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Discover the captivating portrait photography work of Kai Böttcher from Germany, a digital artist with a passion for creating unique and positive portraits. Explore her images, editing process, and development techniques.
Introduction of the photographer • Kai Böttcher is based in Germany, she has had a passion in digital art since 14. She applied for the University of Kaiserslautern to study Virtual Design which has led her to focus more on portraits as she loves getting the feedback.
Why I chose the photographer • I searched on Bing for portrait photography. As I searched through the images I found this image, I chose this image because it stood out from the other images as all the others seemed to have a serious look where as her photo had a more happy relaxed look. I then followed the link on the image so I could find out who took the photograph. I then searched for her on the internet and found her website.
Chosen images • I chose these images because they stand out compared to portrait photos you would expect to see, they have a happier more positive side to portrait photos.
Planning my images • Location: Edge of the carpark in Sandwich • Date: 12th October 2018 • Time: 10:00-10:30 • Who is going to be in them: Kieran
Photos taken • The shutter speed was 1/160 • The aperture was F3.5 • The shutter speed was 1/160 • The aperture was F3.5 • The shutter speed was 1/60 • The aperture was F5
Development process I used photoshop to edit the photo • I changed the image to CMYK from RGB • I used the curve tool to adjust the midtones • I changed the colour balance to +34 -15 -19 • I cropped the image • I used the burn tool with a low exposure over the leaves then changed the exposure so it was higher and went around the outside of the image • I used the dodge tool over Kieran
Introduction of the photographer • Art Wolfe graduated the university of Washington with a Bachelor’s degree in fine arts and art education. His career has spanned five decades and has lead him to work on every continent.
Why I chose the photographer • I have seen his work from when I was looking for a nature photographer, his work looks similar to some of the photos I have taken before. Looking through his images makes me want to be able to achieve photos like the ones he has taken.
Chosen images • I chose these images because the show a range of the photos he has taken.
Planning my images • Location: Sandwich • Date: 6thOctober 2018 • Time: 10:00-16:00 • Who is going to be in them: flowers, birds, a lamb
Photos taken • The shutter speed was 1/2000 • The aperture was F5.6 • The shutter speed was 1/1600 • The aperture was F5.6 • The shutter speed was 1/500 • The aperture was F5.6 • The shutter speed was 1/500 • The aperture was F5.6 • The shutter speed was 1/1600 • The aperture was F5.6 • The shutter speed was 1/1600 • The aperture was F5.6
Development process I used photoshop to edit the photo • I changed the image to CMYK from RGB • I used the burn tool over the background of the image • I used the sponge tool on saturation over the subject
Referencing • Bing.com. (2018). portrait photography - Bing images. [online] Available at: https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=portrait+photography&FORM=HDRSC2 [Accessed 9 Oct. 2018]. • Bing.com. (2018). portrait photography - Bing. [online] Available at: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=8Sn%2fj93O&id=801B32733C69CA634618F3F647C34E35427A51B7&thid=OIP.8Sn_j93O5km_Uwpcl07qfQHaJR&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fcreativeanchor.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2018%2f03%2fmarvelous-female-portrait-photography-by-kai-bottcher-4.jpg&exph=1352&expw=1080&q=portrait+photography&simid=608040197793972708&selectedIndex=22&ajaxhist=0 [Accessed 9 Oct. 2018]. • Creative Anchor. (2018). Marvelous Female Portrait Photography by Kai Böttcher - Creative Anchor. [online] Available at: http://creativeanchor.com/marvelous-female-portrait-photography-by-kai-bottcher/ [Accessed 9 Oct. 2018]. • Kai Böttcher. (2018). About. [online] Available at: https://www.kai-boettcher.com/about/ [Accessed 9 Oct. 2018]. • Art Wolfe. (2018). Art Wolfe | Nature & Cultural Photography 1-888-973-0011. [online] Available at: https://artwolfe.com/ [Accessed 17 Oct. 2018]. • Google.com. (2018). art wolfe - Google Search. [online] Available at: https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&biw=1366&bih=674&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=PRXHW_6VGaSyrgSUrKPQAg&q=art+wolfe&oq=art+wolfe&gs_l=img.3..0l4j0i67k1j0l5.847593.847804.0.847990. [Accessed 17 Oct. 2018].
Effectiveness • The product matches my original idea because it has similar colours with the person on a similar colour in the foreground which allows them to stand out. • The method and techniques I used involved having the subject placed so that when it comes to editing the image the rule of third is visible. • My final image matches professional conventions of photography as the rule of third and framing has been applied. • When planning to take this image I was going to use portrait photography, I achieved this by finding someone I knew that was willing to have their photo taken. I then found an appropriate location for the photo to be taken, I then found a time we were both free and meet up at the location. • The skills I have devolved are editing images that contain a person in them.
Sources of information • I found information by searching for portrait photographers on Bing until I spotted a photo that stood out, I then found out who the photographer was and found their website. Comments • I think the image ended up with good quality and it turned out how I wanted it to, my target audience is people who like portrait photos. • Comments I got where: “It looks really good” “The colours look really good and make the image stand out”
Effectiveness • The product matches my original idea because the subject stands out compared to everything else in the photo. • The method and techniques I used involved having the subject placed so that it includes the rule of third. • My final image matches professional conventions of photography as the rule of third and framing has been applied. • When planning to take this image I was deciding between nature and landscape photography, I went out to different locations I knew I would be able to get these which also helped me on deciding to take to go with nature photography. I then spent time taking photos. • The skills I have devolved are improving my image editing skills.
Sources of information • I had seen his work before when looking for nature photographers for a different project. I then found his website to find out more about him. Comments • The image turned out how I wanted it to, my target audience is people who like nature photos. • Comments I got where: “That’s a good photo” “It shows a positive part of the world, it also shows that the lamb is relaxed ”