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Lecture Three. A Brief Introduction to Translation Therories (Principles) Abroad and at Home. Types of Translation. Intralingual translation 语内翻译 Interlingual translation 语际翻译 Intersemiotic translation 符际翻 译 (Roman Jakobson, 1959). Definitions of Translation. John Catford( 卡特福德 )
Lecture Three A Brief Introduction to Translation Therories (Principles) Abroad and at Home
Typesof Translation • Intralingual translation 语内翻译 • Interlingual translation 语际翻译 • Intersemiotic translation 符际翻译 (Roman Jakobson, 1959)
Definitions of Translation • John Catford(卡特福德) The replacement of the textual material in one language (SL) by the equivalent textual material in another language(TL). (A Linguistic Theory of Translation, 1965)
Eugene A. Nida(奈达) Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Nida & Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation, 1969)
Translation Theories Abroad and at Home In the West 1. Marcus Tullius Cicero (西塞罗 106—43 BC) Roman statesman, orator and philosopher Types of translation: 1)“作为解释员”(ut interpres)的翻译 [translator as an interpreter]
2)“作为演说家”(ut orator)的翻译 [translator as an orator] • Translation should reproduce the nature of the original .(翻译应再现原文的本质。) --Elements of language:form, sound, meaning, style(undertone) --For a text, one or two elements of language may be the nature or the most important thing of the text.
Example 1: Form as the nature of a text 人曾为僧,人弗可以为佛。 女卑为婢,女又何妨成奴。 A Bud dhist cannot bud into a Buddha , A maid en may be made a house maid . (trans. Xu Yuanzhong)
Example 2: Sound as the nature of a text The fair breeze blew , the white foam flew, 和风吹拂,白浪翻飞, The furrow followed free. 船儿破浪前行。 We were the first that ever burst 咱们是古来第一遭, Into the silent sea. 闯入这片沉寂的穷溟。 (S. T. Coleridge)
Example 3: Meaning as the nature of a text The Milky Way牛奶路?银河/天河? The story of the term and its translation (鲁迅/赵景深): Zeus 宙斯 Hera 赫拉 Zeus’s mistresses: Alcmene(Amphitryon), Danae, Europa, Io, Leda, Leto, Maia, Metis, Mnemosyne, Semele Hercules/Heracles, Dionysus/Bacchus [Thebes/Mycenae/Electryon/Alcmene]
2. John Dryden (德莱顿 1631---1700) A famous English writer and poet laureate (桂冠诗人) Types of translation: Metaphrase: a word-for-word, literal rendering 直译/逐字翻译 Imitation: radical departures from the original text, including additions and re-interpretations 仿译/拟作 Paraphrase: a logical compromise between the two extremes 释译/意译
3. Matthew Arnold (阿诺德,1822---1888) English poet and translator His translations: Iliad 《伊利亚特》; Odyssey 《奥德赛》 His basic viewpoint on translation: He insisted on preserving the form of an original even though the meaning and the spirit of a text might suffer, reacting against freedom in translating.
Comments on Arnold’s view • Poetry should be rendered like poetry; the form is very important; it should not be translated as a prose or something else; the form of the translated text should be similar to that of the original; if the form is greatly changed, faithfulness could not be achieved. For example, the following “translation” of an ancient Chinese poem is actually not a translation but a rewriting or adaptation.
A counter-example on poetry translation 美国诗人洛威尔(Amy Lowell)英译杨贵妃诗《赠张云容舞》 Source text: 罗袖动香香不已,红蕖袅袅秋烟里, 轻云岭上乍摇风,嫩柳池边初拂水。
Target text: Wide sleeve asway Scents, Sweet scents Incessant coming. It is red lilies, Lotus lilies, Floating up, And up Out of autumn mist.
Thin clouds Puffed, Fluttered, Blown on a rippling wind Through a mountain pass. Young willow shoots Touching Brushing The water Of the garden pool.
4. Alexander Fraser Tytler (泰特勒,1749--1814) An English anthropologist Masterwork: Essay on the Principles of Translation, 1790 《论翻译的原则》 His three translation principles: 1) The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. 译文要完全复述作者的思想。 (信)
2)The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original . 译文的风格、笔调应当与原文的性质相同。 (雅) 3)The translation should have all the ease of the original composition. 译文应当和原文一样流畅。 (达) ▲ Compare them with Yan Fu’s three-in-one principle: Xin, Da and Ya
5. Peter Newmark (纽马克) Contemporary English translation scholar Major works: • Approaches to Translation (1981) • About Translation (1983) • A textbook of Translation (1988) Types of translation • Semantic Translation 语义翻译 • Communicative Translation 交际翻译
Features of semantic translation • Author-centered • Pursues author’s though • Faithful, more literal • Usually more awkward • SL-biased • Information, meaning • Informative
Features of communicative translation • Reader-centered • Pursues author’s intention • Faithful, freer • Easy reading, more natural • TL-biased • Message • Effective
Eugene A. Nida Contemporary American translation scholar Major works: • Toward a Science of Translating (1965) • The Theory and Practice of Translation (1969) • Language, Culture and Translating (1993) His basic view on translation: • Translation means communicating. • Translation means translating meanings.
No translation is ever completely equivalent, so paraphrase is sometimes necessary. His major concepts • Formal/dynamic/functional equivalence • Minimal/maximal adequacy
At home (In China) • 道安(314-385) 东晋,后秦皇帝姚兴的国师 “质”(plain style,直译)、“五失本”、“三不易” ●“五失本”(译文失去原作本来面目):译胡为秦,有五失本也:一者,胡语尽倒,而使从秦,一失本也[《金刚经》:大比丘众共半十三比丘百/与大比丘众千二百五十人整]。二者,胡经尚质,秦人好文,传可众心,非文不合,斯二失本也。三者。胡经委悉,至于咏叹,咛叮反覆,或三或四,不嫌其烦,而今裁斥,三失本也。
四者。胡有义说,正似乱辞,寻说向语,文无以异,或千五百,刈而不存,四失本也。五者,事已全成,将更傍及,反腾前辞,已乃后说而悉除,此五失本也。四者。胡有义说,正似乱辞,寻说向语,文无以异,或千五百,刈而不存,四失本也。五者,事已全成,将更傍及,反腾前辞,已乃后说而悉除,此五失本也。 ●“三不易”(译事三种不容易的情况):然《般若经》,三达之心,覆面所演,圣必因时,时俗有易,而删雅古以适今,一不易也;愚智天隔,圣人叵阶,乃欲以千岁之上微言,传使合百王之下末俗,二不易也;阿难出经,去佛未久,尊者大迦叶令五百六通,迭察迭书,今离千年而以近意量裁,彼阿罗汉乃兢兢若此,此生死人而平平若此,岂将不知法者勇乎?斯三不易也。
小资料: 佛经翻译及道安之前的佛经翻译家: Buddhist Scriptures(佛经) → Sanskrit (梵语) Buddhism(佛教)、 Western Regions 西域 安世高(a Parthian,安息/波斯人,二世纪人,主张直译) 支娄迦谶 (a Scythian,月支国人),支谦(三国时期人,《发句经序》,“因循本旨,不加文饰”)
2. 鸠摩罗什(Kumarajiva 344-413) 道安同时代人,a free-hander(意译派) 名言: “但改梵为秦, 失其藻蕴, 虽得大意, 殊隔文体, 有似嚼饭与人, 非徒失味, 乃令呕哕也。” 主张意译的实例: 竺法护原译:“天见人, 人见天”(《正法华经》) 什与僧睿改译:“天人交接,两得相见。”
3. 彦琮《辨证论》(557-610) 隋朝人,佛经翻译家,写出我国历史上第一篇翻译专论《辨证论》 “八备” eight qualifications “十条” ten rules 4. 玄奘(602-644)(Tripitaka, 三藏法师) --“文质并重” --“五种不翻”(秘密故,如陀罗尼;含义多故,如薄伽,梵具六义;此无故,如阎浮树;顺古故,阿褥菩提;生善故,如般若)
5. 马建忠 (清末人) “善译”:“译成之文,适如其所译而止,而曾无毫发出入于其间,夫而后能使阅者所得之益,与观原文无异,是则为善译也已。”(《拟设翻译书院议》) 6. 严复 译事三难:信、达、雅( 《天演论》译例言) 雅: 使用文言文 7. 鲁迅 “宁信而不顺”(Faithfulness is more important than smoothness.),“信顺”,“异国情调”(保持原作的丰姿preserve the exotic flavor , the essence of the source text )[赵景深;宁顺而不信]
8.林语堂 • 翻译三标准:忠实标准,通顺标准,美的标准(stylistic equivalence) • 字神句气, 以句为翻译单位, 直译意译名称之不妥,忠实非字字对译,字典辞书不可靠, 忠实须求传神,绝对忠实不可能, 译者责任,翻译须根据译语心理 9. 傅雷 “神似说”(spiritual resemblance/sublimation) --以效果论,翻译应当象临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。 --理想的译文仿佛是原作者的中文写作。
10. 郁达夫 “学”:对原文精深研究 “思”:致密的思索 “得”:精神[真意]完全的了解 11. 钱钟书 “化境说”(sublimation) 文学翻译的最高标准是“化”。把作品从一国文字转变为另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入于“化境”。(《林纾的翻译》)
12. 许渊冲(诗歌翻译) --“三美论”(音美、形美、意美),“竞赛论”, “优胜论” --翻译是“美化之”艺术。三美,三化(等化,浅化,深化),三知(知之,好之,乐之) 13. 刘重德 Jane Eyre第一译者 “信、达、切(close)” 14. 张培基 “忠实(faithfulness)、通顺(smoothness)”
Questions and tasks 1. How do you look at translation principle and criterion? 2. Translate passage 3 in the TRANSLATION EXERCISE of the)