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Studies in Exodus. Presentation 14. The Table of Contents. Chapter 1v1-22 Introduction Chapter 2v1-25 Preparing a Deliverer Chapter 3v1-22 The Call of Moses [1] Chapter 4v1-17 The Call of Moses [2]
Studies in Exodus Presentation 14
The Table of Contents Chapter 1v1-22 Introduction Chapter 2v1-25 Preparing a Deliverer Chapter 3v1-22 The Call of Moses [1] Chapter 4v1-17 The Call of Moses [2] Chapter 4v18-5v21 Final Preparations Chapter 5v22-6v27 Discouragement and Comfort Chapter 6v28-7v24 The Exposure of Evil Chapter 8-v1-10v29 Idolatry: A Dangerous Refuge Chapter 11v1-10 Corrective to Final Judgment Chapter 12v1-30 Blood on the Doorposts Chapter 12v31-42 God’s Faithfulness Chap.13v1-16 Consecration of The Redeemed Chap.13v17-14v18 God’s Dead Ends Chap.14v19-31 Power to Deliver Chap.15v1-21 The Exultation of God Presentation 14
Power to Deliver Chap.14v19-31 Presentation 14
Introduction God's salvation is like a cut diamond. It is multi-faceted. We have already explored one face of redemption in the story of the Passover sacrifice. The Passover lamb pointed forward to the sacrifice of Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for many. A second facet of God’s work of redemption now presents itself. God delivers not only through sacrifice but by a work of power. And this is seen as Israel stand on the shore of the Red Sea. God miraculously opened up a way forward for his people protecting them while they crossed and finally destroying their enemy. Presentation 14
Power to Deliver Introduction The N.T. equivalent of this work of power in the plan of salvation is seen in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. His resurrection underlined the defeat of Satan and the destruction of death and every barrier, which denied us access into God's presence and blessing. God delivers by both sacrifice and power. Both ideas are found in Rev. 5.5-6.“Then one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.“ Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the centre of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders...” Presentation 14
Power to Deliver God The Protector God gave the command to Israel to move forward through the path in the sea that God had created. Moving a large number of people through a channel in the water would take a considerable period of time. Would the Egyptians not see what was happening and hinder their escape? cf v18-20. The Angel of God stood guard at the most vulnerable point of the Israeli column, the rear. God's pillar of cloud also interposed itself between God's people and the enemy. God does this again and again cf. Ps 23.5 Presentation 14
Power to Deliver God The Protector At one and the same time God is doing a twofold work. He envelops his enemies in darkness so that they have no idea what is happening and he illuminates the way for his people to cross over safely. All through the night God's light makes it possible for them to cross safely. This work of blinding and enlightening runs through scripture. Cf Matt.13.13-17. “This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand... But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.” Presentation 14
Power to Deliver God The Protector This blinding work in salvation also took place with regard to the crucifixion of Jesus. Have you ever asked, why Satan inspired those responsible for the crucifixion, when it was Christ's death on the cross that was responsible for his defeat? Satan thought he had won when in fact he had lost. Instead of frustrating God’s purposes he was in fact contributing to our salvation. That too was part of God's blinding work. Similarly, Pharaoh was blind to what God was doing until it was too late. We can marvel at how well protected God’s people are and how secure their salvation is! Presentation 14
Power to Deliver God: The Lord of Nature The parting of the Red Sea as a demonstration of God’s power has captured the imagination of artists and film makers alike. Some argue, “We are encouraged to believe that the parting of the waters was a miracle but on rare occasions in history a similar phenomenon has been produced by the wind." How do we answer? First, the Bible makes it clear that it was a strong east wind that parted the waters. God is Lord of creation and the elements of creation are his servants. Did they not say of Jesus, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him?” Matt.8.27 Presentation 14
Power to Deliver Were the waters opening as they did merely ‘a happy coincidence’?Some people stubbornly refuse to believe that God is in control of nature. The significant thing to note is that the wind just happened to blow at precisely the time Israel needed it. They did not have time to wait for ‘a rare occasions in history’. Miracle does not always involve the suspension of the laws of nature [as Jesus did when he walked on water] but God controlling the very laws he has created to accomplish his purpose. If God chooses to use or suspend these laws is a decision for him to make. Presentation 14
Power to Deliver Imagine the impact this event must have had upon Israel who walked through a path cut in the sea conscious of a great wall of water held back on either side. Surely if God could keep them safe in that situation then there was no danger no matter how formidable that they needed to fear! If God's power could do that could anything frustrate his purpose? This event was one from which God’s redeemed people would draw great encouragement in the years ahead. Presentation 14
Power to Deliver Let me illustrate. The book of Isaiah is divided into two distinct parts Chap 1-39 anticipates and warns Israel about their impending captivity and exile. They would be carried off into a foreign land. Chapters 40-66 are written to comfort God's people in their exiled situation. What language does the writer use to encourage them to believe that God's power is not diminished assuring them that they would be returned to their own land? cf Is 43.1-7 [read the whole passage] “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze” v2. Presentation 14
Power to Deliver God: The Lord of Nature The great demonstration of God’s power, which the Red Sea crossing foreshadows, is the resurrection of Jesus. This truly extraordinary display of God’s power which shook the ancient world is used to encourage beleaguered Christians cf. Rom.8.11, Eph 3.20. Christians faced with apparently insurmountable difficulties are challenged to remind themselves that God's power, which raised Jesus from the dead, is exactly the same power that continues to outwork that salvation in their hearts. If God’s O.T. people looked back to the parting of the Red sea as a demonstration of God’s power, then the N.T. church are told to look back on Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Presentation 14
Power to Deliver God: The Destroyer of Evil When the cloud lifted and Pharaoh saw he had been outmanoeuvred, his sole object was the destruction of the people of God cf15.9. Pharaoh and his servants were quite sure they would wipe out Israel! But their boast of victory was premature. They had not reckoned on God nor appreciated that there is an element of finality in his salvation. cf v13"The Egyptians you see today you will never see again." The crossing of the Red Sea not only describes the salvation of the Israelites but also marks the Destruction of their enslaver. God stirs up evil for its final overthrow. Presentation 14
Power to Deliver God: The Destroyer of Evil Some people find judgment difficult to equate with God's love for men. But God cannot love that which is resolutely and irrevocably committed to his overthrow. His honour requires action be taken against those who treasonably plot against him. Much is said today about "the honest ignorance of the godless". This passage challenges that position; the Egyptians were neither honest nor ignorant. They knew exactly what they were doing. When their scheme began to unravel they saw that it is the God of Israel who is pulling out the stitches v25b. Men know when they are being judged by God and they know why cf. Rom1.19-20 Presentation 14
Power to Deliver God: The Destroyer of Evil The defeat was final and decisive; Pharaoh would never again trouble God’s people. This defeat points to the coming ultimate defeat of evil which defeat will also redound to God's glory [cf v18]. God threw the Egyptian army into confusion v24 as they pursued the Israelites. Josephus the Jewish historian indicates that a violent storm resulted in the Egyptians getting bogged down in the sea bed cf Ps 77.18-19. trapping the Egyptians. Their last conscious thought v25 was ‘we have fallen into the hands of the God of Israel’. What self recrimination must have struck them in death as the realisation sunk in, “We have been on the wrong side.” Presentation 14
Power to Deliver God: The Destroyer of Evil What did the destruction of the Egyptians mean for Israel? As they stood on the far side of the sea now free men, they knew with certainty and relief that there would be no more trouble from their enslavers. Their relief is a pale reflection of the relief that will be experienced by those whom Christ has redeemed when they See the ultimate overthrow of evil. We know that now Satan is a defeated enemy who no longer holds the people of God in bondage but he still troubles them. He is still abroad in the world in which we live but his time is short. Presentation 14
Power to Deliver God: The Destroyer of Evil Just as Pharaoh rode into the Red Sea never to return so Satan with all his followers will be cast into the ‘lake of fire’ which God has prepared for him cf Rev.20.12. Can you begin to imagine a new created order without his influence? We will no longer be distressed by the abuse of evil. Christ’s kingdom will be marked by peace, righteousness and perfection. This future dimension of the salvation of the people of God would not be possible without the operation of God sovereign power. Presentation 14
Power to Deliver Conclusion Of course there is a sense in which the redeemed Christian presently experiences the power of God through his saving work but there is a great day coming when we will stand on another shore and see as we have never seen before the salvation of God in all its glory. Then our hearts will be filled with reverential awe and we will want to do precisely what Israel did in chap 15. when they engaged in spontaneous worship. Presentation 14
Power to Deliver Conclusion Will you stand on that distant shore? Have you taken God’s gift of salvation and made it your own? Do you confidently rest is the work of God’s Passover lamb, Jesus who died upon the cross to redeem his people? Has the power of God that created the world and raised Jesus from the dead begun its work of recreation within your heart? If you are unsure on any of these points then do not rest until God brings you to a place of settled assurance in your heart. Presentation 14