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Combined Clustering and Placement Algorithm for FPGAs - Enhancing Performance and Efficiency

Introducing a novel algorithm that optimizes FPGA clustering and placement for improved performance and control over critical path delay, with a controllable trade-off between area overhead and delay improvements. The approach incorporates accurate timing models, utilizes duplication strategically, and aims to submit to FPL ‘08 for further advancement. 8 Relevant

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Combined Clustering and Placement Algorithm for FPGAs - Enhancing Performance and Efficiency

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  1. A Combined Clustering and Placement Algorithm for FPGAs Mark Yamashita

  2. Contributions • New algorithm to do clustering and placement • Novel approach for trading-off depth for duplication control • Timing model/placement incorporated into clustering • Delay improves by an average of 11% • Controllable trade-off between area overhead and delay improvements • Plan to submit to FPL ‘08

  3. Motivation • FPGAs need to be faster • 4x slower than ASICs • Limitations of existing clustering approaches: • No depth control during clustering, often greedy • Provide no means for duplication, or • Use duplication in excess • Inaccurate timing models

  4. Motivation • GOAL: • Improve critical-path delay by improving clustering • Approach: • Use placement information to form accurate timing model • Make better clustering decisions • Use duplication to reduce depth • Take advantage of otherwise unused logic in FPGA • Control amount of duplication by relaxing depth

  5. Algorithm Overview T-VP

  6. Phase 1: Microcluster Formation

  7. Phase 1: Example

  8. Phase 1: Lawler Levitt Turner Algorithm

  9. Phase 1

  10. Phase 1: Node Duplication Reduction

  11. Phase 1: Block Usage Results

  12. Phase 1: Additional Duplication Reduction Through Depth Relaxation

  13. Algorithm Overview T-VP

  14. Phase 2: Microcluster Compaction with Orchestrator • Iteratively move microclusters to improve timing • Can fit multiple microclusters to the same CLB position, provided the aggregate of all microclusters meets CLB constraints • If an area constraint is given, remove duplication and fragmentation until constraint is met

  15. Phase 2: Orchestrator Example

  16. Phase 2: Orchestrator Example

  17. Phase 2: Orchestrator Example

  18. Phase 2: Orchestrator Example

  19. Phase 2: Orchestrator Example

  20. Phase 2: Orchestrator Example

  21. Phase 2: Orchestrator Example

  22. Results: Timing

  23. Results: Area

  24. Results: Timing vs. Area

  25. Results: Timing vs. Depth

  26. Conclusions • Reducing depth contributes to a reduction in critical path delay • Node duplication, when used effectively, reduces critical path delay • Duplication can be used to provide a performance-area tradeoff to the designer

  27. Future Work • Promising Post-Placement Optimizations: • Retiming • Leverage a more significant depth reduction • Logic reintroduction • Create duplication to increase performance

  28. Contributions • New algorithm to do clustering and placement • Novel approach for trading-off depth for duplication control • Timing model/placement incorporated into clustering • Delay improves by an average of 11% • Controllable trade-off between area overhead and delay improvements • Plan to submit to FPL ‘08

  29. Thank You

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