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Indirect detection of dark matter: uncertainties and possibilities. Lars Bergström The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics Dept. of Physics Stockholm University lbe@physto.se. PAMELA Workshop, Roma, May11, 2009. Via Lactea II simulation (J. Diemand & al, 2008).
Indirect detection of dark matter: uncertainties and possibilities Lars Bergström The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics Dept. of Physics Stockholm University lbe@physto.se PAMELA Workshop, Roma, May11, 2009
Via Lactea II simulation (J. Diemand & al, 2008) Lots of clumps of dark matter in the halo! Strategy for identifying DM usingindirectdetection Gamma-rays from DM shoulddirectlyreflect the spatial distribution of the halo. No diffusion of gamma-rays, and simple energy loss for positrons possiblefingerprints of DM also in the energyspectrum. Otherprobes (radio, CMB, X-rays, antiprotons, neutrinos) should be withinobservationalbounds Furtherenhancementpossiblethrough the Sommerfeldeffect (see later).
Indirect detection, example: annihilation of neutralinos in the galactic halo Majorana particles: helicity factor for fermions v mf2 Note: equal amounts of matter and antimatter in annihilations Decays from neutral pions, kaons etc: DarkSUSY uses PYTHIA. One-loop effect: 2 or Z final state gives narrow lines. Internal bremsstrahlung also contributes to high-energy gammas
3 exclusion limit, 1 year of GLAST data Note: the regions with high gamma rates are very weakly correlated with models of high direct detection rates complementarity ”Conservative” approach, g.c., NFW halo profile assumed, no substructure. Including all halo, with substructure Vast region of opportunity for next generation of gamma-ray instruments! (And maybe detectable by Fermi if there is a Sommerfeld enhancement.) Cf. GLAST working group on Dark Matter and New Physics, E.A. Baltz, et al., arXiv:0806.2911
Recent development: New observational signature for Majorana particles (like neutralinos) f mf for Majorana particles in limit v/c 0 f _ ”Internal bremsstrahlung”, IB ”Final state radiation” mf Simplest example mf No mf suppression! 5 L.B., 1989; T. Bringmann & al, 2007-8
QED corrections (InternalBremsstrahlung) in the MSSM: good news for detectionprobability in gamma-rays: T. Bringmann, L.B., J. Edsjö, JHEP, 2008 Example: benchmarkpoint BM3, mass = 233 GeV, fulfils all accelerator constraints, has WMAP-compatiblerelicdensity (staucoannihilation region). New calculationincludingInternalBremsstrahlung (DarkSUSY 5.0). Spectraldrop att 233 GeV is nicelyinside the GLAST range… Previous estimate of gamma-ray spectrum (DarkSUSY 4.1) 6
Some of the newly found dwarf galaxies may give favourable rates: L. Strigari & al, 2008 MAGIC Oct. 2008: Boost factors corresponding to upper limits from Willman I, needed to see a signal Much more observing time needed. (So far, only 15 hours.) The future CTA may be ideal instrument. T. Bringmann & al, 2008
The future of GeV - TeV gamma-rays astronomy? Possible Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) sensitivity GLAST Crab E.F(>E) [TeV/cm2s] 10% Crab MAGIC Similarproject in the US: AGIS. Will CTA and AGIS merge? CTA H.E.S.S. 1% Crab W. Hofmann
”EGRET excess of gamma-rays” Has supersymmetric dark matter already been seen in indirect detection? W. de Boer, 2003-2008 Filled by 65 GeV neutralino annihilation Galactic rotation curve Data explained by 50-100 GeV neutralino? New CDMS limit, 2008
Expected antiproton flux from de Boer’s supersymmetric models (with standard diffusion) Standard (secondary) production from cosmic rays Stecker & al 2007: EGRET GeV anomaly may be instrument calibration error. L.B., J. Edsjö, M. Gustafsson & P. Salati, 2006
What are the results for the inner Galaxy? And high latitudes – This is where DM could be important… stayed tuned for more Fermi data.
Oct 2008: The awaited PAMELA data on the positron ratio up to 100 GeV . (O. Adriani et al., Nature 458, 607 (2009)) A very important result! An additional, primary source of positrons is needed. Prediction from secondaryproduction by cosmicrays: Moskalenko & Strong, 1998
1. Positrons generated by a class of extreme objects: supernova remnants (pulsars): • So, new modeling is needed. Twomainpossibilities come to mind: • Pulsars (or other supernova remnants) • Dark Matter Geminga pulsar estimates Vela pulsar (supernova remnant) Yuksel, Kistler, Stanev, 2008 (cf. Aharonian, Atoyan and Völk, 1995; Kobayashi et al., 2004)
2. Example of DM solution: SUSY with internalbremsstrahlung and largeboostfactors, or Winos with unusualpropagation parameters cangive the right spectrum: P. Grajek, G.L. Kane, D. Phalen, A. Pierce,and S. Watson. arXiv:0812.4555 However, does not explain new electron plus positron data (see later)
V for positrons – can give large boost if nearby dark matter clump (unlikely) – enhanced cross section needed (e.g., Sommerfeld enhancement)
V for gamma rays – can give very large boost factors in directions where dark matter is concentrated (the galactic center; subhalos)
The Sommerfeld enhancement: Well- known in electrodynamics, newly discovered in DM physics: Hisano, Matsumoto and Nojiri, 2003; Hisano, Matsumoto, Nojiri and Saito, 2004, expanding on the 2g calculation of L.B. and P. Ullio (1998): Neutralino and chargino nearly degenerate; attractive Yukawa force from W and Z exchange bound states near zero velocity, ”Sommerfeld resonance” enhancement of annihilation rate for small (Galactic) velocities. Little effect on relic density (higher v). ”Explosive annihilation”!
wino higgsino In MSSM without standard GUT condition (AMSB; split SUSY) mwino 2 – 3 TeV; m ~ 0.2 GeV Factor of 100 – 1000 enhancement of annihilation rate possible. B.R. to and Z is of order 0.2 – 0.8! F. Boudjema, A. Semenov, D. Temes, 2005 Non-perturbative resummation explains large lowest-order rates to and Z. It also restores unitarity at largest masses See also M. Cirelli & A. Strumia, 2008, N. Arkani-Hamed, D. Finkbeiner, T. Slatyer and N. Weiner, 2008, M. Lattanzi & J. Silk, 2008,…
Lattanzi & Silk, 2008 M. Cirelli and M. Strumia, 2008; M. Lattanzi and J. Silk, 2008; N. Arkani-Hamed , D. Finkbeiner, T. Slatyer and N. Weiner, 2008; J. Bovy, 2009,… Dark matterparticles (WIMPS) move with velocities v/c 10-3. Non relativisticcalculation is accurate and sufficient The boost ”problem” is solved for DM!
V for antiprotons – can not give large density boost factor for realistic halo models. PAMELA data on pbar ratio No Sommerfeld enhancement possible either for antiprotons ”leptophilic” models for DM preferred.
F. Donato, D. Maurin, P. Brun, T. Delahaye and P. Salati, Phys.Rev.Lett.102:071301,2009 Not much room for an exotic component giving antiprotons!
What the PAMELA data – positron fraction and antiproton ratio - tellus, ifrelated to DM: Wehave to look for modelsannihilatingpreferentially to leptons, and that have a Sommerfeld or similarenhancement. With previous ”canonical” models (e.g. MSSM) it is verydifficult. (DM decay in principlepossible, butone has to fine-tunedecay rate.)
The Kaluza-Klein theory of extra dimensions: The lightest KK boson may be a dark matter WIMP Oskar Klein, 1894-1977 (Also Klein paradox, Klein-Nishina formula, Klein-Gordon equation, Klein-Jordan quantization, pre-gauge theory of SU(2), Alfvén-Klein cosmology) Theodor Kaluza, 1885-1954 Pre-PAMELA prediction of positron fraction: D. Hooper and S. Profumo, Phys.Rept.453:29-115,2007
Cosmic ray diffusion, positrons and electrons Positrons lose direction almost immediately, and lose energy continuously. Diffusion equation (see, e.g., Baltz and Edsjö, 1999): = 0 (steady state) Energy-dependent diffusion coefficient Energy loss (mostly synchrotron and Inverse Compton) Source term (from annihilation) =1/0 At high energies (> 50 GeV), the diffusion term K(E) is negligible!
Simple formula for the electron and positron yield at E > 50 GeV (the no spatial diffusion limit – only energy diffusion): For direct annihilation to electrons and positrons, which means a very simple formula for the positron plus electron flux from DM in the solar neighbourhood: with enhancement factor
HESS, Nov. 24, 2008 Nature, November 19, 2008 ATIC: Balloon experiment which measures sum of electron and positron flux Is the dark matter feature really there? Fermi can measure this spectrum to 1 TeV with superior statistics (but not so good energy resolution, 10-15% compared to 2-3% for ATIC).
Prediction of DM- induced electrons and positrons, EF = 200. Pre-Fermi GALPROP bkg Total spectrum (3 % energy resolution, ATIC) ATIC 1+2+4 data sets displayed (see Isbert’s talk)
Prediction of DM- induced electrons and positrons, EF = 200. Pre-Fermi GALPROP bkg Total spectrum (15 % energy resolution, Fermi) ATIC 1+2+4 data sets displayed (see Isbert’s talk)
Prediction of DM- induced electrons and positrons, EF = 200. Pre-Fermi GALPROP bkg Total spectrum (15 % energy resolution, Fermi) ATIC 1+2+4 data sets displayed (see Isbert’s talk) New Fermi, and HESS (2 data sets) added
Prediction of DM- induced electrons and positrons, EF = 200. Pre-Fermi GALPROP bkg ATIC 1+2+4 data sets removed (see Moiseev’s talk) New Fermi, and HESS (2 data sets) added Obvious problems with relative normalizations. Solution: rescale GALPROP and HESS by 0.85
Prediction of DM- induced electrons and positrons, EF = 200. Pre-Fermi GALPROP bkg ATIC 1+2+4 data sets removed (see Moiseev’s talk) New Fermi, and HESS (2 data sets) added Obvious problems with relative normalizations. Solution: rescale GALPROP and HESS by 0.85. Done!
Modify the injection indices of GALPROP? D. Grasso et al., arXiv:0905.0636 Does not fit at all the PAMELA ratio:
DM predictions: Note model independence of this slope! M. Kuhlen and D. Malyshev, arXiv: 0904.3378
Independence also of halo profile. By changing diffusion parameters, one may also change the low-energy part somewhat – may improve agreement with PAMELA positron fraction. The high-energy prediction is really universal, though. M. Kuhlen and D. Malyshev, arXiv: 0904.3378
L.B., J. Edsjö and G. Zaharijas, arXiv:0905.0333 Contribution from k=2 muonic model, Mass = 1.6 TeV, EF = 1100
Note this rising part! E. Borriello, A. Cuoco and G. Miele, arXiv:0903.1852 Borriello et al. Happened to choose almost the same mass, but higher enhancement by a factor of 3. Final state radiation could be the ”smoking gun” for dark matter! Fermi and ACT:s would have a chance to see this!
The pulsar situation Geminga pulsar estimates Vela pulsar (supernova remnant) Yuksel, Kistler, Stanev, 2008 (cf. Aharonian, Atoyan and Völk, 1995; Kobayashi et al., 2004)
D. Grasso et al., arXiv:0905.0636 New GALPROP model (post-Fermi), rescaled by 0.95
Some structure in the curve should eventually be seen for pulsars? (D. Grasso et al., 2009).
Finally, a sobering picture: The spectrum without the E3 factor Is this almost perfect fit only a fluke?