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Basic Linux

Basic Linux. Contribution acknowledged from:: Ahmad, Indra Tran, Darren Young, Kevin Yuan, Yiqian. Chapter Objectives. Installing Red Hat Linux 6.2 Remote Login FTP (File Transfer Protocol) VNC (Virtual Network Computing). Chapter Modules. Basic installation and getting started.

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Basic Linux

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  1. Basic Linux Contribution acknowledged from:: • Ahmad, Indra • Tran, Darren • Young, Kevin • Yuan, Yiqian

  2. Chapter Objectives • Installing Red Hat Linux 6.2 • Remote Login • FTP (File Transfer Protocol) • VNC (Virtual Network Computing)

  3. Chapter Modules • Basic installation and getting started

  4. Module Basic Installation & Getting Started

  5. Basic Installation • Installation of Red Hat 6.2 is explained • Step by Step installation procedure is given with a first time Red Hat Linux 6.2 user in mind

  6. Early Observations • Linux uses its own NativeLinux File System • Without setting up Samba, it will not be able to access files using NTFS or FAT32. • LiLo (LInux LOader) overrides other OS boot options • It is NOT compatible with WinNT. • A typical installation requires around 700MB. • USB drivers are not included in the package • USB drivers can be obtained at www.linux-usb.org

  7. Hardware Consideration • Red Hat suggest that you write down the make, model, and size of your hardware before you install. • Red Hat 6.2 will automatically configure all supported hardware. • Hardware compatibility list can be found at www.redhat.com/hardware

  8. Partition Consideration • Installing Linux on it’s own hard drive • Before installing Linux, save the files you wish to keep as everything on that hard drive will be erased. • Installing Linux and other OS on the same hard drive • Partition the hard drive into at least two drives (using fdisk) before you install Linux. • If the hard drive is already partitioned, all files on the partitioned drive in which Linux will be installed will be lost.

  9. Console Keystrokes Contents 1 Ctrl-Alt-F1 installation dialog 2 Ctrl-Alt-F2 shell prompt 3 Ctrl-Alt-F3 install log (messages from installation program) 4 Ctrl-Alt-F4 system-related messages 5 Ctrl-Alt-F5 other messages 7 Ctrl-Alt-F7 X graphical display To Begin Installation • Insert Boot Disk into floppy drive and restart computer. • When prompted: press [return] to use graphical installation. • Use the chart on the right to switch display types. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  10. Language and Mouse Selection • Select the Language. • Select keyboard type. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  11. Mouse Configuration • Select the mouse type (scroll mouse does not seem to be supported). http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  12. Installation Type • Custom is personally HIGHLY recommended: • Allows LiLo configuration, a MUST for those also running WinNT. • Allows you to choose your partitioning scheme. • Allows you to install both Gnome and KDE GUI’s. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  13. Setting Partitioning Scheme • Highlight the drive on which you wish to install Linux. • Select Delete to remove the current partition. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  14. Partitions to Add • Add the following partitions: Mount Point Type /boot Linux Native /Swap Linux Swap / Linux Native Size of Partitions: /boot -no more than 16M. /Swap -at least 16M, size of your RAM is recommended. / -(a.k.a root) how ever much space is left on your hard drive, this is where your programs will be stored so it must be big enough to hold install programs. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  15. Formatting Partitions • Click on the partitions which you want to format • /boot • / • Any others you’ve added • Swap will not be an option • If you are confident of your hard drive, there should not be a need to check for bad sectors. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  16. LiLo Configuration • Running WinNT • Do Not install LiLo if you are running NT. • Create a boot disk. • Default boot from other OS • Click on write to MBR. • Highlight the boot image. • Click on <Default boot Image> box. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  17. Network Configuration • Only shows up if you have NIC card. • Obtain these numbers from your ISP. • If you do not have static IP or connections such as DSL, there will be no need to configure this screen. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  18. Time Zone Configuration http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  19. Choosing Passwords • Root Password • Use login name: root. • Only a root/su (super user) access will allow you to configure Linux after installation. • Reminder: both Account Name and Password are case sensitive. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  20. Authentication Configuration • MD5 Password • allows a long password (up to 256 chars instead of 8). • Shadow Password • Retains passwords in /etc/shadow, which is only accessible by root. • Enable NIS: Allows you to run a group of computers in the same NIS (network information service) domain with common a password and group file. • NIS domain- specify domain your system belongs to. • NIS server- specifies the NIS server your computer uses. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  21. Packages to Install • X Window System is a MUST. • First time users should keeps those packages already selected. • Recommend installing both KDE and GNOME*. • You can choose to select individual packages to see what’s contained in each package. (not recommended). *If your hard drive space is limited, KDE seems to offer better utilities for first time users. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  22. Monitor Selection http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  23. X Configuration • Installer will most likely select the correct video card. • <Customize X Configuration> allows you to pick bits per pixel and the display size. • DO NOT forget to click on <Use Graphical Login>. • Always a good idea to Test Configuration before continuing. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  24. Point of No Return http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  25. Boot Disk Creation • NT users must create a boot disk in order to boot up Linux. • Boot disk is recommended as sometimes things go wrong, especially if LiLo was not configured correctly. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  26. And Finally • Remove disk from floppy and let system reboot. • After power up sequence is complete, you will see the boot prompt. boot: • Press [Enter] – will boot LiLo’s default entry. • Enter boot label [Enter] – will boot appropriate entry (ie: linux [Enter], win [Enter]. • ? – Lists available boot options. • Do nothing – after a few seconds LiLo will boot the default entry. http://www.redhat.com/support/manuals/RHL-6.2-Manual/install-guide/

  27. Getting Started Configuring Linux Red Hat Package Manager

  28. Changing Configurations • At a shell window type: linuxconf • Linuxconf gives an easy GUI interface to configure your system.

  29. “Programs” in Linux • Since Linux is open source, not every program you try to install will work as expected. • Redhat uses RPM (Redhat Package Manager) to allow easy management of linux packages/programs. • Try to download programs with the .RPM suffix: • RPM will check for package dependencies. • Packages are easy to install using RPM. • Packages that install files in different locations can be uninstalled cleanly. • A variety of information is contained in every package.

  30. To Install a Package • Use KDE GUI. • Download/obtain the desired program with .rpm suffix. • Click on the file and the kpackage program will automatically be launched. • Click Install.

  31. Starting Kpackage • Make sure you are using KDE GUI. • Click on the KDE icon  Utilities  kpackage.

  32. Kpackage • Read a description about every package. • Easily search for installed packages. • Click on <Uninstall> to remove all files with in the package.

  33. End Of Module Back to Objectives

  34. Remote Login

  35. Remote Login • Telnet • Rlogin • Secure Shell (SSH)

  36. Telnet • Telnet is a service provided by many different types of computer systems to enable remote users to log in to their machines over TCP/IP networks. • The telnet service is available by default on Red Hat Linux systems. • Before user can use telnet to access the host computer from a remote site, the user needs to have a ‘user name’ and ‘password’ at the host computer.

  37. This figure shows a host computer with IP address ( being accessed via Telnet from a remote computer. • User can either enter the IP address or the name of the host computer such as neptune.calstatela.edu

  38. Once connection has been established, it will ask for the user name and the password. • Remember, user needs to have an account at the host computer in order to access it from a remote location. • This figure shows a user enters the user name and the password in order to login to the host computer.

  39. If the user enters the correct ‘user name’ and ‘password’, he/she will see the shell prompt. • In this figure, after the user types the user name (indra) and the password, he will see the shell prompt for the user named “indra”. • Once in the shell prompt, the user can execute any command from the remote location as though he/she is in the host computer. • The commands that the user can execute are based on the permission given by the network administrator.

  40. Host Computer Remote Computer Windows 9X Windows NT Linux Unix Internet TCP/IP Linux Telnet

  41. Some Useful Commands • - a • Automatic login. With this option, user’s computer attempts to login to the remote computer using his/her local user name. • - l user • User name. This option is similar to the –a option, except that instead of using user’s current user name, he/she can ask to log in using any user name he/she choose. • Ctrl + ] • After user does connect to a remote computer, he/she can return to the telnet session at any time by typing this command.

  42. Rlogin • It is recommended to use rlogin command between computers within an organization in which the computers are trusted and there are no connections to the outside world. • It provides a great way for people who work on multiple computers to easily exchange data. • It can be set up to do no-password logins.

  43. Setting Up User for Rlogin • Individual can create a .rhost file in the user’s home directory. • This file can contain a list of host computers on which the user has accounts of the same name. • For example, a user named mike on the machine named banana also has a user login (of the same name) on computers named apple, orange, and grape. He adds the following entries to a .rhost file that looks like the following in the home directory on each computer. banana apple orange grape

  44. APPLE BANANA Mike’s Home Directory Mike’s Home Directory • .rhost file • banana • Apple • Orange • Grape • .rhost file • banana • Apple • Orange • Grape LAN ORANGE GRAPE Mike’s Home Directory Mike’s Home Directory • .rhost file • banana • Apple • Orange • Grape • .rhost file • banana • Apple • Orange • Grape

  45. Using Rlogin • In the command shell, user needs to type: rloginhostname • In the above, hostname is replaced by the computer that you want to log into. • Once connected, user can access his/her file from any computers that he/she has specified.

  46. Some Rlogin commands • After you have started rlogin, you can use any of the following key sequences: • ~. This causes the rlogin program to exit. User should use this option when the remote shell is hung or if he/she gets stuck at the login prompt (from a forgotten password or logged into the wrong system). • ~Ctrl+Shift+z This puts the current rlogin session in the background, returning user to a local shell command line. To return to the suspended session, type fg.

  47. Comparison Between Telnet and Rlogin • Telnet is similar to rlogin but it can also be used to access a non-Unix system. Rlogin is available only on Unix, Linux, and other POSIX compliant systems. • If user connect to a remote Linux system using telnet, it presents him/her with a regular login: prompt, whereas rlogin assumes that your login name on the remote system matches that on your local system.

  48. Secure Shell • The Secure Shell (SSH) is a package that provides shell services similar to the telnet and rlogin commands, but encrypts the network traffic. • It uses private key cryptography, so it is ideal for use with Internet connected computers, unlike rlogin. • Before user can use SSH, he/she needs to install the package where it can be obtained for free in source code form, but its license does place some restrictions on its commercial use. • To download the package, user needs to go to ftp://ftp.cs.hut.fi/pub/ssh/

  49. After Installing SSH • Once SSH package is installed, user can access the host computer from the remote site by using the SSH command. • The host computer should also have the SSH package installed. • For example, to connect to the system www.abc.com, type: ssh www.abc.com Continued…

  50. Continue… • If this is the first time user has ever logged into that system using SSH, it will ask him/her to confirm that he/she really wants to connect. Type yes and press Enter when it asks this: Host key not found from the list of known hosts. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? • It should then prompt user for a user name and password in the normal way. The connection will then function like a normal telnet connection. The only difference is that the information is encrypted as it travels over the network.

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