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Student and course information for your new Church Bible Institute. Biblical Higher Education now at your church. Courses prepared with the KJV Bible.
Student and course information for your new Church Bible Institute Biblical Higher Educationnow at your church.
Courses that provide a well-rounded education and balanced approach to get students into the Bible, and for the development of successful Christian living.
Courses designed for busy people. Next: a 90 second preview of courses.
Each course combines Bible reading with workbook completion.
1. You attend a class given by your teacher. 2. Between meetings you complete 1 or 2 workbookpages for homework. 3. Student turns in the workbook for grading.
Classes meet an hour or two once a week for six sessions. A few short quizzes will be given by your instructor. Your grade is determined by your attendance, workbook score, and quiz grades.
You may attend more than one class a week if your Institute offers them. Upon course completion you will be given a certificate. Upon successful completion of 12 courses you may be issued a diploma.
You may transfer into Patriot Bible University for a religious Degree or Patriot School of the Bible for individual study courses resulting in a vocational certificate or leadership certificate.
Like you, we believe in the verbal inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His blood atonement, His bodily resurrection, salvation by grace through faith in Christ and the bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ to set up His eternal kingdom.All courses are prepared with the KJV Bible.
Solid Bible Topics such as… Basic Bible DoctrinePersonal EvangelismGospel of MarkPsalm 23Book of NehemiahCharacter DevelopmentBible and PrayerGod in American HistoryBook of RuthBible Times & CustomsSeven Churches of RevelationSpiritual LeadershipGod's Wonderful PromisesMinor ProphetsColossians Book of ProverbsChrist the TeacherChristian FamilyPeter, Paul & John the BaptistBook of PhilippiansSpiritual Power in TeachingChrist's Words from the CrossChristian WarfareDiscipleship TrainingBible & ScienceKey Words of the Christian LifeChurch HistoryPresent Labor & Future RewardsBook of RevelationSeven Convincing Miracles
GENERAL BIBLE COURSES Basic Bible DoctrineThis course covers important Bible doctrines including the attributes of God, the person and work of Christ, the ministry of the Holy Spirit; and teachings regarding man, Satan, angels, the church, and end time events. Added emphasis on Christian living. Key Words of the Christian LifeA doctrinal word study based on the work of Warren Wiersbe covering such topics as justification, adoption, regeneration, propitiation, imputation, sanctification, reconciliation, redemption, intercession, mediation, predestination, and glorification. This course is designed to deepen the student's walk with Christ.
Present Labor & Future RewardsWhen will we be judged? How does God chasten believers? Is sickness a result of sin? What kind of rewards will believers receive? How can I be sure of receiving a Crown? This course answers questions like these, as well as others frequently asked about future judgment and preparation for it. Based on the research of Theodore H. Epp. Bible and PrayerA rewarding study about prayer in the life of the believer. Includes 30 aspects of prayer such as: the purpose of prayer, the preparation for prayer, the power of prayer, private prayer, public prayer, and the perfect prayer. Added emphasis from the pen of Dr. R.G. Lee.
Bible Times and CustomsKnowing Oriental manners and customs is basic to understanding the Bible. This course deals with subjects such as customs at mealtime, education of youth, trades and professions, customs regarding marriage and property, along with many more.Christian WarfareThe Christian life is a warfare, not a picnic. We’re called to be soldiers, and this course identifies our enemies, shows how we should fight, and describes the conditions for victory. God's Wonderful PromisesA valuable study of God's promises for personal strength, daily provisions, Divine protection, and inner peace. This course also utilizes The Bible Promise Book which contains more than 1,000 promises from the Bible.
OLD TESTAMENT Book of RuthEmphasis on J. Vernon McGee's study on the Romance of Redemption. Book of NehemiahPractical leadership principles prove that Nehemiah is for us now. Psalm 23A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, and the student discovers why this is one of the most beloved passages of the Bible. Book of ProverbsJ.Vernon McGee and others help the student explore God's wisdom.Minor Prophets
NEW TESTAMENT Gospel of MarkJ.Vernon McGee and others help the student explore this Book. Christ's Words from the CrossThis unique and rewarding study discusses the seven sayings Christ spoke while on the Cross. RevelationA captivating study of future events as portrayed in the greatest book of prophecy including the rapture, great tribulation, millennium, Great White Throne Judgment, and the new heaven and earth. This course takes a pre-tribulation and premillennial viewpoint.
ColossiansTheodore Epp helps expound this Book. Book of PhilippiansTheodore Epp and J. Vernon McGee help the student explore the spiritual riches of this great New Testament Book. Seven Churches of RevelationIn addition to the historical significance, this study includes Vance Havner's hard-hitting Revival Messages from God's letters to the seven churches.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Character DevelopmentThis dynamic study concentrates on the attributes, attitudes, and actions of a maturing Christian. Spiritual Power in TeachingBased on Roy B. Zuck's classic examination of the teacher's "spiritual Teammate" and how to cooperate with Him for successful teaching. Christ, the TeacherAn analytical study of teaching techniques used by Jesus, including the lecture method, capturing interest, using illustrations and paradoxes, asking questions, commendations and rebukes, and making disciples.
CHURCH MINISTRIES Spiritual LeadershipClassic studies by R.A. Torrey and Oswald Sanders on obtaining God's power and wisdom as spiritual leaders. CHRISTIAN COUNSELING Christian FamilyThis course deals with Biblical principles which lead to strong and successful homes, including the proper role of husband, wife, and children. Practical scriptural solutions are presented for the problems which plague families today.
EVANGELISM & MISSIONS Personal EvangelismThis vital study deals with basic concepts, methods and the message of personal soul winning. Discipleship TrainingA relevant study for training in discipleship. It includes an investigation of the early church, the process of making disciples, and the elements of leadership training. Special emphasis is also given to the problem of materialism in the life of modern Christians.
CHARACTER STUDIES Peter, Paul and John the BaptistEmphasizes F.B. Meyer's insights into the lives of three great New Testament men of faith. SCIENCE Bible and ScienceBased on research by Henry Morris, this study covers the harmony between science and the Bible, the problem with the theory of evolution, the validity of the flood, Biblical archaeology, and scientific insights into prophecy.
SOCIAL STUDIES God in American HistoryA view of history that proves our American heritage is a Christian heritage. This course shows, based on extensive research, the close relationship between God and the founding and development of our country. Church History (Baptist Viewpoint)
There’s never been a time where having Bible knowledgehas been more important.
Enroll now. Dig deeper into the Bible. Be prepared with ‘that answer’. Biblical Higher Educationnow at your church.