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Reveal thy secret... Why? Where? Who? http://www.flickr.com/photos/22924454@N03/3380070506/sizes/o/ There be pirates... Some questions to think about... Where is piracy a problem in the World? Why has Somalia been a fertile ground for piracy? What impact does piracy have on us?
Reveal thy secret... Why? Where? Who? http://www.flickr.com/photos/22924454@N03/3380070506/sizes/o/
There be pirates... Some questions to think about... Where is piracy a problem in the World? Why has Somalia been a fertile ground for piracy? What impact does piracy have on us? How can merchants prevent hijackings?
There be pirates... Video
There be pirates... Piracy and me... Increase in hijackings Payments for ransoms Increased security Increased insurance payments Longer journeys- therefore more fuel Higher high street prices
Large number of armed and experienced warlords from the civil war. There is a well developed welfare system in the country. There be pirates... Failed state- government is not in full control. Stable government which is in control of the country. High returns from ransoms paid for ships and crews- average $2 million. Average income in Somalia is $600 dollars per capita. Where is Somalia? Why is piracy an issue? There are few employment opportunities in Somalia. Huge coastal area makes it uneasy to police. Most ransoms are unlikely to be paid. Much of the population is reliant on food aid. Employment opportunities are widely available. Large coastal area. Large number of ex-fisherman that know the area well. Strong international support for the Somali government. Pirates are viewed as heroes by the local population. Small coastal area. Pirates are shunned by the local population. Illegal fishing of Somali waters has put fisherman out of business.
There be pirates... Impact on Somalia Wealthy pirates encourage the consumption of drugs alien to local culture Local prices increase due to influx of dollars- quality of life decreases for locals as a result Local farmers and fishermen leave to join pirates Ransom money is reinvested in more sophisticated weaponry making governance of the area more difficult Pirates take multiple wives from poorer nomadic tribes- this impacts on rural traditional life Other nations enter Somalia to track and capture pirates- undermining the national government? Discourages investment and trade in the country.
There be pirates... A global issue? Blue lines show densest shipping routes. http://gem.jrc.ec.europa.eu/gam/index.htm
There be pirates... A global issue? Somalia Vietnam Bangladesh Nigeria Indonesia Tanzania Malaysia Brazil Philippines Ghana Countries with active pirate crews http://www.pupilvision.com/schoolmap/map.htm
There be pirates... How well organised are the pirates of Somalia? Local knowledge of the coast. Contacts in the local ports. Fast speed boats. Boarding equipment such as ladders and grappling hooks. GPS and satellite phones. http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilombo_samuel/3070312599/ Heavily armed, machine guns and grenade launchers.
There be pirates... How effective would these measures be against piracy? Emergency alarm- to inform shipping company and authorities Secure ship- electric fence around the ship delivering a 9,000 volt shock Razor wire around accessible parts of the ship Bridge and accommodation to be secured High powered hoses and water cannons Hired armed security teams Install high powered flood lights Tracking device for ship Trailing ropes and cargo nets 24 hour look outs Advice given to cargo ships in pirate waters
There be pirates... Prevention or cure? http://www.flickr.com/photos/lens_envy/3385940994/