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Age of Transfused Blood: Short-Term Mortality and Long-Term Survival after Cardiac Surgery

Age of Transfused Blood: Short-Term Mortality and Long-Term Survival after Cardiac Surgery. Thursday May 1, 2008 FDA Blood Products Advisory Committee 91 st Annual Meeting Rockville, MD. Mark Stafford-Smith, MD, CM, FRCPC, FASE Professor of Anesthesiology

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Age of Transfused Blood: Short-Term Mortality and Long-Term Survival after Cardiac Surgery

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  1. Age of Transfused Blood: Short-Term Mortality and Long-Term Survival after Cardiac Surgery Thursday May 1, 2008 FDA Blood Products Advisory Committee 91st Annual Meeting Rockville, MD Mark Stafford-Smith, MD, CM, FRCPC, FASE Professor of Anesthesiology Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia & Critical Care Medicine Duke Heart Center, Durham, NC

  2. Age of Transfused Blood: Short-term Mortality and Long-term Survival after Cardiac Surgery Disclosure: No financial relationships to disclose pertinent to the content of this CME presentation Consultant for Polymedix Inc.

  3. http://www.resource4thepeople.com/defectivedrugs/avandia.htmlhttp://www.resource4thepeople.com/defectivedrugs/avandia.html

  4. Problems for Established Therapeutic Interventions Efficacy vs. Safety 2002 - estrogen/medroxyprogesterone acetate vs. myocardial infarction 2004 - SSRI antidepressants, teen suicide link 2005 - cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor (Vioxx) vs. myocardial infarction 2007 - rosiglitazone (Avandia) vs. myocardial infarction 2008 - aprotinin (Trasylol) vs. postop kidney dysfunction and mortality http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/cox2/NSAIDdecisionMemo.pdf http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040208-123823-1958r.htm McEvoy et al. Anesth Analg 2007; 105:949-962 http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/safety/WHI_statement.htm

  5. Ho et al. Crit Care Med 2003;31:S687-97 2003 - UK – SHOT analysis, TRALI and plasma donor gender

  6. Liberal versus Restrictive Transfusion N=838 critically ill patients Hb<9.0g/dL Randomized to one of two groups within 72h of ICU admission Transfusion Strategy Restrictive – trigger <7.0g/dL, target 7-9 Liberal – trigger <10g/dL, target 10-12 Hébert et al. New Engl J Med 1999;340:409-17

  7. Odds ratio for 30 day mortality for patients who received a blood transfusion as compared to those who did not. Myocardial Infarction and Transfusion n=78,974 elderly (>65y) with MI crude 30-day mortality correlated with decreasing admission Hct 3,680 (4%) received a transfusion Wu W-C et al N Engl J Med 2001;345;1230-6

  8. Harm Associated with Transfusion Multiorgan failure - trauma patients, prospective cohort transfusion Arch Surg 1997;132:620-5 30 day mortality - critically ill patients, prospective RCT restrictive vs. liberal N Engl J Med 1999;340:409-17 28 day / ICU mortality - critically ill patients, prospective cohort and LOS transfusion JAMA 2002;288:1499-1507 ICU mortality and - postop cardiac surgery patients, prospective cohort mechanical ventilation transfusion Anesthesiology 2003;98:815-22 Mortality 24h/in-hosp - trauma patients, prospective and LOS ICU/Hosp transfusion J Trauma 2003;54:898-907 Mortality in-hosp, 30d. - meta-analysis (15 trials) 60d, 90d no association leukored vs. non Vox Sang 2002;82:141-149 (cardiac surgery subgroup (3RCTs) – leukoreduced reduced 22-66 months mortality) Ho et al. Crit Care Med 2003;31:S687-97

  9. Age Distribution of Transfused Blood 20% of packed red cells are transfused >28 days old 10-38% packed red cellstransfused within 2 days of expiry Ho et al. Crit Care Med 2003;31:S687-97 DeSimone et al. Anesth Analg 2005;100:SCA7 VanMatre et al. Anesth Analg 2007;104:SCA23 Vamvakas et al. Transfusion 2000;40:101-9

  10. Adverse Changes (“Storage Lesion”) in Stored Red Blood Cells Bennett-Guerrero et al PNAS 2007;43:17063-8

  11. Prolonged Storage and Outcomes after Red Cell Transfusion Length of ICU stay - 698 septic patients, retrospective blood >14days Clin Invest Med 1994;17:B21 Mortality - 31 septic patients, retrospective blood >16days Can J Anaesth 1997;44:1256-61 Multiorgan failure - trauma patients, prospective cohort #units >14days, >21days Am J Surg 1999;178:570-2 Major infections - cardiac surgery patients, retrospective age of oldest unit Anesthesiology 2003;98:815-22 Postop pneumonia - 416 CABG surgery patients, retrospective age of blood Transfusion 1999;39:701-10 Gastric pH - septic patients, prospective blood >16days JAMA 1993;269:3024-3029 Ho et al. Crit Care Med 2003;31:S687-97

  12. Interaction between Leukoreduction and Blood Storage Longer storage of blood + WBC’s → greater accumulation of WBC-derived cytokines Postop pneumonia - 416 CABG surgery patients, retrospective age of blood, non- vs. leukored Transfusion 1999;39:701-10 http://images.encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/sharemed/targets/images/pho/35a5c/35A5C297.jpg

  13. 57 transfused ICU/cardiac surgery patients • Canadian Medical Centers • Standard group • Median age transfusion 19 days • Experimental group • - Median age transfusion 19 days Hebert et al. Anesth Analg 2005;100:1433-8

  14. Age of Stored Blood and Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality Risk Koch et al. New Engl J Med 2008;358:1229-39

  15. Age of Stored Blood and Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality Risk • single institution • transfused CABG, Valve or CABG/Valve surgery patients • June 30, 1998 - January 30, 2006 • 2,872 patients - blood stored <14 days (8,802 units) • 3,130 patients - blood stored >14 days (10,782 units) • Propensity-adjusted, multivariable logistic regression analysis • to examine the association of storage age on postoperative mortality • Kaplan-Meier and Brownstone Decompensation method to assess • association of storage age on long-term survival Koch et al. New Engl J Med 2008;358:1229-39

  16. Age of Stored Blood and Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality Risk Koch et al. New Engl J Med 2008;358:1229-39

  17. Age of Stored Blood and Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality Risk Koch et al. New Engl J Med 2008;358:1229-39

  18. Age of Stored Blood and Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality Risk Koch et al. New Engl J Med 2008;358:1229-39

  19. Age of Stored Blood and Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality Risk Koch et al. New Engl J Med 2008;358:1229-39

  20. Age of Stored Blood and Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality Risk Koch et al. New Engl J Med 2008;358:1229-39

  21. Age of Stored Blood and Long-Term Survival Koch et al. New Engl J Med 2008;358:1229-39

  22. Age of Stored Blood and Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality Risk • single institution • 4643 transfused CABG surgery patients • September 1993 - June 2002 DeSimone et al. Anesth Analg 2005;100:SCA7 VanMatre et al. Anesth Analg 2007;104:SCA23

  23. Age of Stored Blood and Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality Risk • Propensity-adjusted, multivariable logistic regression analysis • to examine the association of storage age of the oldest transfusion on postoperative mortality • - Cubic-Splines analysis to assess for curvilinear relationships • Kaplan-Meier method to assess the association of storage age of the oldest transfusion on long-term survival DeSimone et al. Anesth Analg 2005;100:SCA7 VanMatre et al. Anesth Analg 2007;104:SCA23

  24. Age of Stored Blood and Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality Risk DeSimone et al. Anesth Analg 2005;100:SCA7

  25. Age of Stored Blood and Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality Risk VanMatre et al. Anesth Analg 2007;104:SCA23

  26. “…the COX-2 saga has served to demonstrate that an approach (to drug development) based on studies powered to show effectiveness, no longer meets societal expectations for a comprehensive review of acceptable drug safety.” Stafford-Smith Can J Anaesth 2006;53:973-977

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