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5e chapitre: « Au café et au restaurant ». Français I Mme Larson-Horne. Mots 1: À la terrasse d’un café. une serveuse. trouver une table. une table libre. une table occupée. J’AI SOIF! Je voudrais quelque chose à BOIRE. Mots 1: Les boissons (les consommations).
5e chapitre:« Au café et au restaurant » Français I Mme Larson-Horne
Mots 1: À la terrasse d’un café une serveuse trouver une table une table libre une table occupée
J’AI SOIF! Je voudrais quelque chose à BOIRE. Mots 1:Les boissons (les consommations) un jus de pomme un citron pressé un coca un café un express un jus d’orange un limonade un crème
Mots 1: À la terrasse d’un café Vous désirez? Un coca, s’il vous plaît. Et pour moi, une limonade. Le couple regarde la carte commande des boissons. un serveur la carte
Mots 1: J’AI FAIM! Je voudrais quelque chose à MANGER. À la terrasse d’un café des tartines de pain beurré une omelette nature un croissant une glace à la vanille une omelette aux fines herbes une glace au chocolat une crêpe
Mots 1: J’AI FAIM! Je voudrais quelque chose à MANGER. À la terrasse d’un café un hot-dog une salade verte des frites un sandwich au jambon une soupe à l’onion gratinée un sandwich au fromage un croque-monsieur
Mots 2: Le couvert un verre une tasse une serviette une fourchette une cuillère un couteau une assiette une nappe
Vous aimez votre steak comment? saignant à point bien cuit Mots 2: Un steak frites
Mots 2: L’addition et le pouboire C’est un bon serveur. La service est compris, mais laisse un petit pouboire quand-même. L’addition, s’il vous plaît. l’addition l’argent un pouboire
Mots 2: Inviter c’est payer Je t’invite, ma petite chou, donc je paie! C’est très gentil, chéri!
Mots 2: Les repas le dîner le petit déjeuner le déjeuner
Repas: le petit déjeuner Breakfast is usually served between 7:00 and 8:30 am. It always consists of a large piece of French bread (“une baguette”) and café au lait, a large cup filled with one third very strong coffee, and two thirds warm milk. The baguette is cut in half and spread with butter (this is the only time that the French like their bread buttered), and some type of jam (strawberry, raspberry, peach and apricot are popular). This is called “une tartine”. Occasionally, croissants and brioches are served instead of tartines, but this is most common on weekends or in hotels. French children will eat their tartines with hot chocolate, served in large café au lait cups or in bowls, since they will often dip their baguettes in the hot chocolate. Thé au lait (equal parts tea and hot milk) is sometimes substituted for café au lait.
Repas: le déjeuner Lunch is served at noon or 1:00 pm. It is traditionally the main meal of the day, and can last up to two hours. Children and business people are given at least an hour for lunch, in some cases, the traditional two-hour lunch break is still observed. Everyone returns home to eat lunch with his or her family. This large meal is served in several courses: Les hors d’oeuvres: Often sliced tomatoes or raw vegetables (“des crudités”), sardines, pâté, stuffed artichokes or mushrooms, hard-boiled eggs or sausages. Soup may be substituted for appetizers. L’entrée: The French entrée is not the main course, as in America. Rather, it is an “entry” into the main part of the meal. This course is usually some type of egg or seafood dish. Since France is surrounded on three sides by water, fresh seafood (crab, shrimp, oysters, mussels, fish, etc.) is very plentiful. Popular egg dishes include various omelets, soufflés, and quiches.
Repas: le déjeuner Le plat principal: The main course usually consists of meat or poultry served with potatoes (French fries are most popular, mashed and boiled potatoes are also common, but baked potatoes are rare) and cooked vegetables. Plates are often arranged artistically, since presentation adds to the overall enjoyment of the meal. French bread is served with all courses, and may be used to wipe the plate clean of remaining sauces. La salade: The salad is served after the main course to cleanse the palate of the richness of the preceding courses, preparing it for the cheeses and desserts yet to come. · In order to achieve this purpose, the salad is a very plain mix of lettuces tossed with a light vinaigrette, a dressing made of vinegar, olive oil, and herbs. The French bread served with the salad also helps to cleanse the palate.
Repas: le déjeuner Les fromages: France produces over 300 varieties of cheeses, many of which have become popular in America as well. Favorites are brie and camembert (soft, creamy, mild cheeses in a powdery rind), Roquefort (a blue cheese), chèvre, port salut, gruyere (made from goat’s milk), and a pasteurized, processed cheese called “La vache qui rit” (“The Laughing Cow”). When tasting cheeses, one should always eat the milder varieties before trying the stronger ones. Les fruits and les desserts: After sampling the cheeses, a variety of sliced, seasonal, fresh fruits is served, sometimes with fresh yogurt or sorbet. Various light desserts may also be served. Pastries such as tarts, cookies, éclairs, and cream puffs are very popular, but cakes are only for birthdays and weddings, and pies are very rare. Pastry making is considered an art, and all pastries are beautifully decorated. Chocolate mousse and crème caramel, as well as soufflés flavored with chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, orange and lemon are other popular desserts. ·
Repas: le déjeuner Les boissons: The French drink wines and mineral waters with their lunches and dinners. Milk is only served to very small children. Soft drinks are most common between meal, ordered at cafés. “Coca” (any type of cola) and “limonade” (white soda) are most common, as well as Orangina and Fanta. Coffee is served after the final course of a meal, and is often followed by liqueurs and cordials. French coffee is very different from ours. It is served in a very small cup called a “demi-tasse”. Coffee served in France is Turkish, not South American, and is often mixed with chicory. The result is a very strong, black, almost bitter coffee. It is served with cubes of sugar, but cream is never added.
Repas: le goûter et le dîner LE GOÛTER: After school, around 4:30 or 5:00, children have a snack called “le goûter.” They spread bread with a rich chocolate spread called Nutella. Adults may have a cup of herb tea or coffee and a simple pastry or cookie. LE DÎNER ou LE SOUPER: Dinner is served around 8 pm. Depending on family’s preferences, this evening meal may be as large as the noon meal, but most French people eat soups, sandwiches or omelets. This meal is similar to the American noon lunch.
Culture: Le savoir-vivre à table Sit up straight at the table! Don’t talk with your mouth full. Keep your elbows off the table. In France, you must keep both hands on or above the table at all times. You should never put your left hand in your lap like we do in America. It is considered rude, or even amusing. In the US, you must pass your fork from your left hand to your right hand each time that you cut a piece of meat. In France, you keep your knife in your right hand and your fork in your left at all times. The host and hostess sit at the center of the table, across from each other. Dressings for salads and other foods are never kept on the table, nor is meat carved at the table. You must never serve yourself until you asked to do so. If the host or hostess asks if you would like second helpings, respond, “Oui, avec plaisir” if you would like more.
Culture: Le savoir-vivre à table Be careful! “Merci” means “no thank you, I’m no longer hungry” in this case. And never say, “Je suis plein(e)” (“I’m full”) in France. This is expression reserved for animals that are expecting! When you are invited to dinner, it is always nice to bring flowers, candy, wine, or a little gift for your hosts. If you bring flowers, never bring chrysanthemums, since in France, these flowers are reserved for funerals and graves. You must never arrive on time if you are invited to dinner in France. Always arrive at least half an hour later, in order to give your hosts enough time to finish up last minute preparations.
Le verbe aller Oui, ça va bien! Et toi? Ça va? aller = to go • Used to express the near future • Used to express feeling • If used without a specific destination, use « y » je vais nous allons tu vas vous allez il ils elle va elles vont on } }
Le verbe aller Oui, ça va bien! Et toi? Ça va? • aller = to go • Used to express the near future • Used to express feeling • If used without a specific destination, use « y » Je_______________ au café , mais mes parents _______________ au restaurant. Tu _______________ au restaurant avec des copains? Vousy _______________ en bus? Tout le monde_______________ bien manger.
Le futur proche: aller + infinitif You use aller and an infinitive to express what is going to happen in the near future. • Conjugate aller to agree with the subject of the sentence. • Add the infinitive (the verb in its original form with the –er, etc.) of the action word. Demain on va avoir un examen. Les élèves vont étudier pour l’examen. Je vais passer l’examen. L’examen va être difficile. Après l’examen nous allons aller au café. • To make a sentence negative, you put ne…pas around the conjugated form of aller: Je ne vais pas travailler ce soir.
Le futur proche: aller + infinitif Mettez les phrases au futur proche: • Nous jouons au foot cet après-midi. • ______________________________________________ • 2. Elle a quatorze ans cette année. • ______________________________________________ • On va au café après l’école. • ______________________________________________ • Tu parles bien français. • ______________________________________________ • Vous êtes contents ce week-end. • ______________________________________________
Expressing direction & possession: Les contractions avec à The preposition à can mean to, in, or at. Liaison occurs when aux is followed by a vowel. à + la = à la à + l’ = à l’ à + le = au à + les = aux Tu vas à la cantine? Elle va à l’école. Je vais au lycée. Nous parlons aux amis. Elle pose une question ____________ prof. Le prof parle ____________ élèves. Vous allez ____________école à pied?
Expressing direction & possession: Les contractions avec de The preposition de can mean from or of. Liaison occurs when des is followed by a vowel. de also expresses ownership (like ‘s in English) de + la = de la de + l’ = de l’ de + le = du de + les = des Ils rentrent de la maison. On rentre de l’école. Il y a une belle vue du balcon. Nous parlons des amis. Le livre ____________ Eric est sur la table. C’est le livre ____________ professeur. Voilà la voiture____________voisins?
Le verbe: prendre Je prends une crêpe! Et toi? Qu’est-ce que tu prends? prendre = to take, to have (food) je prends nous prenons tu prendsvous prenez il ils elle prendelles prennent on } }
Verbes comme prendre :apprendre, comprendre, surprendre apprendre = to learn comprendre = to understand surprendre = to surprise je (j’) apprends nous apprenons tu apprendsvous apprenez il ils elle apprendellesapprennent on comprends comprenons comprends comprenez } } comprennent comprend
Les verbes comme prendre Conjuguez les verbes comme prendre: • Elle _____________(prendre)une salade verte. • Les élèves _____________(comprendre)quand Madame parle français. • Nous ____________(apprendre)beaucoupàl’école. • Tu _____________(prendre)un croque-monsieur. • Vous _____________(prendre)un citron pressé.