1. Operations Management(MD021) Process Selection and Facility Layout
2. Agenda Defining “Process”
Process Types and the Product-Process Matrix
Process Selection
Facility Layout
3. Defining “Process”
4. Process – Three Definitions A Manufacturing Process is a configuration of people, technology, systems, and information, used to transform inventories of physical inputs into physical outputs.
A Service Process is a configuration of technologies and service delivery personnel (and their associated methods, training, information) used to deliver a service-product
An e-Service Process is a configuration of digital technologies, supporting physical technologies, and human service personnel used to deliver an e-Service
5. Process Types and the Product-Process Matrix
6. Project Process Type Projects
Unique set of objectives/custom
Limited time frame
Processes, people, materials are brought to the location of the project activities
Examples: house building, ship building, rock concerts
7. Fixed Position Layouts (Projects) Fixed Position Layout
the item being worked on remains stationary
workers, materials, and equipment are moved as needed to the production site
Management Issues
focus on timing of materials/equipment delivers so as not to clog up worksite
avoid relocation of equipment
high administrative burden of scheduling all activities to take place on time/at allocated cost
8. Classic Manufacturing Processes Hayes and Wheelwright (1979) Job Shop Unique items, customized, low volume Batch Shop Moderate volume Make many items in a batch at a time Repetitive (Discrete) Flow Production line, high volume, standardized Continuous Flow Very high volumes Extremely standardized process