiativeto foster next generation talents to lead environment-friendly food production, technological innovation and regional planning Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) in collaboration with Ibaraki University (IU) and Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU)
① Promotion and concept for the university globalization strategy All three Japanese Partner Universities (3JPU) in consensus with the internationalization of education ◆Strategy and Concept Foster Talented Persons who have specialized knowledge to contribute to the global community • TUAT:Foster global minded persons who can show leadership beyond national borders • Ibaraki University:Foster talented persons with a global mind to take active role nationally and internationally • Tokyo Metropolitan University:Foster talented persons with highly specialized knowledge applicable in the global community AIMS Universities ・Agribusiness and farm environment management, food safety and processing technique for a sustainable food production ・Innovative Technology to balance value creation with environmental consideration 【Malaysia】 Universiti Putra Malaysia UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia 【Indonesia】 Bogor Agricultural University UniversitasGadjahMada Institute of Technology Bandung 【Thailand】 Kasetsart University King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi Educational programs utilizing strengths of the three universities to solve global challenges ・Environment-adaptive technologies to realize a safe regional planning and sustainable agriculture ・Promote proper use of technology towards our natural environment and city for tourism purposes The three Universities will work with AIMS Universities to introduce educational programs to foster human resources towards solving challenges concerning Environmental Conservation and Economic Development
① Promotion and concept for the university globalization strategy ◆AIMS Program – Execution, Evaluation and Public Announcements Three Japanese Partner Universities Committee Members: Representatives of the 3 JPU Responsibility: AIMSProgram Management and Planning Scheduled: 5 times/year Office in Charge: TUAT Symposium (31 Oct. 2013) 3 JPU Agreement Signing Ceremony Evaluations & Improvements Public Announcements AIMS Management Committee Administration TUAT-AIMS Organizing Committee Members: Office in Charge, Dean of Faculty Responsibility: Program Overall,Self Evaluations ・Webpage (English) ・Newsletters ・Periodic Report of Progress ・Parents Association, ・Industry Representatives, ・Foreign Embassies in Japan ・ Symposium University Representatives, Industry Representatives Office in Charge: International Affairs Office Collaboration: Academic Administration & Headquarters Office in charge: Department of International Exchange Studies, Planning Department, Academic Administration Collaboration: Related Offices IU-AIMS Organizing Committee Members: Office in Charge, Dean of Faculty, Department Head TMU- AIMS Organizing Committee Members: Officer in Charge, Dean of Faculty, Director of International Center Office in Charge: International Center, Science-Engineering Administration Collaboration: Related Offices External Evaluation Committee Members: AUN Representatives, National Education Officers, Industry Representatives, Accounting Office, Liaison/Relations Office Responsibility: AIMSProgram Evaluations Contact Office: TUAT
② Providing Attractive and High-Value Education Program with Quality Assurance ◆ Human Resources to Solve Challenges Facing ASEAN The common challenges facing ASEAN and Japan • Food Production Techniquesthat supports sustainable agriculture and higher added value • Innovationbringing economic development with awareness to environment • Sustainable regional systemsfor interactions between urban and rural regions TUAT IU TMU ・Student Exchange (SSSV) ・Establish Liaison Office ・Double Degree ・Joint Research Project Thailand Indonesia Malaysia [7 Universities, 4 Fields] Foster Human Resources with broad vision and the will to challenge by Specialized Education Programs that comes from Specialized Fields of the Three JPU (Agriculture, Engineering, Sustainability Science, Tourism)
② Providing Attractive and High-Value Education Program with Quality Assurance ◆Educational Program • Exchange Agreements with 7 AIMS Affiliated Universities to carry out Education & Research activities • Establish 4 Courses based on the needs of AIMS Universities and discussions with Japanese Embassies & Consulates (4 Courses = 26-38 credits; minimum 20 credits required for completion of program) • Manage Record of Results based on Course Adjustment with AIMSUniversities, utilizing UCTS Credit Exchange System. The Credit Exchange Assessment Committeeat each University will approve after detailed adjustments of Syllabus and Credit hours. • Establish Double Degree Course at Graduate Schools of each Consortium University (enable students of this program to continue their study into Graduate School) Exchange Students Japanese Students • Common Subjects,Core Subjects and Interdisciplinary Subjects • Visiting Japanese Culture birth places such as Akihabara, Ookunitama Shrine, etc. to have valuable Experience in Japanese Culture, History , Climate & Traditional Arts by interacting with local communities • Consistently improve English proficiency from Year 1 • Acquire Japanese Culture & Literature • Deepen understanding of ASEAN Region and AIMS Universities
② Providing Attractive and High-Value Education Program with Quality Assurance ◆Advanced Agro-environmental Science and Food Technology Course(TUAT’s Faculty of Agriculture) Objectives Food supply to support economic growth and population increase Creation of food technology for sustained agricultural production with environmental consideration Advanced technology aiming for stable, long-term food supply ○Safe and reliable food manufacturing technology→ cultivation technology, food safety, food science, water soil /agriculture fundamentals ○Sustained regional security technology→ bioenergy/forest resource, rural development ○Laboratory experiment / field research on the advanced farming technology such as plant factory ●Fostering talent for the development of agricultural food technology who generate high added value Characteristics ◆Environment-friendly Technological Innovation Course(TUAT’s Faculty of Engineering) Objectives Challenges concerning the environment, resources/energy Higher efficiency in the use of resources in the metropolitan area Technology development and value creation for safety/security Creation of sustainable value through specialization and acquisition of related technology ○Mastering professional and related fields using advanced equipment → experiment, laboratory, study of specific fields ○Contact with core industries→ high technology development experience and corporate culture through internship ●Fostering globally active leadership talents → Next generation of talents who understands status quo of ASEAN and Japan , and leads collaboration and coexistence Characteristics
② Providing Attractive and High-Value Education Program with Quality Assurance ◆Regional Sustainability Science Course (IU’s Faculty of Agriculture,College of Science, Institute for Global Change Adaptation Science) Objectives Risks associated with climate change and natural disaster; urban and rural economic development Safe community planning and environmental security as the foundation of sustainable growth in the ASEAN. Characteristics ~Development of wide vision which connects global and local challenges from view point of sustainability~ ○Plan for safe society, knowledge and technology for environmental security → Coping with climate change & natural disaster, basic and applied subjects on agriculture and regional environment ○PBL (Project-based learning) style education with laboratory works and exercises ●Foster talent with ability to plan and promote sustainable regional planning and disaster prevention programs with awareness for the environment. ◆Regional Planning Course (TMU’s Faculty of Urban Environmental Science) Objective Maintenance /improvement /efficient use of cities and regional environment. Improvement of regional value and economy Viewpoint and actionfrom Tourism Characteristics ~Study tourism based on science and engineering~ ○Acquisition of total ability and professional expertise → wide basic knowledge on Tourism and profound professionalism ○Mastering technology→ method for investigation, analysis, and expression ○Research based on field work and empirical investigation → identify problem at tourist spot, establish plan and take action ●Fostering leadership talents with vision and sense of balance→ next-generation talents with study experience in both ASEAN and Japan, and ability for collaboration and coexistence.
② Providing Attractive and High-Value Education Program with Quality Assurance ◆Schedule for accepting foreign students Pre-Arrival Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 – 14 Week 15 Return Moving among universitiesin a camp study format Advance to respective courses Camp study(Ibaraki University) Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Tokyo Metropolitan University Ibaraki University ・Explanation of each course ・Life in Japan ・Japanese studies e-leaning Pre-training ・Basics on Daily Life in Japan ・Japanese practice・JapaneseTopography・Tourism in Japan Visits to Ookunitama Shrine and other Shrines/ Temples, Mito City’s Kairaku-en Garden, Akihabara,Mitaka’sGhibli Museum, etc. Common Course ・Fundamentals on Agriculture, Engineering and Regional Development ・International Environmental Agriculture ・ITLiteracy ・Intro to Sustainable Engineering ・Intro to Regional Disaster Prevention ・Tourism in Japan Specialized Course ・Experiments and practice ・Internship ・Field work ・Lab work Emphasis on Practical Sciences Review Follow-up ・Deliver a joint newsletter of the 3JPU* ・Promote the continuation of studies at the Graduate Schools of the 3JPU ・Invite Exceptional Graduates of the Course to Lecture at the 3JPU ・Establish an Alumni Association ・Wrap-up of studies of assignments and study tours ・Workshop with Japanese students ・Visit to local companies and Tsukuba Research Facilities ・Presentation of Results ・Conclusion Ceremony(Deliver of the Certificate of Completion and Academic Records) Buddy System ・Matching students with experience abroadand prospective students from AIMSpartner universities Select from a wide-range of subjects through an interdisciplinary curriculum
③ Goal-setting and efforts towards its achievement ◆The Goal-Setting Concept • Program Outcomes Contribute to ASEAN and Japan’s progress by co-creating value in environmental and cultural terms, in a mutually beneficial relationship • Requirements for the achievement of the objectives • Through the 4 curricula, stimulate the interest in the international experiences and the open mindedness of Japanese students. • Raise exchange students to lead the sustainable growth of ASEAN in the fields of Agriculture, Engineering and Regional Development. • Assemble teams that, promote a spillover effect which is mutually beneficial for both sides. Broad-minded and highly-motivated students capable of generating “Global Value” • Send and receive a total of 276 students by FY 2017. • Increase the number of Japanese students who can achieve a TOEIC score of 800 points or higher by the end of the program ◆Number of students received and dispatched per year Approx. 11 partner universities by FY2014 ×approx. 3 students/university= 27 students
③ Goal-setting and efforts towards its achievement Network building through Buddy System ◆Systems to support foreign students Introduction of the Buddy System Introduce the Buddy System for foreign students to support their life in Japan by studying together with partner Japanese students who will provide intensive support at classes and field works. Build alumni network through continuing support after their return to home countries. Solving ASEAN’s challenges Employ Program Coordinators Provide intensive support related to procedure for class registration, credit transfer and academic calendars. Employ International Exchange Coordinators Provide wide support to facilitate their stay in Japan including English translation of various documents, plan/implementation of exchange programs with Japanese students, and consultation regarding residence. Enhancement of exchange Global Café and other exchange spaces Opening and management of Global Café and other international exchange spaces. Promotion of face book as a tool to enhance communication among Japanese and international students. Support by clerical staff Three JPU will employ English speaking staffs at key departments and intensify quality support through continued information exchanges and training. Academic consultation prior to arrival in Japan Provide academic consultation by TUAT’s ASEAN Office as well as by guest professors at AIMS affiliated institutions prior to arrival in Japan. J A J A A A J J A J J A A J A J Provision of Accommodation Available accommodations including dormitories and rented share-houses.
③The goal setting concept and the efforts towards its achievement ◆Systems to support Japanese students The Buddy System Pre-departure : outbound Japanese students will learn local language, custom, and culture from inbound Buddy students. At the host university : inbound Buddy students in Japan, will support Japanese students as a Buddy at his/her university. After returning : promote cross-cultural communication through planning/managing exchange and alumni events. Global Cafe and other exchange spaces Opening of Global Café and other international exchange spaces to promote international communication. Employ International Exchange Coordinators Provide support to brush up English conversation, pre-departure education on host country culture and custom, visa application. Pre-Training English: Intensive classes using outside language institutions targeted for students with TOEIC threshold score above 550. ASEAN topography: classes on ASEAN’s natural environment, history culture, society and economy. ASEAN mobility workshop: classes about ASEAN challenges offered by visiting ASEAN professors. Support during studying abroad Provide consultation at TUAT’sASEAN Office as well as by guest professors at AIMS affiliated institutions on academic and daily matters. Consultation through Skype and international advisor/mentor with academic experience in Japan. Education after return to Japan Result reporting: Presentation on the outcome of studying abroad to be held at joint study camp at Ibaraki University Risk Management Establishment of 24-hour emergency contact system and information collection/provision through alliance with professional risk management company.
③ Goal setting concept and the efforts towards its achievement ◆Symposium • ■Current status of negotiations with counterpart universities • Exchange agreements signed • Program in place (informal consent approved) • ■Additional Funding Sources • Donations from the Alumni Association • Establish new source of funding
② Efforts to assure quality and the provision of an appealing and high-value Educational Program ◆Curriculum For Reference