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Philadelphia Chapter of the American Helicopter Society and The Greater Philadelphia Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics JOINT DINNER MEETING Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Program: “Next Generation Heavy Lifter” Speaker: Dr. David Poling
Philadelphia Chapter of theAmerican Helicopter Society and The Greater Philadelphia Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics JOINT DINNER MEETING Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Program:“Next Generation Heavy Lifter” Speaker:Dr. David Poling Boeing Quad Tiltrotor Program Manager Sponsor: Place:D’Ignazio’s Towne House Restaurant, 117 Veterans Square, Media, PA 19063 Time:Cocktails - 5:30 pm, Dinner - 6:30 pm, Presentation - 7:15 pm Menu:Prime Rib, Baked Salmon, Eggplant Parmigiana Registration: Deadline Friday February 16 Please! AHS-AIAA Members and Guests* $ 20.00 Non-Members $ 26.00 AHS-AIAA Student Members $ 10.00 AHS-AIAA Member Couples $ 35.00 Spouses are encouraged to attend! * Please fill out the guest voucher on reverse side to receive the guest rate. Reservations: email: grpphlahs@boeing.com Phone:610-591-3230 Please provide [1] first & last name, [2] menu selection, and [3] registration type. If you need to cancel your reservation please do so by 10 AM.
07 Dr. David Poling, “Next Generation Heavy Lifter” AHS-AIAA Dinner Meeting, February 20, 2007 About our speaker .... Dr. Dave Polingjoined the Boeing Company in 1985 and has been with the Rotorcraft Division for 21 years. His current assignment is Boeing Program Manager for the Bell-Boeing Joint Heavy Lift (JHL) Quad Tilt Rotor (QTR) Concept Design and Analysis study program in the Advanced Rotorcraft Systems Group at Boeing in Philadelphia. Dr. Poling’s previous assignments at Boeing have been in Aerodynamics and Flight Technology that have included work in advanced rotor blade design and new business development for advanced rotorcraft programs. He has also served as the Technical Program Manager for the National Rotorcraft Technology Center (NRTC) Rotorcraft Industry Technology Association (RITA) and Center for Rotorcraft Innovation (CRI) and was previously Program Manager for the Navy sponsored Reconfigurable Rotor Blade (RRB) program. During his early years at Boeing, Poling played key roles in support of V-22 and CH-47 Programs and the design of the Bell-Boeing 609. Dave has also participated in numerous Wind Tunnel Tests of advanced model-scale rotor systems and small-scale tilt-rotor testing. He has 18 publications on numerous technical journal articles and papers on subjects ranging from Helicopter blade-vortex interaction to rotor wake and rotor downwash studies. Dr. Poling received a B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, West Virginia University, 1978 and 1980 and a Ph.D. Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985. Prior to joining the Boeing Company, Dave was an Instructor of Engineering at both West Virginia University and Virginia Tech Engineering Mechanics Departments. He has served as reviewer for numerous AIAA, AHS and ASME technical papers and publications. Dave is a Boeing Associate Technical Fellow and is an aviation enthusiast, has a private pilot’s license (power and glider) and is instrument rated. He lives in West Chester, PA with his wife Kris and daughter Rebecca. About our sponsor .... SIMULIA is the Dassault Systemes brand responsible for developing an open platform for multidisciplinary analysis as well as a scalable portfolio of realistic simulation solutions including ABAQUS FEA software and CATIA Analysis applications. Helicopter manufacturers and suppliers use ABAQUS FEA software to assess: Structural integrity of composite materials; Vibration and acoustics; Fatigue, fracture, and failure; Reliability of onboard electronics; Stress of flexible rotor-blades; and more. SIMULIA’s mission is to make realistic simulation an integral business practice that improves product performance, reduces physical prototypes, and drives innovation. Thank you for joining us this evening and your interest in the AHS. Please fill out this guest voucher to receive the guest rate. AHS Philadelphia Chapter Dinner Meeting Guest Voucher 02 Guest’s Name: Guest Contact Info: (e.g., Address, Tele No., E-mail) Sponsoring Member’s Name: