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EDI over the Internet. March 23, 2004 Joseph Conron Internet Commerce Corp. Definition of EDI EDI Standards EDI Transactions EDI Networks What they do How they work Internet and EDI (EDIINT) EDI, the Internet, and RFCs AS2 – an application of Internet Standards
EDI over the Internet March 23, 2004 Joseph Conron Internet Commerce Corp
Definition of EDI EDI Standards EDI Transactions EDI Networks What they do How they work Internet and EDI (EDIINT) EDI, the Internet, and RFCs AS2 – an application of Internet Standards Impact – how the Internet transformed EDI services. Final Thoughts and Questions AGENDA
What is EDI? EDI Document Elelctronic Data Interchange • Computer-to-computer exchange of business documents. • Documents use standardized format. • Documents are called transaction sets. • EDI transaction set is roughly equivalent to a paper business form • purchase order • Invoice • shipping notice • Organizations that exchange EDI transaction sets are called trading partners.
Why EDI? US Postal Service The Goal is to move From This: To This: EDI NETWORK
What is an EDI Standard? VICS ANSI X12 TDCC UCC TradaComs UN/Edifact Standards take the guesswork out of understanding the content of a business document Structure, content, and syntax of EDI transactions are established by the governing standards committee *American National Standards Institute ANSI X12 *UN Edifact - EDI for the Facilitation of Administration, Commerce, and Transport
Why Standards? • Hardware Differences • Diverse Business Systems • Different Operating Systems • Programming Languages • File Structures • Different Character Sets Example: 07/08/2004 Possible Interpretations - August 7, 2004 in Germany July 8, 2004 in the U.S. Standards Ensure a Commonly Understood Meaning When Computers Exchange Data
PO 850 INV 810 Standards Language • Interchange - Envelope • Transaction - Document • Functional Groups - Similar Documents • Segment - Line • Data Elements - Word • Identifier - Code • Delimiters - Punctuation • Syntax - Format
EDI Standards Purchase Order X12 Data String ISA*00* *00* *01*VAN1 *12*VAN2 *981015*1226*U*00303*000000179*0*P*>…GS*PO*VAN1*VAN2*981015*1226*179*X*003030…ST*850*000001173…BEG*00*NE*739168**981011…DTM*017*981101…N1*ST*VAN1*92*006…PO1*1*6*EA*3.71**SK*332531*ZZ*BLUE WIDGETS 55555…PO1*2*6*EA*2.2**SK*332560*ZZ*RED IDGETS 33945…PO1*3*6*EA*1.25**SK*332586*ZZ*YELLOW WIDGETS 53945…PO1*4*6*EA*.5**SK*333637*ZZ*GREEN WIDGETS1049…PO1*5*6*EA*5.39**SK*333640*ZZ*PURPLE WIDGETS 51041…PO1*6*12*EA*.36**SK*333653*ZZ*BLACK WIDGETS 51000…PO1*7*6*EA*.99**SK*333695*ZZ*WHITE WIDGETS 51042…PO1*8*6*EA*3.15**SK*333718*ZZ*BEIGE WIDGETS 53949…PO1*9*6*EA*2.8**SK*333721*ZZ*ORANGE WIDGETS 51043…PO1*10*6*EA*2.98**SK*333734*ZZ*GRAY WIDGETS 51044…PO1*11*24*EA*.79**SK*333776*ZZ*VIOLET WIDGETS EZ21406…PO1*12*6*EA*1.12**SK*333802*ZZ*MAROON WIDGETS51051…PO1*13*10*EA*.99**SK*333815*ZZ*AQUA WIDGETS51053…CTT*13…SE*19*000001173…ST*850*000001174…BEG*00*NE*739169**981011…DTM*017*981101…N1*ST*VAN1*92*028…PO1*1*24*EA*.62**SK*332667*ZZ*BROWN WIDGETS20501…PO1*2*10*EA*5.8**SK*333624*ZZ*BLUE WIDGETS 13945…PO1*3*6*EA*5.39**SK*333640*ZZ*PURPLE WIDGETS 51041…CTT*3…SE*9*000001174…ST*850*000001175…BEG*00*NE*739170**981011…DTM*017*981101…N1*ST*VAN1*92*031…PO1*1*6*EA*2.2**SK*332560*ZZ*RED WIDGETS 33945…PO1*2*6*EA*1.25**SK*332586*ZZ*YELLOW WIDGETS 53945…PO1*3*10*EA*4.24**SK*332612*ZZ*BROWN WIDGETS 23945…PO1*4*24*EA*.77**SK*332748*ZZ*RED WIDGETS-22201…PO1*5*6*EA*.36**SK*333653*ZZ*BLACK WIDGETS 51000…PO1*6*6*EA*3.15**SK*333718*ZZ*BEIGE WIDGETS 53949…PO1*7*10*EA*.99**SK*333815*ZZ*AQUA WITS 51053…CTT*7…SE*13*000001175…ST*850*000001176…BEG*00*NE*739171**981011…DTM*017*981101…N1*ST*VAN1*92*037…PO1*1*24*EA*1.01**SK*333569*ZZ*VIOLET WIDGETS 21202…PO1*2*10*EA*5.99**SK*333611*ZZ*BROWN WIDGETS-12955…PO1*3*6*EA*.5**SK*333637*ZZ*GREEN WIDGETS 51049…PO1*4*6*EA*5.39**SK*333640*ZZ*PURPLE WIDGETS 51041…PO1*5*6*EA*3.15**SK*333718*ZZ*BEIGE WIDGETS 53949…PO1*6*6*EA*2.8**SK*333721*ZZ*ORANGE WIDGETS 51043…CTT*6…SE*12*000001176…ST*850*000001177…BEG*00*NE*739172**981011…DTM*017*981101…N1*ST*VAN1*92*045…PO1*1*6*EA*3.71**SK*332531*ZZ*BLUE WIDGETS 55555…PO1*2*6*EA*2.12**SK*332573*ZZ*FLO TEMP SOLDER42945…PO1*3*24*EA*.82**SK*332638*ZZ*MASSIVE WIDGETS-20801…PO1*4*24*EA*.62**SK*332667*ZZ*SMART WIDGETS-20501…PO1*5*24*EA*.75**SK*333556*ZZ*VIOLET
EDI Transactions Product Data &Price Catalog - 832 Purchase Order - 850 S U P P L I E R Purchase Order Acknowledgement - 855 CUSTOMER Advance Ship Notice - 856 Invoice - 810 Remittance Advice - 820 Product Activity Data - 852 Functional Acknowledgements - 997 Documents Used Will Vary by Industry
Company A Vendor A Shipper Bank Before EDI Networks Initially, Quite Simple
Before EDI Networks Company A Vendor A Company B Shipper Company C Bank Company D Vendor B But It Got Ugly Real Fast!
Proprietary EDI Networks Outsource the Headaches to an Intermediary Company A Vendor A Company B Shipper VAN Company C Bank Company D Vendor B
EDI Services provided by Value Added Networks (VANs) GE Information Services Sterling Commerce IBM Before Internet, VANS used proprietary software and bisync communications links. Many of these links are still in use! EDI Networks before Internet
Large Processing, Support, and Network Infrastructure. EDI Networks before Internet Mainframe/Fault Tolerant Hardware Trading Partner Site Your Site EDI VAN EDI Translator EDI Translator Leased Lines SNA/Bisync X.25 (X.400) Async Dial Bisync Dial-Out Interconnect Bisync EDI VAN Competitor Trading Partner Site
Until 1998, all EDI traffic was handled by VANs, and none of these used the Internet. In 1998, Internet Commerce Corp deploys the first Internet based EDI network, now called ICC.net. FTP, SMTP, HTTP, PGP are the Internet protocols used for file transfer and document management. FTP, SMTP – file transfer of EDI documents HTTP – browser applet to manage “mailboxes” PGP - security EDI Meets the Internet
ICC would continue to be the only EDI network using the Internet for the next two years. Major VANS like IBM, Sterling Commerce, and GE Information Systems would take two to three years to catch up. Question: why did it take a start-up to change the way EDI is transmitted? Why didn’t one of the major players do it? EDI Meets the Internet
Answers? • Too expensive? • Too much invested in existing infrastructure? • Perception that the Internet is not secure?
EDI world entrenched in proprietary point to point solutions (i.e., CLOSED systems). Internet viewed as insecure. To solve this problem, EDI world would need: Privacy (encrypted data) Authentication (know your partner!) Message Integrity (no message tampering) Non-repudiation (sender cannot deny sending a message, nor can receiver deny getting it) All of this had to be standardized to allow interoperability (make it easy to transact with any potential trading partner). Resistance to the Internet
Security provided by using RFC 2633 (S/MIME) S/MIME is based on RFC 1521, RFC 1847 Non-repudiation obtained by using RFC 2298 (MDN) Define “Secure Transmission Loop” model Formally the solution is given in RFC 3335 (S/MIME + MDN + SMTP) Solution extended by AS2 (S/MIME + MDN + HTTP|HTTPS) Note: “AS” means “Applicability Statement” A Solution based on Existing Standards
For signing, Multipart/Signed Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="as2BouNdary1as2"; protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; micalg=sha1 To carry signed, encrypted objects Content-type: application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data; name=smime.p7m pkcs7 uses RSA public key cryptography and X.509 certificates. Encrypt with partner’s public key Sign with your own private key Requires that partners exchange certificates. S/MIME
Sender signs and encrypts data using S/MIME. Sender transmits message, requesting MDN. Receiver decrypts data and authenticates sender. Receiver creates and signs MDN and transmits to sender. Secure Transmission Loop Question: How can a sender correlate an MDN with any of the unacknowledged messages?
Sender may ask receiver for synchronous or asynchronous MDN Synchronous MDN is returned on same HTTP session. Asynchronous MDN is returned on separate HTTP session initiated by original receiver. Most AS2 transactions use synchronous MDNs Can you think of reasons why one method is better than the other? Which one is harder to manage? Why? Synchronous or Asynchronous MDN
Synchronous or Asynchronous MDN Synchronous AS2-MDN [C] ----( connect )----> [S] [C] -----( send )------> [S] [HTTP Request [AS2-Message]] [C] <---( receive )----- [S] [HTTP Response [AS2-MDN]] Asynchronous AS2-MDN [C] ----( connect )----> [S] [C] -----( send )------> [S] [HTTP Request [AS2-Message]] [C] <---( receive )----- [S] [HTTP Response] [C]*<---( connect )----- [S] [C] <--- ( send )------- [S] [HTTP Request [AS2-MDN]] [C] ----( receive )----> [S] [HTTP Response]
AS2 defines new headers that identify the sender and the receiver: AS2-from: <as2-name> AS2-to: <as2-name> From RFC 822 we use the message-id: header to identify this message. The message-id: is returned in an MDN as original-message-id: field. AS2 Message Identification Question: why do we need AS2 sender and receiver Ids? Isn’t the IP address sufficient?
Example AS2 Request(signed but not encrypted) POST /invoke/wm.EDIINT/receive HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: AS2 Company Server Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 13:34:50 GMT From: mrAS2@as2.com AS2-Version: 1.1 AS2-From: as2Name AS2-To: 0123456780000 Subject: G1 Test Case Message-Id: <200207310834482A70BF63@\"~~foo~~\"> Disposition-Notification-To: mrAS2@as2.com Disposition-Notification-Options: signed-receipt-protocol=optional,pkcs7-signature; signed-receipt-micalg=optional,sha1 These request signed, synchronous MDN
Example AS2 Request (continued) Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="as2BouNdary1as2"; protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; micalg=sha1 Content-Length: 2464 --as2BouNdary1as2 Content-Type: application/edi-x12 Content-Disposition: Attachment; filename=rfc1767.dat [ISA ...EDI transaction data...IEA...] --as2BouNdary1as2 Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature [omitted binary pkcs7 signature data] --as2BouNdary1as2--
Synchronous MDN Example HTTP/1.1 200 OK AS2-From: 0123456780000 AS2-To: as2Name AS2-Version: 1.1 Message-ID: <709700825.1028122454671.JavaMail@ediXchange> Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=sha1;protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; boundary="----=_Part_57_648441049.1028122454671" Connection: Close Content-Length: 1980 Note: the Message-Id is the ID for THIS MDN!
Synchronous MDN Example ------=_Part_56_1672293592.1028122454656 Content-Type: message/disposition-notification Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Reporting-UA: AS2 Server Original-Recipient: rfc822; 0123456780000 Final-Recipient: rfc822; 0123456780000 Original-Message-ID: <200207310834482A70BF63@\"~~foo~~\"> Received-content-MIC: 7v7F++fQaNB1sVLFtMRp+dF+eG4=, sha1 Disposition: automatic-action/MDN-sent-automatically;processed ------=_Part_56_1672293592.1028122454656— {Followed by a signature multipart} This is the ID of the message that MDN acknowledges.
In 2002, Wal-Mart decreed that it would accept ONLY AS2 transactions, and ordered all trading partners to switch to AS2. Most other major retailers would soon follow suit. Today, it appears that the retail industry has adopted AS2 as its EDI transport, but other industry segments have yet to commit to AS2. Other options in use for secure EDI are: FTP/S (FTP using TLS). S/FTP (FTP using IPSEC). VPN. Between interconnects (the VANS), EDI is sent “in the clear” using FTP! AS2 Reality
The migration from proprietary EDI networks to the Internet has dramatically lowered the cost of EDI services. Before the Internet, costs were typically $.20/KC or more Today, costs are under 0.10/KC Startup costs are lower because users no longer need special telecom setup. Just need a PC and an ISP! Consequently, EDI is now accessible to many more businesses then ever. Impact of Internet on EDI
Standards are important - they facilitate interoperability To become “popular”, any new standard must present a low “barrier to entry” Must be easy to implement Must not require any (significant) changes to current business practices Build “new” technologies by applying existing technologies. The Internet and its related protocols are examples of this philosophy. Final Thoughts