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Receptor Modeling Source Apportionment for Air Quality Management. John G. Watson (john.watson@dri.edu) Judith C. Chow Desert Research Institute Reno, Nevada, USA. Presented at: The Workshop on Air Quality Management, Measurement, Modeling, and Health Effects
Receptor Modeling Source Apportionment for Air Quality Management John G. Watson (john.watson@dri.edu) Judith C. Chow Desert Research InstituteReno, Nevada, USA Presented at:The Workshop on Air Quality Management, Measurement, Modeling, and Health Effects University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia 24 May 2007
Objectives • Review receptor models and data requirements • Summarize prior uses of receptor models in air quality management • Describe strategies for separating primary and secondary source contributions
Black Carbon (BC) Remains at Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA • Not all BC is from diesel and other vehicular emissions • “Marker” is a better term than “tracer” • There’s something of everything in everything
Source and Receptor Models The source model uses source emissions as inputs and calculates ambient concentrations. The receptor model uses ambient concentrations as inputs and calculates source contributions. (From Watson, 1979.)
Chemical Mass Balance • Equation: • Input: • Ambient concentrations (Ci)and uncertainties (sCj),source profiles (Fij),and uncertainties (sFij). • Output: • Source contributions (Sj)and uncertainties (sSj). • Measurements: • Size-classified mass, elements, ions, and carbon concentrations on both ambient and source samples.
CMB SolutionsMinimize differences between calculated and measured values for overdetermined set of equations ϰ2 = minΣi [(Ci-Ci)2/ϭCi2] + ΣiΣi[(Fij-Fij)2/ϭFij2] Britt and Luecke, (1973), single sample, bold=true value ϰ2 =minΣi[(Ci-ΣjFijSj)2/(ϭCi2+ΣjϭFij2Sj2)] Effective Variance, Watson et al., (1984), single sample ϰ2 =minΣi[(Ci-ΣjFijSj)2/ϭCi2)] Ordinary Weighted Least Squares, Friedlander (1973), single sample
Other CMB Solutions Sj=Ci/Fij Tracer solution, Hidy and Friedlander (1971), Winchester and Nifong (1971), single sample ϰ2 =minΣk[(Massk-ΣiCik/Fii)2] Multiple Linear Regression, Kleinman et al (1980), multiple samples ϰ2 =minΣiΣk[(Cik-ΣjFijSjk)2/ϭCik2)] Positive Matrix Factorization, Paatero (1997), multiple samples
Receptor Models are Not Statistical • They don’t test hypotheses or determine statistical significance • Receptor models should be physically based with statements of simplifying assumptions and evaluation of deviations from assumptions • They infer mechanisms and interactions rather than explicitly calculate them • Receptor models recognize and elucidate patterns in measured components, space and time that bound the types, quantities, and locations of source contributions • Some of them explicitly use input data uncertainties to weight influence of inputs and estimate uncertainties of outputs
Types of “Modern” Receptor Models • Chemical Mass Balance CMB with various solutions including marker (trace method, effective variance (EV), principal component analysis (PCA), UNMIX, abd positive matrix factorization (PMF) solutions • Aerosol Evolution and Equilibrium Estimates how reduction in one precursor will affect PM end-products • Back Trajectory estimates source areas for different pollutants or source contributions
Chemical Mass Balance • Equation: • Input: • Ambient concentrations (Ci)and uncertainties (sCj),source profiles (Fij),and uncertainties (sFij). • Output: • Source contributions (Sj)and uncertainties (sSj). • Measurements: • Size-classified mass, elements, ions, and carbon concentrations on both ambient and source samples.
Receptor Measurements from Ambient Samplers Airmetrics portable MiniVol sampler BGI FRM Omni PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 PM2.5 and PM10
Many contributors not inventoried Real-World Cooking Simulated Cooking
More source profiles could be obtained from certification tests Roadside compliance test in India
Material balance says much about sources(Mexico City, Feb/Mar 1997) (Chow et al., 2002)
More specificity obtained with source profiles Commonly measured elements, ions, and carbon (Zielinska et al., 1998)
Many toxic elements have been removed from emissions.Organic markers take their place (Chow et al. 2006)
Carbon fractions have been found useful and can be obtained from existing samples (Watson et al., 1994) Gasoline-fueled vehicles Diesel-fueled vehicles
Thermally-evolved material can be separated by chromatography and mass spectrometryChallenge is to extract information that separates sources Gasoline Coal power plant Diesel Roadside dust
Examples of U.S. CMB Model Air Quality Findings and Results • Oregon wood stove emissions standard (Watson, 1979) • Midwest contributions to east coast sulfate and ozone (Wolff et al., 1977, Lioy et al., 1980, Mueller et al., 1983, Rahn and Lowenthal, 1984) • Washoe County, Nevada, stove changeout, burning ban, and “squealer” number (Chow et al., 1989) • California EMFAC emissions model revisions (Fujita et al., 1992, 1994) • SCAQMD (Los Angeles) grilling emission standard (Rogge, 1993) • SCAQMD (Los Angeles) street sweeper specification (Chow et al., 1990)
Examples of U.S. CMB Model Air Quality Findings and Results (continued) • SCAQMD (Los Angeles) Chino dairy reduction (NH3) regulation (SCAQMD, 1996) • PM10 SIP implementation of wood burning, road dust, and industrial emission reductions (Davis and Maughan, 1984, Houck et al., 1981, 1982, Cooper et al., 1988, 1989) • Navajo Generating Station SO2 scrubbers (Malm et al., 1989) • Hayden Generating Station SO2 scrubbers (Watson et al., 1996) • Mohave Generating Station shutdown (Pitchford et al., 1999) • Denver Colorado urban visibility standard (Watson et al., 1988)
Worldwide PM Source Contribution Estimates by Chemical Mass Balance(Chow and Watson, 2002)
Receptor Model Results Need to be ChallengedCMB Sensitivity Test (Chow et al. 2006)
CMB Pseudo-Inverse Normalized (MPIN) Matrix (Chow et al. 2006)
One Atmosphere (Gases and Particles) Also Works for Receptor Models (Gertler et al., 1996) Light Duty Emission Rates Heavy Duty Emission Rates
Hourly (VOC) data provide temporal corroboration of emissions and reveal unknown sources(Houston, TX, 1993) (Lu, 1996) Unknown event Morning traffic
High Time Resolution is DesiredSpikes indicate local sources (Watson and Chow, 2001)
Wind Direction is Suggestive for Local Sources Conditional Probability Function (CPF) for a Selenium Factor at the Pittsburg Supersite (Pekney et al., 2006)
Source factors derived from ambient data by UNMIX and PMFThese must be associated with measured source profiles(Chen et al., 2006)
Markers for Biogenic SOA(Pandis, 2001) • Pinic acid, pinonic acid, norpinic acid, and norpinonic acid are products of the oxidation of most monoterpenes • There are some (apparently) unique tracers: • Hydropinonaldehydes for α-pinene • Nopinone for β-pinene • 3-caric acid for carene • Sabinic acid for sabenene • Several of these compounds measured in field studies in forests (usually a few nanograms per cubic meter, sometimes as much as 0.1 µg m-3)
SO4=/SO2 Ratio changes during Aerosol Aging (and should be Reflected in Source Profiles) (Watson et al., 2002)
Back trajectories indicate source regions (Xu et al., 2006) Regression parameters for Grand Canyon National Park (2000–2002). Percent of time the parcel is in a horizontal grid cell based on back trajectories starting at 500 m.
Receptor Models Can Estimate the Future in Some Circumstances(Denver, CO, 1997) (Watson et al., 1998) Effect of ammonia reductions on ammonium nitrate particles Effect of nitric acid reductions on ammonium nitrate particles
Emission Reduction EffectivenessLong-Term Trends in SO2 Emissions and SO4= Levels(Malm et al., 2002)
Murphy’s Law of Reproducibility“If reproducibility is a problem, just use one model”Mohave Generating Station contributions to Meadview sulfate (Pitchford et al., 1999)
Model discrepancies help to improve inventoriesPM2.5 Inventory/Receptor Model Comparison, Denver, CO (1997)(Watson et al., 2002)
SIP Guidance “Weight of Evidence” Approach(EPA, 2001) • Form a conceptual model of the emissions, meteorology, and chemical transformations that are likely to affect exceedances • Develop a modeling/data analysis protocol with stakeholders consistent with available science, measurements, and the conceptual model • Construct and evaluate emission inventory for the domain as indicated by the conceptual model
SIP Guidance “Weight of Evidence” Approach(continued) • Assemble and evaluate meteorological measurements for the domain • Apply source and receptor models and to determine contributions • Apply diagnostic tests and justify discarding results that are not physically reasonable
SIP Guidance “Weight of Evidence” Approach(continued) • Modify the inventory to reflect different emission reduction strategies in consultation with stakeholders, and evaluate the effects of reductions at receptors • Make models, input data, and results available to others for external review • Judge the weight of evidence supporting or opposing the selected emission reduction strategy prior to implementation
Receptor Model Needs: A Summary • Source properties that identify and quantify source contributions at a receptor (Daisey et al., 1986, Gordon et al., 1984) • Better designed networks (Chow et al., 2002, Demerjian, 2000) with respect to • Sampling locations • Sampling periods • Sample durations • Particle sizes • Precursor gases • Chemical and physical components • Meteorology
Receptor Model Needs(continued) • Emissions profiles (with cooling and dilution including marker species and gases, (England et al., 2000) • More convenient availability and documentation of source profile and ambient data (U.S. EPA, 1999) • More evaluation, validation, and reconciliation of receptor and source modeling results (Javitz et al., 1988)
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