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Conserving Residential Water through the 40 Gallon Challenge in Texas

Conserving Residential Water through the 40 Gallon Challenge in Texas. Diane Boellstorff Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist – Water Resources Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences Texas A&M University. Home/Landscape Water Use.

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Conserving Residential Water through the 40 Gallon Challenge in Texas

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Conserving Residential Water through the40Gallon Challenge in Texas Diane Boellstorff Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist – Water Resources Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences Texas A&M University

  2. Home/Landscape Water Use Average Gallons per Day

  3. In-Home Water Conservation Toilet Displacement – 10 g/d (0.00) Faucets – low flow aerators ($2.00) - 14 g/d Shower – low-flow heads ($12.00) – 20 g/d Reduce Tub Fill – 10 g/d Toilet Leak – 30 g/d Faucet Leaks – slow steady drip – 12 g/d; fast drip – 20 g/d; small stream – 90 g/d Teeth Brushing – 8 g/d (0.00) Shaving – 4 g/d (0.00) Laundry and Dishwasher – think full loads Monthly Savings Example (family of 4, 2 bath): 4,110 g x ($3.90/1000 g) = $16.03

  4. Home/Landscape Water Conservation

  5. 40gallonchallenge.org

  6. Questions? Diane Boellstorff dboellstorff@tamu.edu; 979.458.3562 Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

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