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What is a Public Service Announcement?

What is a Public Service Announcement?. Notes. Purpose. PSAs are broadcasts in the public interest. They are educational messages designed to focus the public on serious issues. PSAs are non- commercial , non-denominational, and non- political .

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What is a Public Service Announcement?

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  1. What is a Public Service Announcement? Notes

  2. Purpose • PSAs are broadcasts in the public interest. • They are educational messages designed to focus the public on serious issues. • PSAs are non-commercial, non-denominational, and non-political. • They may be used to convey general information, announce a public event, or seek new resources or clients.

  3. Where are PSAs found? • PSAs are aired on television and radio and printed in newspapers and magazines.

  4. How are PSAs beneficial? • PSAs are intended to modify public attitudes by raising awareness of specific issues. • The most common topics of PSAs are health and safety. • A typical PSA is part of a public awareness campaign to inform or educate the public about an issue such as gambling or smoking.

  5. Who Uses PSAs? • Often, a charitable organization enlists celebrities for support (e.g. Michael J. Fox- Parkinson’s Disease) • Some religious groups produce PSAs on non-religious themes such as family values (e.g. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) • The military produces PSAs to recruit enlistees.

  6. PSAs: Past and Present • PSAs came into being during World War II. Radio broadcasters and advertising agencies offered their skills to promote unity at home. • In the U.S., PSAs became effective with the 1969 campaign against smoking. • Today, the Advertising Council (Ad Council) is the facilitating agency and clearing house for nationwide PSA campaigns.

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