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Understanding Baudrillard's Simulacra and Hyperreality

Explore Jean Baudrillard's concepts of simulacra, hyperreality, and the age of simulation through examples from literature, film, and TV, delving into the profound implications in contemporary society. Discover how the real is simulated, deconstructed, and reproduced endlessly in a hyperreal world.

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Understanding Baudrillard's Simulacra and Hyperreality

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  1. Group4 Janine Fang Joby Huang Joe Wang Tony Wang Cathy Lee Chris Chang Daphne Chia Edison Yen Jean Baudrillard’sSimulacra and Simulation

  2. Jean Baudrillard • “The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth--it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true” • Jorge Luis Borges: the map and the desert of the real • Precession of simulacra – “simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being or a substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperreal”

  3. Orders of Simulacra • Symbolic Order: Society as a fixed system of signs distributed according to rank and obligation • First Order of Simulacra: The Early Modern period, from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution. Simulacra aim to restore an ideal image of nature, true originals underlie the fakes. • Second Order of Simulacra: From the Industrial Revolution to the middle of the 20th century. Mass production of copies or replicas of a single prototype appear, just as real as the prototype • Third Order of Simulacra: The present age - dominated by simulations, things that have no original or prototype. Death of the real: no more counterfeits or prototypes, just simulations of reality - hyperreality.

  4. Phases of the Images • Art reflects a basic reality • Art masks and perverts a basic reality; the sign becomes an unfaithful copy • Art masks the absence of a basic reality; the simulacrum pretends to be a faithful copy, but has no original • Art bears no relation to reality at all; it is pure simulation

  5. Age of Simulation • The substitution of signs of the real for the real itself • Deters every real process by its operational double, a metastable with all the signs and functions of the real: the real no longer needs to be produced • What remains is the orbital recurrence of models and simulated generation of difference

  6. The Hyperreal • The real is produced from miniature units (matrices, memory banks, command models) – and can thus be reproduced endlessly • The real no longer has to be rational; it is operational – and since it is not enveloped by an imaginary, it is no longer real at all • Hyperreal: the product of an irradiating synthesis of combinatory models in a hyperspace without atmosphere

  7. Disneyland as Hyperreality • Based on reality • Reproduced endlessly • Reality ≠ real • Disneyland =hyperreality   

  8. Example: Bambi a spotted deer Bambi 

  9. Other examples of simulacra • Literature: - Ovid’s Metamorphosis Galatée (ivory statue) - Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein  the monster - Magazines  photo of models touched up by computer • Film: - Jurassic Park dinosaurs - Superman  super-powered hero - 300 entire film shot in front of a blue screen • TV: - Reality shows  world of fantasy that viewers tend to engage to

  10. Works Cited • http://cocadoodledoo.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/disneyland-paris_1195132957.jpg • http://www.yuwen789.com/book/reading/UploadFiles_2021/200705/200753014844157.jpg • http://disney-lyrics.us/bambi/ • http://big5.am765.com/zt1/ztfl/jlzt/eccjhsyzsx/lhzxbbcj/200811/W020081104497913756735.bmp

  11. Group4 Janine Fang Joby Huang Joe Wang Tony Wang Cathy Lee Chris Chang Daphne Chia Edison Yen Thank you for your attention

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