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GOLDEN GUARDIAN 2008 SOSAFE. Golden Guardian 2008 Overview. Golden Guardian: annual state exercise with different focus each year Sponsored by Office of Homeland Security Southern San Andreas Fault exercise (SOSAFE) CalTech , USGS providing seismology analyses

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  2. Golden Guardian 2008 Overview • Golden Guardian: annual state exercise with different focus each year • Sponsored by Office of Homeland Security • Southern San Andreas Fault exercise (SOSAFE) • CalTech, USGS providing seismology analyses • 7.8 Earthquake from Salton Sea to Gorman

  3. Map of SOSAFE Earthquake

  4. Golden Guardian 2008 Overview • San Andreas Fault at Cajon Pass • Telecom (fiber optic cables) • Rail lines (chlorine supplies from Henderson, NV) • Natural gas pipelines • Electric power lines • Colorado River Aqueduct

  5. Exercise Objectives • Evaluate Metropolitan’s ability to communicate in telecom outage • EOC, ICCs • Member agencies, outside agencies • Evaluate Metropolitan’s ability to respond to damage at multiple sites • Evaluate Metropolitan’s ability to respond to widespread damage • Availability of critical resources, including chemicals

  6. Exercise Objectives (cont.) • Evaluate Metropolitan’s ability to communicate in telecom outage • EOC, ICCs • Member agencies, outside agencies • Evaluate long-term economic impact of widespread disaster • Additional costs for alternative sources • Replacement of facilities and equipment • Possible reduction in water sales • Other business impacts

  7. Damage Scenario(Posited for Exercise) • Colorado River Aqueduct • Three locations near Whitewater break • Member agencies, outside agencies • California Aqueduct • Devil Canyon flow to Santa Ana Valley Pipeline fails • East Branch of aqueduct has numerous breaks • Pipeline Failures • Rialto Feeder • Upper Feeder at Santa Ana River crossing

  8. Damage Scenario (cont.) • Treatment plants • Flocculators fail in 1/3 of basins at all plants • Sedimentation basin sludge removal equipment fails in ¼ of basins at Jensen, 1/3 of basins at all other plants • Washwater tanks (both) at Weymouth fail • Alum tanks at Jensen fail • Offsite power fails at all plants • Slope failure at Diemer damages WWRP#2, resulting in loss of water from basins

  9. Damage Scenario (cont.) • Union Station • No major structural failures • Data Center, Telecom Room problems • Microwave dish on roof out of alignment • Loss of outside power

  10. Agency Participation • MARS (Member Agency Response System) • Metropolitan Water District coordinating with all participating member agencies • Eastern MWD • City of Perris asked to coordinate with Eastern • Water, Wastewater, Reclaimed Water

  11. Agency Participation (cont.) • Long Beach, City of • Activate Department Operations Center • 2 Shifts for DOC and windshield surveys • Shift change at noon • Friday, 11/14 – Potable Water Distribution Plan

  12. Agency Participation (cont.) • Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power • Multiple exercises leading up to GG08 • Evacuation exercise May 7 Hope Street building (2,300 – 2,500 employees) • Full-scale exercise July 16 (~3,000 employees)

  13. Agency Participation (cont.) • MWDOC/ WEROC • Will activate one EOC • Coordinating with Orange County Operational Area; will have liaison at OC OA EOC • Day 1 – 9 special districts, 6 city departments doing at least functional exercises • 4 agencies replacing 2 interties as interagency capital projects to practice mutual assistance

  14. Agency Participation (cont.) • MWDOC/ WEROC (cont.) • Monday, 11/17 – Duck and cover, evacuation, Continuity of Operations exercise based on new manual • Tuesday, 11/18 - Multi-agency County tabletop on sustained operations

  15. Agency Participation (cont.) • SDCWA • Coordinating with San Diego County Operational Area; will have liaison at SD OA EOC • San Diego Co. - mass care exercise based on assumption thousands will evacuate to San Diego Co. • San Diego Co. plans to break dams

  16. Agency Participation (cont.) • Western MWD of Riverside County • Possible pipe breaks: • Mills Treatment Plant (Met) effluent line • SARI line (SAWPA) • Corona Feeder, 60” pipe 15’ underground • will tie into Mills • now empty • plan to use for shelter

  17. Agency Participation (cont.) • ERNIE • Coordinating • San • San

  18. Other Agencies • CA Department of Water Resources • Coordinate for damage to Devil Canyon and California Aqueduct • CA Office of Emergency Services • CA Department of Public Health • California Utilities Emergency Association (CUEA) • Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (WARN) • CUEA and WARN to practice mutual aid/assistance

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