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中文四 E Block Course Objectives

中文四 E Block Course Objectives Revisit and enhance four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) learned from previous Chinese studies in the contexts of: Shopping , Weather , Dining , Asking Directions , Party , and Seeing a Doctor .

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中文四 E Block Course Objectives

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  1. 中文四 E Block Course Objectives • Revisit and enhance four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) learned from previous Chinese studies in the contexts of: Shopping, Weather, Dining, Asking Directions, Party, and Seeing a Doctor. • Continue to develop Chinese cultural understanding and practices within the above-mentioned contexts. • Develop instincts of decoding and reading comprehension by proficient in Chinese characters etymology and idioms. • Develop 听说读写language skills and cultural understanding in the context of: • Dating 约会 • Renting an Apartment • Sports • Transportation • Travel • At Airport

  2. Each Unit’s Learning Objectives Unit Test Vocabulary Quiz (2) Character Worksheets Related Cultural Highlights Vocabulary and Application Listening Speaking Reading Writing Textbook exercises, E to M, M to E Worksheets Presentation/project Integrated Comprehension Sentence Quiz (1 or 2) Situational Language Practice Grammar and Application IC Workbook

  3. 2013 Cross-class project • 太极拳tàijíquán • Many styles and forms (式shì) • 二十四式 is our focus this year • Go to www.lilaoshi.concordcarlisle.wikispaces.net • Go to Supplementary, watch Jean Lee Tai Ji video.m4v • taiji 24 form.doc • Call it out when play each form • Play while each step is called out by student • My Cookbook 食谱

  4. 1.起势qǐshì 2 野马分鬃yěmǎfēnzōng(3) 3.白鹤亮翅báihèliàngchì 4.搂膝拗步lǒuxīǎobù 5.手挥琵琶shǒuhuīpípá 6.倒卷肱dàojuǎngōng(4) 7.左揽雀尾zuǒlǎnquèwěi 8.右揽雀尾yòulǎnquèwěi 9.单鞭dānbiān 10.云手yúnshǒu 11.单鞭 12.高探马gāotànmǎ 13.右蹬脚yòudèngjiǎo 14.双峰贯耳shuāngfēngguàněr 15.转身左蹬脚zhuǎnshēnzuǒdèngjiǎo 16.左下势独立zuǒxiàshìdúlì 17.右下势独立yòuxiàshìdúlì 18.左右穿梭zuǒyòuchuānsuō 19.海底针hǎidǐzhēn 20.闪通臂shǎntōngbèi 21.转身搬拦捶zhuǎnshēnbānlánchuí 22.如封似闭rúfēngsìbì 23.十字手shízìshǒu 24.收势shōushì

  5. CEO Anna CCHS 中文月报公司(五月七日星期二) Chief Editor Jessica Chief Publisher Shannon News MGR Allison Column MGR Harley Chinese Arts Michael M Ann T Joe W Sam B Production MGR Michael W China News Tim, Karolyne, Beth,Fairchild, Kevin CCHS Sports Alexa, Lucy Idiom Crosswords Larisa M, Elizabeth Z , Elizabeth C PR, Fit, Distr Michael W Stevie 中文三 World, Local News Jamie, Jason Abby , Alex BookMovie Review Shannon, Michael W Learning Tips Stevie, Andrew

  6. 5/6 5/10~17 5/17 5/24 5/28 • 复习五月中文月刊的计划 (五月六日星期一) CEO & Chiefs deliver Project Plan CEO & Chiefs manage Project Final News To Chief Editor Production Manager Distribute Production Team Fit, Proof Read, P.R. Send  CC Round #1 to Managers Round #2 To Managers Final Artworks To Chief Producer Managers Edit Proof Read Managers Edit Proof Read All Works To Production Manager

  7. 一周目标mùbiāo(五月二十日~ 五月二十四日) • 计划“毕业派对” • 菜单,礼物,饮料。。 • 杯,盘,用品,订什么菜? • 五月中文报 – Round Two • L20 在机场– 学习目标,生词

  8. 复习(五月二十日星期一) • 查一下新闻master project plan, thumbnails? • Tong twister – next slide • 再复习一下L19D1 & D2 WB • III. Reading – Building Words • IV. Writing – Building Characters • Recap – listening practice p.279 • 一个人问问题,一个人找课文 • Switch role • Narrate the L19D2 • check against p.280, make suggestion to narrator

  9. 葡萄皮=grape peel • Tongue twister #4 吃 葡萄, 不吐 葡萄皮 (pútáo = grape)(tǔ = spit) (pí = peel) 不吃葡萄,倒吐葡萄皮 (dào = to the contrary) • L20在机场-学习目标 • L20D1 登机手续Char WS • 登dēn = aboard,climb手续shǒuxù = procedure ,check-in,… • http://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/fc-options.php?deck=ic3-1-2 • Language Notesp.268~269 • Build sentences using D2 V-table // fewer, the better

  10. 今天的功课 (五月二十日星期一) • 拿派对Invitation回家 • RSVP • L20D1&D2 登机手续Char WS – due明天 • Identify radical, circle it • 一边写,一边说,一边学 • 1Pinyin, (sound out) • 1word function (V-table) • 1 meaning • 4~8 chars (follow stroke order and sound out) • 1 or moreCC (firstCC from dialogue, C4H> 3) • Language Notes • StudyV-table & CCin a context

  11. 视听室/复习 (五月二十一日星期二) • 说说看你到在机场的时候。。 • Go over L20D1 Char & CC WS • Language Notes • Build a class story using V-table & CC • Turn in • Go over 学习目标 • 的 p.291A. • attributive +的+ noun • Not an adverbal • 刚吃的饺子才买的裤子 • Ex. 1.~7. • Yours

  12. 地dep.291B. • adverbial + 地 + verb • Describe the manner of the action • 我快快地吃饭因为我太饿了。 • 我快乐地唱歌因为今天是我的生日。 • Ex. 1.~4. • 你呢? • 得p.292C. • descriptive complement • verb/adj + 得+ adj/verb • 两只老虎跑得快小高跳得高 • Ex. 1.~6. • 你呢?

  13. 。。的时候。。 P.293 • When …describessimultaneous actions • 老师进来的时候,他正在睡觉 • 去的时候,帮我买一杯冰水。 • Ex. 1.~3. • Yours • Different from。。以后。。 • 我回家以后,马上睡觉。//我回家的时候,马上睡觉。 Wrong • Ex. 4.~5. • yours

  14. 今天的功课 (五月二十一日星期二) • L20D1 E to M WS - 一~十 • 一边准备星期五生词小考

  15. 复习 (五月二十二日星期三) • Listen, Recite, Interpret L20D1 dialogue //两次 • Interpret L20D1 dialogue in class • Role play with a partner • 做完L20D1 E to M WS • Group review • 一边准备星期五生词小考 • Turn in

  16. 今天的功课(五月二十二日星期三) • Study L20D1&D2 Char WS + V-table • 星期二生词小考

  17. 视听室/复习 (五月二十三日星期四) • Listen, Recite L20D1 dialogue // faster this time • Role play and录音 // random pair • L20D1 E to M WS • StudyL20D1&D2生词 • 星期二生词小考

  18. 今天的功课(五月二十三日星期四) • StudyL20D1 & D2生词

  19. 复习 (五月二十四日星期五) • Listen, Recite L20D1 dialogue // faster this time • 准备生词小考-十五分钟 • 看电影“派的生活”Life of Pie

  20. 长周末快乐! 下星期二见

  21. 一周目标mùbiāo(五月二十八日~ 五月三十一日) • 计划“毕业派对” • 菜单,礼物,饮料。。 • 杯,盘,用品,订什么菜? • L20D1在机场办登机– 语法,听,说 • L20D1 到北京机场-生词

  22. 复习 (五月二十八日星期二) • V-tables warm up • Language Notesp.268~269 • http://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/fc-options.php?deck=ic3-1-2 • L20 D1 & D2生词小考 • L20D1 语文练习 • <action 1> 的时候, <action 2>p.304 • simultaneous actions • Create 2 new ones • <action 1> 以后, <action 2> p.305 • second action after the first one • create 2 new ones

  23. 葡萄皮=grape peel • Tongue twister #4 吃 葡萄, 不吐 葡萄皮 (pútáo = grape)(tǔ = spit) (pí = peel) 不吃葡萄,倒吐葡萄皮 (dào = to the contrary)

  24. 今天的功课(五月二十八日星期二) • L20D1 WB III. Reading Comprehension • Mark evidence • 网上学习Building Words • 明天due

  25. 复习(五月二十九日星期三) • Listen, Recite L20D1 dialogue // faster this time • Role play and record // random pair • Group review L20D1 WB III. Reading Comprehension • Present the best • 开始做功课

  26. 今天的功课(五月二十九日星期三) • L20D1 WB IV. Writing Comprehension • D。E。准备录音

  27. 复习(五月三十日星期四) • Role play L20D1 dialogue and record // random pair,faster L20D1 WB I。Listening & II. Speaking & 录音Comprehensions • Group review L20D1 WB IV. Writing Comprehension • Present the best • Turn in • Go over D2到北京机场V-table & 生词 • 中国家庭handout//family tree • 你的家庭是什么样?// draw and share on posters

  28. 今天的功课(五月三十日星期四) • L20D2 E to M WS • Due-明天下课的时候

  29. 复习(五月三十一日星期五) • 唱“You Are My Sunshine” – next slide • Recapand Narrate • Work with a partner, recap the text of dialogue, answer the questions in the handout • L20D2 E to M WS • 做完 • Group review • Turn in

  30. Your are My Sunshine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DdM78XBUq4&feature=related 你是我(的)阳光yángguāng, 生命mìng的阳光。 (sunshine) (life) 你使shǐ我 快乐当dāng我忧伤yōushāng。 (make ) (when) (worry & sad) 你永不知道yǒngbùzhīdào我多么爱你。 (never know) (how much) 我们两永远yǒngyuǎn不要分离fēnlí。 (forever) (separate)

  31. 今天的功课(五月三十一日星期五) • 星期六到李老师家-毕业派对!

  32. 周末快乐! 下星期一见

  33. 对话Review (十二月八日 星期三) • Video record L23D1 - only notes allowed • C5 students update your 周记 entry whenever you are waiting • 语法drill • Continue L23D1 Part I WB • IV. Writing & Grammar Exercises – turn in • For C4 students, you get a 100 point when your actual grade of this HW reaches 90. You have the opportunity to earn bonus point up to 107. • Start L23D2 Char WS

  34. 今天的功课 (十二月八日 星期三) • 写neatly on L23D2 Char WS, for each char, • 1 pinyins (sound out) • 1 meaning • 1 word function (p. 294~295 V-table, V-index table) • 4~7 生詞 (sound out) • 1 or more building blocks BB /WWW (the more the better) • Pay attention to Traditional vs. Simplified (see Alternate Character Appendix if necessary) • C5 students enter 周记 (Weekly Journal) entry • Dueevery Monday and to be graded weekly • Hint: Use 语法和生词 being learned this week • Study for L23D1 Sentence Quiz - 星期五 下星期一

  35. Review (十二月九日 星期四) • Any Q on L23D2 Char WS or BBs – turn in • Tongue twister or 唱”两只老虎” – slide #28 • Role play L23D1 while video recording L23D1 - short notes are allowed • L23D2语法 Model the book examples and create your own • 的时候p.304 • Compare to English • 以前 还是以后exercises P.305 • Compare to English • Try the handout

  36. V+ 不动 (not able to) p.302 • More drill p.306~307 • 才 (too early; not enough) p.302~303 • 还+ positiveadj p.303 • Acceptable, not outstanding but.. • Often used when being diplomatic 你觉得我的大衣怎么样? 你觉得她的中文怎么样? 你觉得她很美吗? • 就行了 (ok, good enough) p.305~306 • 好像(as if, looks like) p.307 • Complete L23D1 Part I WB Turn in 下星期一

  37. 今天的功课 (十二月九日 星期四) • Become familiar with Chinese Family Kinship • handout • Study for L23D1 Sentence Quiz -下星期一 • Correct Sentence Worksheets before studying • For C4 students, you get a 100 point when your actual grade of this HW reaches 90. You have the opportunity to earn bonus point up to 107. • C5 students enter 周记 entry • Dueevery Monday and to be graded weekly • As much as you can, use 语法和生词 being learned this week

  38. Review (十二月十日 星期五) • Finish slide #22,23 语法 • Video recording L23D1 – four teams done • Study L23D1 Grammar and Sentence • P.298 ~302 • P.304~306 • E to M and M to E Sentence WS • L23D1 Part I WB

  39. Complete L23D1 Part I WB

  40. 今天的功课 (十二月十日 星期五) • Study for L23D1 Sentence Quiz - 下星期一 Organize your resources first: • Sentence WS • L23D1 Part I WB • Textbook Grammar • Textbook Pattern Drills • Char WS • C5 students enter 周记 (Weekly Journal) entry • Dueevery Monday and to be graded weekly • Tips: use 语法和生词 being learned this week

  41. Review (十二月十三日 星期一) • Any question L23D1 Part I WB from last week? • C5 turn in周记 if you haven’t emailed me or posted it to my wikispace • 5 minutes review grammar • L23D1Sentence小考 (Quiz)

  42. 今天的功课 (十二月十三日 星期一) • Translate L23D2 in your own words – CN • Including text in (…) • Do not copy the textbook translation • 念niàn(read aloud) L23D2 dialogue N times • Study L23D2 生词 - 星期五小考

  43. Review (十二月十四日 星期二) • 看报 (Newspaper ) - share by teams (S, Adv, V, O) • Any question L23D1 Part I WB from last week? Turn in. • Summarize Chinese Measurements in CN p.296 • ContinueGrammar • 还+ positiveadj p.303 • Acceptable, not outstanding but.. • Often used when being diplomatic 你觉得我的大衣怎么样? 你觉得她的中文怎么样? 你觉得她很美吗? • 就行了 (ok, good enough) p.305~306 • 好像(as if, looks like) p.307 • Interpret and role play L23D2

  44. Role play L23 D1 & D2 dialogues • prepare for LL • Start L23D2 M to E Sentence WS

  45. 今天的功课 (十二月十四日 星期二) • L23D2 M to E Sentence WS – due明天 • C5 students enter 周记 entry • Dueevery Monday and to be graded weekly

  46. Review (十二月十五日 星期三) • Question on L23D2 M to E Sentence WS? Turn in • Study L23D2 生词 (15 mins) • Modify L23D2 with these changes : (CN) • Who at the airport: parents, grandpa, sister and 1 cousin from dad’s side and 1 cousin from mom’s side • Health: He actually gained 2公斤because he ate so much pizza and hamburgers • Events: Sister reminded him when they get home, what he should do • Then, practice the new dialogue with a partner • Language Lab @12:36 – postpone next week • L21 dialogues - packet • L23 dialogues - packet

  47. 今天的功课 (十二月十五日 星期三) • Start L23D2 Part II WB • I. Listening comprehension A. • II. Speaking comprehension A. – speak and write Chinese answer • II. Speaking comprehension B. – speak with your partner • III. Reading Comprehension A. – QA • C5 students enter 周记 entry • Due 每个星期一 and to be graded weekly

  48. Review (十二月十六日 星期四) • Share and practice modified L23D2 dialogue • Continue Grammar • 就行了 (ok, good enough) p.305~306 • Go over and comprehend1~8+ your own • 好像(as if, looks like) p.307 • Go over and comprehend1~8+ your own • Finish L23D2 WB • III. Reading comprehension B • VI. Wring & Grammar A,B,C,D • Study L23D2 生词 and BBs • Organize resources: V-table, Char WS and Dialogue

  49. 今天的功课 (十二月十六日 星期四) • Study L23D2 生词小考 - 明天  postponed to next week • Practice makes perfect! • Learn how to apply them • C5 students enter 周记 entry • Dueevery Monday and to be graded weekly

  50. Review (十二月十六日 星期五) • Review L23D2 生词 (5 mins) • 生词小考– 25 minutes - postponed • Tongue twisters contest • Language Lab preparation –next week • L21 dialogues - packet • L23 dialogues - packet

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