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INePS – GIFIP project Ugo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team Leader Novi Sad, April 2 nd & 3 rd , 2008. CLUSTER GOVERNANCE AND INSTITUTION BUILDING Approaches to clusters identification, awareness rising and transnational cooperation: lessons learned from Informest projects.
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 CLUSTER GOVERNANCE AND INSTITUTION BUILDING Approaches to clusters identification, awareness rising and transnational cooperation: lessons learned from Informest projects
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS 1 The culture of local development is quite recent The role of entrepreneurship is conditional for making more of local endogenous resources The territory plays the role of development paradigm for SMEs SME clustering is a different model then industrial district The Italian case study is a benchmark for emerging industrial districts In transition economies
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS 2 The industrial district is a Local Productive System with a prevailing sectorial specialization Coordination and control of different phases do not derive from fixed rules or hierarchical mechanism The ties of companies with the territory result in competitive external economies The role of Local and Regional Authorities is pivotal for shaping the productive environment
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 THE FASHION OF INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Growing interest for the districts performance in the Italian economy >>> Expectation for replication abroad FAQ How many are industrial districts in Italy? How can we establish an Industrial District? How can we promote district based FDI in our Country / Region?
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 COMMON FEATURES OF DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT 1 Historical skills of local economy Local availability of raw materials Farmers entrepreneurial experience Restructuring of big (state) industry Role of a local leading company Role of external investments (FDI, but not only)
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 COMMON FEATURES OF DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT 2 Entrepreneurial creativity pushed by emulation among companies Strong sell – buy relations among district companies Social cohesion, i.e. trust among entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs and workforce PPP sharing economic growth within the whole community
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 THE PATH FOR DISTRICTS DEVELOPMENT 1 Analysis of local productive skills in a Country Identification of local development actors (Municipalities, business associations, CoE, agencies & service centres) Training of the local development managers Understanding of the existing ties among local companies Awareness rising of a common vision Partnership based governance of development policy and related investments
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 THE PATH FOR DISTRICTS DEVELOPMENT 2 Local level autonomy and civic cohesion Expectations and needs standing survey Training facilities for entrepreneurs and workforce Infrastructures for accessibility Infrastructures for production, ICT included Environmental quality Networking of stakeholders and service provision Common fitted image and marketing >>> >>> Internal efficiency and external attractiveness of the Industrial District
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 GUIDELINES FOR INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS TRANSNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Internationalization versus delocalization: overcoming the fear for global competition The local inter-companies relationship of Italian SME extends its productive organization on transnational basis SMEs ask for institutional support in the operations abroad
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 CONDITIONALITIES Sound PPP for the design of the transnational strategy Expanding companies looking for extended value-chain Trusted institutional body for leading the process 3 samples / 3 stages Treviso in the Judet of Timis (R) Venice in the District of Brcko (BiH) Vicenza in the Municipality of Samarin (SK)
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 CRITERIA FOR THE CHOICE OF THE PARTNER Making more of existing transnational cooperation Importance of human relationship and confidence Direct assessment of attractiveness and competitiveness: > logistical settlement & accessibility > professional education > rule of law and transparency > balance of risk rate and costs competitiveness > local GDP growing rate > other competitive advantages: environment, RTD, training and university, special public facilities, etc.
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 METHODOLOGY To design the development programme together with the local partner To agree the conditions for implementation To assess domestic and local sources for funding the programme To share good practices and support local capacity building To support internship of staff between companies and institutions
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 OBJECTIVES To establish a friendly local environment for the moving SMEs To guarantee equal service level between Italy and abroad To gain for the participating SMEs pair treatment to big investors To contract credit lines conditions for moving SMEs To contract protected proceedings for SMEs settlement To design training programmes together, Italian language included To establish a one-stop-shop for contacts with the local PA To select a local network of certified professionals To support the business programme with cultural and social projects
INePS – GIFIP projectUgo Poli – Informest Vice President & Project Team LeaderNovi Sad, April 2nd & 3rd, 2008 INFORMEST Service and Documentation Centre for International Economic Cooperation Via Cadorna 36 34170 Gorizia – Italy informest@informest.it www.informest.it