1. Operations Management (MD021) Topic 1
Competitiveness, Strategy and Productivity
2. Agenda Competitiveness & Competing via Operations
Overview of Strategy
Measuring Productivity
3. Why do organizations fail to survive?
4. Many Organizations Fail Because they Ignore Operations Too much emphasis on short-term financial performance
Failing to take advantage of strengths and opportunities
Failing to recognize competitive threats
Neglecting operations strategy Too much emphasis in product and service design and not enough on improvement
Neglecting investments in capital and human resources
Failing to establish good internal communications
Failing to consider customer wants and needs
5. Competitiveness
6. Competitiveness
7. Businesses Can Compete in Many Ways … Including Operations Competing with Marketing
Identify customer wants/needs
Price appropriately
Advertise/promote Competing with Operations
Goods/service design
Facility location
Quick response/delivery
Flexible processes
Inventory management
Supply Chain Management
Stellar service
8. Strategy
9. Strategy Strategies
Plans for achieving organizational goals
The reason for existence for an organization
Mission Statement
Answers the question “What business are we in?”
Provide detail and scope of mission
The methods and actions taken to accomplish strategies
10. Examples of Strategies Low cost
Fast Growth; Scale-based strategies
Flexible operations
Fastest delivery
High quality
11. A Top-Down View of Strategy Formation
12. Operations Strategy Operations Strategy – the approach, consistent with organization strategy, that is used to guide the operations function.
13. Operations Strategy Formulation How will operations support the organization’s strategies?
Identify distinctive competencies
Environmental scanning
Identify Order qualifiers
Identify Order winners
14. Strategy and Tactics Distinctive Competencies
The special attributes or abilities that give an
organization a competitive edge.
15. Examples of Distinctive Competencies Employed by Firms
16. Order Qualifiers Get You In The Door, Order Winners Win The Order Order qualifiers
Characteristics that customers perceive as minimum standards of acceptability to be considered as a potential purchase
Order winners
Characteristics of an organization’s goods or services that cause it to be perceived as better than the competition
17. How Has Operations Strategy Changed Over Time?
18. Operations Strategy Across the Ages
19. Productivity
20. Productivity Productivity
A measure of the effective use of resources
Usually expressed as the ratio of output to input
21. Many Factors and Decisions Can Affect Productivity Capital
Management decisions
Use of Internet
Computer viruses
Searching for lost or misplaced items Scrap rates
New workers
Shortage of IT workers
Labor turnover
Design of the workspace
Incentive plans that reward productivity
22. When Did Productivity Become Important to Manage? Why?
23. There Are Several Ways to Measure Productivity
24. Some Partial Productivity Measures
25. Managerial Tactics for Improving Productivity Develop productivity measures
Determine critical (bottleneck) operations
Develop methods for productivity improvements
Establish reasonable goals
Get management support for productivity programs
Measure and publicize improvements