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Using Universal Energy

Using Universal Energy. SESSION II. Monday, 11-12:30, 4 Sessions, Sep 12-Oct 3, Science Works. Last week we briefly looked at.

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Using Universal Energy

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  1. Using Universal Energy SESSION II Monday, 11-12:30, 4 Sessions, Sep 12-Oct 3, Science Works

  2. Last week we briefly looked at... • Current state of cosmology, physics, engineering, medical fields as a lead-in to the more esoteric… by the way quantum mechanics experiments can easily be affected by the observers! • discussion of other dimensions, feng shui, geomancy, ley lines, human body meridians, visible colors in the electromagnetic spectrum… • tapping into The Force, or The Field (of which we are all a part), then… Viewing/running your Personal Color (Handout – Personal Color, also at http://www.lprww.org)

  3. Incidentally, on Personal Color… “It is difficult to release something you don't understand and have it become a positive experience. But assessment of beliefs and personal color are very, very effective techniques. Personal color, as we have disclosed, attunes your vibrations and is a way for you to envision your own spirituality in an instant to remind you of who you are. But it also cleanses your aura, cleanses your atoms, cleanses your molecules. In other words, it really does rejuvenate from the framework of the body out. So it is a very, very powerful tool. When you seem ‘stuck...'? Use personal color. This is very good usage of personal color, very good.” Ref: lprww.us, Bk 6, “Schoolhouse Earth,” Q&A

  4. Today’s Schedule is – • Ancient meditative approaches toward enhancing the Atman or Ka. • simple chakra cleansing method; • Energy application guidelines, Rules to Live By; • Projecting healing energy, for individuals/situations; • Handout - Apps for Individuals/Situations; To Assist Earth • Doing global work; • A couple things not addressed by The Urantia Book or Seth. • Some personal experiences??? Time???

  5. If you do not confront your shadow, you will find it coming to you in the form of your fate. ~ Carl Jung “Imagination is a great gift, a Divine power of the mind, and may be trained and educated to create and to receive only that which is true.” ~ The Gate of Remberance, Fredrich Bligh Bond The reinvention of daily life means marching off the edge of our maps. ~ Bob Black (Which brings to mind the Peri Reise map of 1513 – including S. America and Antarctica)

  6. Enhancing the Ka (subtle body) The Pathway of The Two Serpents, Egyptian Kundalini Rising, ancient India Caduceus - Rod of Hermes, Greece

  7. Chakra Cleaning & Rebalancing

  8. Chakra Maintenance, A Method*: 1. Start from the root chakra and work your way up. With a hand over the root chakra (about two inches above the area) move your hand counter clockwise** until you know the chakra is spinning properly. Blow the debris out, turning the debris to white light so as to not clutter your area. 2. Repeat step one moving through all of the major chakras. 3. After the chakras have been cleared its time to rebalance them. Again, starting from the root chakra spin it counter clockwise**. Visualize that white light radiating from the Universe through the chakra until you feel the difference, OR send that chakra’s color through it. 4. Proceed through all of the chakras as described in step three. Obviously, this method requires you to be in touch with your body. * A variation can be found at http://www.jing-qi-shen.org/chakra_healing.html * * If counter clockwise is not comfortable, do it clockwise.

  9. Healing All energy healing arts are effective. One particular style of energy healing is not necessarily better than another. To believe so is an attempt for the ego mind to set itself above and apart from others. Energy healing arts have been known to be in existence in the ancient cultures of China, India, and Tibet. In working on healing, do yourself, first, you can be more effective in healing others.

  10. 8th Chakra? “A New Earth,” Eckhart Tolle, 2005, pp. 52-53 Inner Body Awareness - “… the inner body isn’t really the body any more, but life energy, the bridge between form and formlessness.” (The Egyptian ‘KA’ or the ayurvedic ‘doshas’) “Body awareness not only anchors you in the present moment, it is a doorway out of the prison that is the ego. It also strengthens the immune system and the body’s ability to heal itself.” Remember? “Your inner etheric bodies can also be used for healing.” “Seth Speaks,” Jane Roberts, Chapter 19 - “You can, in the same manner, perceive the state of your own physical image. You can, according to your own abilities, manipulate matter from the inside consciously, with lucidity and alertness.”

  11. An Eighth Chakra? “The first of the spiritual chakras, numbered eight, sits above the 7th chakra about two feet. It is the energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness.” http://www.wisdomsdoor.com/hb/hhb-21.shtml (trad’l loc’n) “Now we all have access to the 8th chakra. Energetically located between the personal heart and the throat chakras the awareness of the 8th chakra of the universal heart offers the compassion of our hearts, and the clarity of our minds in understanding our soul’s purpose in being here at this time and the creativity of our will to fulfil that purpose.”http://www.judecurrivan.com/media-articles/articles/the-8th-chakra-and-the-universal-heart/ (for 8th & 9th chakras?)ALSO http://www.lprww.us/lprwwBk1Appendix4-An Opening Spiritual Heart.html

  12. You Can Also Run Light/Energy Through Your Body, Such As Healing Green Pink for Self Love White - for ALL Any & all can be used as a “Walking Meditation!!! Color interpretation handouts

  13. “Those colors beyond the normal range of human physical vision are dazzling, alive and posses a sparkle and luminescence that many artists can only try to emulate. Each color that you do see in the spectrum has alternating shades of darkness, lightness and delicacy that you never see. Each color really has levels of attunement within it and is a ladder to higher spiritual evolvement. As you meditate on each given color, you will find yourself attuning differently to Spirit each time. You will hear a different intuitive message each time.” “So, the spectrum of color encompasses all that there is in the Universe. Energy and light are what comprise all that you experience. Color is the key to spiritual At-Onement at its most accelerated rate.” http://www.lprww.us/lprwwBk2Ch6

  14. PROJECTING LIGHT & ENERGY to a Person Place Situation ALWAYS in the name of Highest Good

  15. The Keys to Successful Projection of Universal Light/Energy Typically unmentioned: Imagination! • Clarity - visualize the ‘target,’ person, place, situation… or what? • Intention - define what are you going to do. • Intensity - put your emotions behind the effort.

  16. Remember, “thoughts are things” in this and other dimensions, and... Any time you are using or applying Universal Light/Energy, you are automatically assigning a “signature vibration” to that application… SO,

  17. STAY POSITIVE AT ALL TIMESand For EVERYONE’S protection, always invoke HIGHEST GOOD Remember - you are consciously and directly working with “primary substance,” i.e., with Universal Energy, affecting multiple dimensions.

  18. HIGHEST GOOD What does this mean? How do you do this? “The point of this positive attitude quote, or trust affirmation is literally, whatever is the best, finest, good for you that there is.” http://www.circlesoflight.com/peace/peace10.shtml But a much better definition: Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), British philosopher and sociologist: “The highest good here is not the happiness of the individual, not even the happiness of the present generation, but the sum total of the conditions which make possible the survival and the constant progress of mankind at large.” http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06640a.htm

  19. Example Applications for Individuals/Situations: Quotes from: http://www.lprww.org/ Sequentially, to all world leaders - Send volumes of pink light, followed by palest green to assist in healing anger and hostility; highest white light that all may truly serve. Send pink light, along with darkest, boldest green that ego may cease its relentless demands and will not act as a smoke screen blocking inspiration. Send light of glistening violet, that they may connect with one another, followed by brightest white light that they function in the highest way possible. Send darkest, boldest green that all may share in this healing in every respect. Send as much healing chartreuse as possible, followed by as much pink and then white light as possible. Along with green for ego, pink for service and amber for animosity and hatred, send diamond light for aggression.

  20. Exercise • Invoking HIGHEST GOOD, with • Clarity - visualize the ‘target,’ person, place, situation… or what? • Intention - define what are you going to do. • Intensity - put your emotions into the effort. Do a 3 to 5 minute energy projection to assist a person or situation , using whichever color(s) you choose… watch for a result, and… … be alert to the unexpected :-) … break

  21. "ENGINEERING YOUR SPIRITUALITY," APPENDIX 3, SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES (Maslow’s "peak experiences”?)http://www.lprww.us/lprwwBk1Appendix3-Spiritual Experiences.html 31. September 19, 2009 - Mass Consciousness After having been "directed" and working with white light, followed by effervescent pink light, on the mass consciousness around Earth for a couple months (this took the appearance of clearing out "tunnels"), I found myself observing another "tunnel" leading off to my right side and descending. As I went deeper, the "medium" to which I was applying the white light became extremely dense, of a consistency almost like a thick oil spill. This descending tunnel came to a "T" so I started off to my right, "received" a correction, then turned around to take the other branch. I soon came to what I sensed was a large room or cavern, which was confirmed when the white light began clearing the "gunk" from it. Although I hadn't expected it, I also immediately experienced a whole-body confirmation of protection (kind of a tingling sensation all over). After the cavern was cleared, I then "coated' the room walls with the pink light. I then started to follow through to address an assumed entrance on the other side of the cavern, but "received" the information that this was enough for now, so turned around and left the cavern. Getting a "message" to re-check the large cavern, I found it was again filling with "gunk" from the entrance on the other side. However, when I then used the white light to re-clear it, I unexpectedly found that the "gunk" couldn't adhere to the pink-light-coated cavern walls as it had originally.

  22. "ENGINEERING YOUR SPIRITUALITY," APPENDIX 3, SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES (Maslow’s "peak experiences”?)http://www.lprww.us/lprwwBk1Appendix3-Spiritual Experiences.html 38. August, 2011 - Working with/attempting to “clean up” or "spiritualize" mass consciousness across the U.S. over a period of time. California, and the West coast was decidedly mixed, Ca area appearing as "vertical curls" (??) spent little effort there. Midwest and Southwest relatively clean to a light gray, I suspect depending upon population densities. Southeast, a muddy brown color, somewhat difficult to see too far into. East up to the Eastern seaboard and particularly around Washington D.C., seemed to be a solid black impenetrable cliff, which possibly arose from the partisan politics being played out(???). After a few days working primarily on trying to get light into and around that cliff, I began to see some cracks appear, but it was still a very foreboding edifice. Needs a LOT more work!

  23. We’s ‘bout here Exercise - Do about a 5 minute energy projection to work on mass consciousness within the U.S., using whatever configuration and colors that come to you… watch for a result, and … be alert to the unexpected :-)

  24. "ENGINEERING YOUR SPIRITUALITY," APPENDIX 3, SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES (Maslow’s "peak experiences”?)http://www.lprww.us/lprwwBk1Appendix3-Spiritual Experiences.html 22. After I started putting together the "World Peace Exercise" from my late wife’s notes, I started using that same technique, although not as "religiously" as I probably should have. (See http://www.lprww.org, "World Peace Exercise”) On Nov 4, 2007, I had a strong urge ("received the word"?) to simplify that process by simply surrounding and interpenetrating Earth with an effervescent pink (love). This approach was confirmed by channeled words from an independent source, on Nov 23rd, of "He got it! He got it" Continuing - Dec 22, 2007 - I again felt as if a message "came through" and I began using the white light of Christmas, converting it to pink light and "going" all around the globe with that.

  25. EXCELLENT References BUT - Neither really provides the potential of effecting a “direct link” such as using Universal Energy, or info on all the “jobs” or “positions” found “in Spirit,” such as, Karmic Courts, or “Cosmic Cops”

  26. Movies vs. Reality, “The Green Lantern” (GL) GL - “In a universe as vast as it is mysterious, a small but powerful force has existed for centuries. Protectors of peace and justice, they are called the Green Lantern Corps.” Reality – “Cosmic Cops.” GL - Manifesting your reality with the ring. Reality – You don’t need the ring… Just use the same approach…

  27. The keys to successful use of Universal Light/Energy/Manifesting • Imagination – you are a Creator! • Clarity - visualize the ‘target,’ person, place, situation… or what? • Intention - define what are you going to do. • Intensity - put your emotions behind the effort. Always working from Highest Good!!

  28. FOR NEXT WEEK Homework: Practice what’s been presented… “play with” these techniques for various situation and/or individuals. Write down what you’ve experienced as a result. Be ready to talk about your experiences – might even be able write up a 600-700 word article for Ashland’s Daily Tidings (talk to Sally McKirgan)? Next Class - Personal Protection Techniques, preceded by some examples of “why” Last Class – On the receiving end of a “Black Master” and more global work

  29. EXPERIENCES Most Native American cultures attributed a consciousness to all living things and, in some cases, even to inanimate things. IF you can accept the validity of the next two experiences (that were life-alternating for me… potentially synonymous with a vision quest), what would you say? Do any these experiences speak of Reality, self delusion, or what?

  30. 6. 1990 – the joy of SERVICE While driving to work near the Santa Rosa, CA, airport, I often took a slow back road route through some grape fields, old farms and barns. One particular morning while driving between a deserted farmhouse and its associated barn on the other side of the road, I felt as if I 'entered into' and very temporally BECAME an old, rusted sheet metal "no trespass" sign beside the road. I could FEEL the granular nature of the metal, the gratitude and joy at serving in whatever capacity was necessary... the joy of simply BEING and being able to be of service. Glancing over to the other side of the road the very same thing happened with the old barn that was in the process of falling down, I was inside the wood siding and could FEEL the cellular nature of the wood. Again, the feeling of ABSOLUTE JOY, of BEINGNESS was almost overwhelming, the joy at serving in whatever capacity was appropriate... the joy of simply BEING... and of BEING OF SERVICE. I can still feel that desire, joy and satisfaction of being of service... in whatever capacity, in whatever way. Since I estimate that I had traveled about 50 feet along the road during this whole experience, then, timewise, it only took approximately one second! Yet, that one second was absolutely life-changing, probably with a far greater late-life impact than all the rest of the experiences noted here, combined.

  31. 37. July 31, 2011 - the joy of SERVICE Intellectually, we "know" that God "is all things"... that, as Goswani (and others) stated in "The Self-Aware Universe," and as physicists and cosmologists are becoming aware of "the field," everything is connected. This morning I suddenly experienced both feeling and seeing that commonality with all things - that consciousness in everything I looked at... as a build-up, an accumulation of varying levels of awareness - as I suddenly connected with this morning, is quite different from the intellectualization of that concept. Each consciousness I "saw" seemed to have an over-riding, ingrained purpose to be of "service," but where is that ingrained purpose in mankind? This is where language, any language, falls considerably short... "seeing"/experiencing the continuity of all consciousness!

  32. "ENGINEERING YOUR SPIRITUALITY," APPENDIX 3, SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES (Maslow’s "peak experiences”?)http://www.lprww.us/lprwwBk1Appendix3-Spiritual Experiences.html 24. Dec 31, ‘07, Using Existing Energy Singapore - visited the Goddess of Mercy Temple on Waterloo St. (dedicated to Quan Yin , or Kwan Yin) right next door to the Hindi Temple. I did not know this Temple’s name or dedication before entering, but inside, I was "blown away" by the happy, positive, joyful energy, which was in abundance. Yes, there were some few vibrations of "desperate straits" situations, but the over-all energy was tremendous! In immersing myself in that energy, I began distributing it over the city, then the island, then over the SE Asia region. So as to not leave the Temple bereft, I brought in the God-light of Christmas and circulated both energies through the Temple.

  33. "ENGINEERING YOUR SPIRITUALITY," APPENDIX 3, SOME PSYCHIC EXPERIENCEShttp://www.lprww.us/lprwwBk1Appendix3-Spiritual Experiences.html 5. 1990 - Several years earlier, in late 1974 and 1975, I made several trips to Arnold Engineering Development Center near Tullahoma, TN, driving from the Nashville airport down pine-tree-lined I-24. It was such a beautiful area, that I often "extended my consciousness" while driving to ”merge with" the mostly evergreen trees on each side of the highway. Now, in 1990, Diane and I often drove from Santa Rosa, CA out to the coast near Jenner, going through the redwoods along the Russian River west of Guernville. It was, again, such a beautiful area that, on the first such trip, I again began extending my consciouness as I had done in Tennessee. However, this time I received a shocking surprise, to the extent that I had to really concentrate on staying on the road. I received a clear, sharp, non-auditory response that said "Hello, old friend. It's been a long time." And here we typically think of trees and other vegetation as independent plants without a thought process or consciousness????

  34. 1990, Santa Rosa to Jenner ‘74/’75, from Nashville to Tullahoma “Hello, old friend, it’s been a long time.” Tullahoma, TN, and Guerneville, CA: greater than 2000 miles and ~15 years apart!!!

  35. In the 2010 class, I picked up on a question about a personal communication from a grove of redwoods… might it have been a disincarnate being? Discarnates/Astral plane beings to be addressed. Meanwhile, although I have infrequently participated in such communication since that time, these two references, among others, speak to communications with both animals and plants. Michael Roads, was an Tasmania, Australia farmer that became quite fluent with virtually all forms of Nature. Now, he says, “I teach people to practice reality until it overwhelms the illusions.” www.michaelroads.com Bill Schul has also written The Psychic Power of Animals. As a therapist, he has been a lifetime student of the mind and a trainer in mind expansion, creativity, and non-ordinary states of awareness at the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences.

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