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Explore the history of Africa's powerful kingdoms, Mali and Songhai empires, and European trading forts pre-slave trade era. Learn about diverse African peoples and regions.
Africa Before theTrans-Atlantic Slave Tradeand the Trade Itself CHY 4U Viccisitudes, under-water sculpture by Jason deCaires Taylor. Jason deCaires Taylor, Viccisitudes, accessed Jan. 22, 2017, http://www.underwatersculpture.com/
Africa Before the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade • Very large and diverse continent • History of powerful kingdoms • North Africa • Islamic conquest in 800s • Traders expanded Islam to West Africa • Kush/Nubia (in present day Sudan) • They ruled Egypt for a while • Great Zimbabwe • Kongo • Huge kingdom in present-day Angola
Diverse Peoples and Kingdoms • Europeans referred to African areas as Guinea: • Yoruba • Edo • Igbo • Baule • Mende • Asante • Dahomey • Kongo • Etc.
Mali and Songhai Empires in West Africa • Mali Empire: 1200s • Mansa Musa converted to Islam • Timbuktu world renown • Songhai Empire: up to 1550s • Sankore University in Timbuktu a centre of learning A. Moore, 8 Facts that Show Timbuktu Is One of the Most Fascinating Cities in History, Atlanta Black Star, accessed Jan. 21, 2017, http://atlantablackstar.com/2014/09/04/8-facts-show-timbuktu-one-fascinating-cities-history/2/
Spread of Islam UNC School of Education, Learn NC, Africans Before Captivity, accessed Feb. 25, 2016, http://www.learnnc.org/lp/media/uploads/2008/01/africa_islam_87.jpg.
Trading Ship The Southwell Frigate Tradeing on ye Coast of Africa (c. 1760) by Nicholas Pocock. Port Cities Bristol: Bristol’s Entry into the Slave Trade, Sept. 14, 2010, http://discoveringbristol.org.uk/slavery/routes/bristol-to-africa/bristol-trading-port/slave-trade-entry/.
Trade and Triangular Trade European trading forts on the African coast Jamaica, one of the biggest destinations for slaves Triangular Trade Ibid,. http://discoveringbristol.org.uk/slavery/routes/places-involved/west-indies/ ; http://discoveringbristol.org.uk/slavery/routes/places-involved/europe/; http://discoveringbristol.org.uk/slavery/map/
Process Slaves loaded onto a small boat and rowed out to the ship (note the African merchant) A View of ye Jason Privateer (c. 1760) by Nicholas Pocock. Ibid., http://discoveringbristol.org.uk/browse/slavery/detail-from-a-view-of-ye-jason-privateer/
Slave Fort Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast Jerome S. Handler and Michael L. Tuite, Jr. - Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and the University of Virginia Library. The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record. European Forts and Trading Posts in Africa, Sept. 26, 2010, http://hitchcock.itc.virginia.edu/Slavery/return.php?categorynum=4&categoryName=European%20Forts %20and%20Trading%20Posts%20in%20Africa.
Accounts Log book from the ship Black Prince showing slaves bought Port Cities Bristol: Bristol and Transatlantic Slavery, 20 Sept. 14, 2010, http://discoveringbristol.org.uk/browse/slavery/page-from-log-book-of-black-prince/.
Branding Irons Found in the Wilberforce Museum in Hull, England Handler and Tuite, http://hitchcock.itc.virginia.edu/Slavery/details.php?categorynum=6&categoryName=Slave%20Sales%20and%20Auctions:%20African%20Coast%20and%20the%20Americas&theRecord=30&recordCount=73
Force Leg irons, shackles and chains Port Cities Bristol, http://discoveringbristol.org.uk/browse/slavery/leg-irons/; http://discoveringbristol.org.uk/slavery/routes/from-africa-to-america/atlantic-crossing/people-taken-from-africa/; The Ouidah Museum of History – Themes: The Slave Trade, Sept. 15, 2010, http://www.museeouidah.org/Theme-SlaveTrade.htm. Handcuffs and leg shackles
Conditions Plan of the ship Brookes, from Thomas Clarkson, History of the Slave Trade Port Cities Bristol, http://discoveringbristol.org.uk/browse/slavery/plan-of-slave-ship-brookes/
Destinations An ideal plantation, 1762, from Diderot’s Dictionnaire des Sciences Ibid., http://discoveringbristol.org.uk/browse/slavery/an-ideal-plantation/
Working in the Caribbean Sugar cane, 1764 Sugar mill, 1762, from Diderot Ibid., http://discoveringbristol.org.uk/slavery/routes/places-involved/west-indies/years-work/
Sugar Boiling House Trinidad, 1830s Handler and Tuite, http://hitchcock.itc.virginia.edu/Slavery/details.php?categorynum=7&categoryName=New%20World%20Agriculture%20and%20Plantation%20Labor&theRecord=10&recordCount=114