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Private Peaceful. Monday, 19 November 2007. Unit Outcomes. Persuasive writing piece Solo talk Critical essay Creative writing piece. Critical Essay Choices. How does Michael Morpurgo effectively describe the horrors of war?
Private Peaceful Monday, 19 November 2007
Unit Outcomes • Persuasive writing piece • Solo talk • Critical essay • Creative writing piece
Critical Essay Choices • How does Michael Morpurgo effectively describe the horrors of war? • “Home’s home. Here’s here.” (p165) Show how Michael Morpurgo contrasts the ideas of “peace” and “war” • “…even my courage to be a coward had evaporated.” (p161) Do we admire Tommo Peaceful, or pity him?
Today’s Lesson Aims • Begin to look at how MM shows the sudden changes in Tommo’s life • To begin taking written notes on the text, in preparation for critical essay writing.
Today’s “End of Chapter” Questions • What two kinds of animal does Horrible Hanley call Tommo at the start of p106 • Why does Charlie worry that his “voice will betray me”? (p106) • Tommo feels they are “make believe” soldiers. What two phrases on p107-8 suggest that they are still having fun and haven’t realised the severity of what is coming. • What insight do we get on p109 to Tommo’s naivety, compared to the others? • When do they first realise that things are more serious than pretending to be soldiers? • On p111, Tommo has an imaginary conversation with a bee. What impression does this give you about him? • When do things finally stop being a game for Tommo and Charlie? Quote a phrase which illustrates this point. • What three things does Tommo get teased for by the other soldiers? • Throughout the novel, MM places animals into key scenes to create different emotional tones. Once the Peacefuls arrive in France, what animals are included, and what impression does it create? Remember to use evidence form the text. • What TWO biblical characters is Charlie compared to during this chapter?
Extension/homework Task • Tommo and Charlie write letters home to Molly, mother and Big Joe. • Send a series of txt messages home as either Tommo or Charlie. • Try to explain more about why you joined the army, what life is like, what you miss about home etc • Each txt can have no more 255 characters • Remember that your txt would be read, and CENSORED, so you may need to explain how you feel in a way which would not get you into trouble. • You may choose to write home from early training at Salisbury Plains, or from Etaples in France.