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2. Water Resource Management C(89)12, C(78)4, C(74)220. Sources Surface and underground water resources owned and managed by national water authority95% sewage collected, 90% treated and 75% reused for agricultural irrigation. Upgraded for unrestricted agricultural useDesalination of brackish and marine waterPricingWater price reflects abstraction and marginal costs, with differentiated tariffs related to consumption levels and type of user2009 drought levy imposed on domestic usersMinist23
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4 Reused Effluent; Israel and World ???? ???? ????????? ?? ???????? ???? ????????? ?? ????
5. 5 New Water resources Shortage of Natural Resources
New Water Resources
Desalinated Seawater
2007 – 130 Mcm/year
2015 – 500 Mcm/year
Desalinated Saline water
2007 – 25 Mcm/year
2015 – 75 Mcm/year
Wastewater Reuse
2007 – 370 Mcm/year
2015 – 570 Mcm/year
6. 6 WaterPollution PreventionC(74)221 Standards
Regulations imposed to reduce salinity, restrict heavy metals and set pH levels for industrial effluents & sewage sludge
Stricter regulations on 36 pollutants in effluents awaiting approval
Regulations to restrict approx 50 priority organic contaminants in preparation
Constraints on pollution sources
Interministerial guidelines to reduce pollution from farming
Legislation on pollution prevention from oil storage tanks and soil remediation in preparation
7. 7 EnergyFuels and Efficiency C(85)102, C(77)109, C(85)101, C(76)162, C(79)117 Electricity production
Currently (2009) 65% coal, 32% natural gas (will increase to 40-50% from offshore fields, LNG); generating capacity 10,000 MW, expected to double by 2020 if BAU
3% energy demand saved through domestic solar water heating
10% renewables target by 2020 (Government issued tender for 250MW thermo-solar)
Electricity Authority sets prices, including incentive for renewables based on pollution prevented
Energy efficiency target 20% reduction by 2020 compared to BAU
Mandatory energy efficiency regulations on new appliances
Voluntary energy efficiency building standard (mandatory in future)
Government established research fund: $100million over 5 years to promote RE+EE
8. 8 Expected Fuels by 2012 As of December 2007, 69% of our electricity generation was produced by Coal, 20% by Natural Gas, 7% by Diesel Oil, 3% by Fuel Oil and only 0.6% was purchased from IPPs.
The Company purchases all the coal it requires through the National Coal Supply Company, which is a fully owned subsidiary of the Company. The Coal Company imports the coal from different countries all over the world, such as South-Africa, Colombia, Russia, Indonesia and Australia.
The Company began using natural gas in February 2004.
In 2007 IEC consumed about 2.7 billion cubic meters (1,835,000 of tons). As the Company sites are being connected to the natural gas grid, consumption will gradually increase to 3-4 billion cubic meters annually. Today the natural gas is supplied by the Yam Thetis Group, which holds reservoir offshore Israel. In August 2005 IEC signed on agreement with the EMG company for the supply of natural gas from Egypt. The supply of the Egyptian gas commenced on July 2008.
As you can see, in 2012 it is expected that 48% of our electricity generation will be produced by coal, 47% by natural gas, 2% by Diesel oil, 3% by Fuel oil and only 0.5% will be produced by IPPs.
The increase use of Natural Gas is driven by the need to diversify IEC’s fuel mix, increase its generation capacity while maintaining a low cost structure and limited pollution level.
Effectively the fuel prices and their update are embedded in the electricity rates which are being charged to the company’s customers.
As of December 2007, 69% of our electricity generation was produced by Coal, 20% by Natural Gas, 7% by Diesel Oil, 3% by Fuel Oil and only 0.6% was purchased from IPPs.
9. 9 EnergyPollution Prevention Pollution controls
Business license - operational conditions on power stations
Clean Air Act - emission permits (2011)
Abatement of Nuisances Regulations – reductions of SO2, NOX and particulates in line with EU directive (6 years - need reserve capacity to enable retrofit)
Low sulfur coal, high stacks for dispersion, scrubbers on 2 units and will be fitted on others, electrostatic precipitators on stacks, monitoring networks
Integration of environment and energy
Integration through NBPB masterplan for power stations, including EIA
10. 10 IPPCC(90)164 Already implemented
Adopted 2006 to be applied to 150 installations through Business Licenses
Implementation in process in industrial hotspots: Ramat Hovav, Haifa Bay, in future - Ashdod
Separate permits required for marine discharge, hazardous materials, air emissions (2011)
BAT and monitoring required
Enforcement by Ministry of EP
EIA on major plants and industrial areas
Roadmap for full implementation of IPPC
2009: consultant
2010: preparation
2011: implementation by sectors
11. 11 Noise C(85)103, C(78)73
Transport noise
No manufacture of vehicles
Adopted EU vehicle noise standards
Aircraft require noise certificates
National masterplans include noise regulations around airports, along flight paths and along surface transportation,
Surface transportation (road and rail) standards adopted by government decision
Other noise sources
Regulations on products and their use
Abatement regulations:
noise in residential areas
construction noise
12. 12 TransportC(74)218, C(2004)80 Planning
NBPB national masterplan 35 supports urban development, reduction of sprawl and efficient public transport
National masterplan for integrated surface transport in preparation
Ministry of Transport allocated major investment to public transport, including interurban rail and electrification of rail (6.4 billion €)
Ministry of Transport revised project appraisal to improve consideration of noise, air pollution and landscape protection
EIA of transportation projects includes evaluation of alternatives
Pollution control
Traffic Ordinance - vehicle emission standards equivalent to EU
2009 green taxation imposed on vehicles and fuels according to level of emissions
2009 tender issued for scrapping old vehicles
13. 13 Tourism C(79)115 Planning
NBPB national masterplan for tourism
Planning constraints on building in attractive, sensitive areas - coasts, landscape value
Natural and cultural values protected by relevant statutory authorities
Strategy for sustainable tourism, including ecotourism, submitted by Ministry of Tourism
Greening tourism
Ministry of Tourism allocates grants for tourist use of historic buildings, stream reclamation
Promotion of green building/green management in tourism by Ministries of Tourism and EP
Hotels distribute information to visitors to encourage water conservation
14. 14 Coastal Zone ManagementC(76)161, C(92)114 Planning
Coastal protection included in legislation on land use planning, land management, nature protection and protection of antiquities
NBPB directive for national masterplan 1970, approved 1983 included 100m setback, restraints on development, designation of protected areas
NBPB masterplan for ports included sand bypassing
Prevention of damage and pollution
2004 coastal law integrated coastal and marine management and added public access, liability for damage to coastal resources and enforcement
Marine pollution prevention strictly enforced in accordance with Barcelona Convention
15. 15 Biodiversity C(2004)81 Regulatory control
Stringent controls through legislation on nature protection
National biodiversity strategic action plan to be submitted to government 2010
Planning authorities impose biodiversity conservation conditions on infrastructure plans
Economic instruments
Specific cases of compensation to farmers for losses and to encourage ecotourism
2009 new Landscape Fund in Lands Authority for change of land use
16. 16 Material Flows and Resource Productivity C(2004)79, C(2008)40 Natural resources
Few natural resources, mineral or biomass
Phosphates, Dead Sea minerals, aggregates
Information on material flows and stocks not currently available
Industry willing to participate in indicators and resource accounting
Ministry of EP and CBS recognize need for data on tracking stocks and flows, aware of gaps, will participate in OECD activities
17. 17 Polluter Pays PrincipleC(72)128, C(74)223, C(89)881 No major barriers
Environment not a non tariff barrier
No subsidy on energy, no tax on coal
Increasing implementation
Polluter pays Law 2008 imposes fines
1993 Hazardous Substances Law – differentiated fee for permit based on risk
Fines on illegal marine discharge
Increased fines for emissions - Clean Air Act (2011)
18. 18 Economic InstrumentsC(90)177 Instruments for waste disposal
Landfill levy
Deposit refund on beverage containers
Levy of PET drink containers
EPR on manufacturers and importers of tyres
Green taxation
Differential taxation on fuels and vehicles in relation to emissions
Environmental funds
Levy on extraction to Quarry Reclamation Fund
Fee on ships to Marine Pollution Prevention Fund
Economic incentives
Premiums and feed-in tariffs for renewable energy
Promotion of green building
Instruments in process
Liability for contaminated land – legislation to be submitted by end 2010
Levies on permitted air emissions from 2011
Incorporation of environmental risks as financial risks by financial regulators
19. 19 Public Environmental Expenditure C(2006)84 Ministerial budgets and work programmes - according to PMO guidelines for results accountability and available to public
Preparing measurable indicators (2011)
Targeted funds exist for Marine Pollution, Cleanliness, Animal Protection, Quarry Reclamation
Review of practice in relation to annex will be undertaken (2010/11)
20. 20 Greening public procurement C(2002)3 2008 amendment to mandatory tenders law - preference to purchase products accredited by international or Israeli authority or practice
Workplan to accredit at least 10 items a year, commonly purchased by Ministries
Environmental criteria are incorporated into government tenders, eg. desalination
Government purchasing preference to recycled, trade-in products and hybrid vehicles
21. 21 Environmental Impact Assessment C(79)116, C(74)216 Statutory planning requirement
EIA (including EIS document) required under planning legislation 1982, revised 2003
Includes project guidelines, consideration of alternatives, review
Required on public and private development
Database EIA available to public on Ministry of EP website, EIS open to public when plan deposited
EIA not necessarily required where planning permit not required or where decision taken prior to planning
22. 22 Environmental Performance of Government C(96)39 EIA required on public development
Ministerial Sustainable Development strategies
Public Companies annual report on environmental performance to their directorates
Government decision requiring reduction of paper, water and electricity in government expected 2010
NBPB acts as important coordinating mechanism
23. 23 Environmental InformationC(98)67, C(79)114, C(90)165 Availability of Information
Available to public on Ministry of EP and CBS websites, including 15 metrics of sustainable development
No integrated database available on pressures, conditions, responses to show changes/monitor policy
Ministry of EP initiating programme to provide information infrastructure:
2009: update 15 metrics
2010: identify gaps, submit 1st SOE to government
2011: environmental outlook, EPR to government
Access to Information
2009 regulations under Freedom of Information Law specify 22 clauses for public access to environmental information
Financial regulators require environmental risk disclosure by public companies, banks, investments
24. 24 Transfrontier PollutionC(78)77, C(77)28, C(74)224, C(76)55, C(81)32 Declaration: Currently, Israel does not share a common frontier with any OECD member country Multilateral
22 MEA’s signed and ratified, 7 awaiting ratification
CP to Barcelona Convention for Mediterranean and applies same to Eilat Bay
LBS discharge to marine area according to permits, tighter restrictions, levy by end 2010
18 bilateral agreements
Environment in Peace Accord with Jordan
Environment in Interim Agreement with PA
25. 25 Development CooperationC(89)2, C(86)26, C(85)104 Assistance Given
Capacity building and training in agriculture, water, medical emergency, environment
Major infrastructure projects not funded
Training on sustainable development, marine pollution prevention, pest management
Will establish framework for environmental assessment according to the checklist (2010)
26. 26 Declarations C(85)11, C(79)121, C/M(74)26, C/MIN(2009)5/ADD1, C/MIN(2009)5/ADD1, C(2006)94 Environmental governance
1973 government decision established environmental protection service
EIA since 1982, revised 2003
1988 Ministry of EQ established (later EP)
Local environmental units established for implementation
Civil Society involvement expanded through representation on planning and other committees, and rights of objection
Green growth:
2006: government decision - water tech 21.8m €
2008: government decision - renewables 72.7m €
2009: government decision - waste 5.4m €
Proposed government decision to promote environmental technologies
Development cooperation
Through capacity building with emphasis on water conservation and combating desertification
27. 27 Multilateral Environmental Agreements Marine and Coastal
Barcelona Convention for the Mediterranean
Fishing and conservation of living resources of high seas
Agreement on conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks
Nature protection
Convention for Biological Diversity
Conservation of migratory species of wild animals
International trade in endangered species
Wetlands important as waterfowl habitats
Protection of new varieties of plants
Climate change – Kyoto protocol
Combating desertification
Protection of world cultural and natural heritage
28. 28
29. 29 McKinsey preliminary cost curve
30. 30 McKinsey preliminary cost curve
31. 31 Factors limiting emissions reduction Current policy prevent use of Nuclear Power
No option of Hydroelectric Power
Limited capacity for Wind Power
No current possibility of Carbon Capture and Storage
Limited area for Thermo-Solar (2 hectares for 1 installed MW)
32. 32
33. 33 Energy Availability
34. 34 Government commitments to EE and RE 10% RE by 2020
20% reduction in demand by EE by 2020
$100 million research fund
220 MW thermo solar + 50MW PV
35. 35 Israel’s Statement on Climate Change Active implementation of UNFCCC
Establishment of ambitious long-term comprehensive low emissions strategy
Energy management policy
Nationally appropriate GHG mitigation actions
Active participation in OECD discussions
2nd national communication by mid 2010 - non annex 1
Future national communications - annex 1 as appropriate
Participation in COP 15 in Copenhagen
Efforts made to join negotiating group
36. 36