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USCG Fiscal Year 2011 Budget and Project Highlights

USCG Fiscal Year 2011 Budget and Project Highlights. LCDR Greg Matyas Office of Budget and Programs (CG-821) April 27 , 2010. Agenda. Outline: FY 2011 Strategic Overview and Priorities FY 2011 Budget Request Project Overview. FY 2011 Here to Protect, Ready to Rescue . FY 2011

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USCG Fiscal Year 2011 Budget and Project Highlights

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  1. USCG Fiscal Year 2011 Budget and Project Highlights LCDR Greg Matyas Office of Budget and Programs (CG-821) April 27, 2010

  2. Agenda • Outline: • FY 2011 Strategic Overview and Priorities • FY 2011 Budget Request • Project Overview

  3. FY 2011 Here to Protect, Ready to Rescue

  4. FY 2011 CG Strategic Overview Sustaining long-term Coast Guard performance ultimately depends on the pace and stability of future recapitalization – the President’s FY11 Budget supports this imperative. • Continued recapitalization of aging assets and infrastructure is the Coast Guard’s top priority • Recapitalization is vital to maintaining future surface, air, and shore asset capability - an essential investment for DHS and the Nation • Redirects savings from efficiencies, consolidation initiatives, decommissionings, and capability reallocations to support highest priority acquisitions. • Supports efforts to constrain Government spending • Coast Guard will continue to provide superior value and service to the American public • Operational Commanders will use risk management to allocate available resources to meet the Nation’s highest order maritime safety, security, and stewardship needs.

  5. FY 2011 DHS Strategic Priorities FY 2011 Budget aligns with five main missions: • Preventing Terrorism and Enhancing Security • Securing and Managing the Our Borders • Enforcing and Administering Our Immigration Laws • Safeguarding and Securing Cyberspace • Ensuring Resilience to Disasters Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR) • Released with President’s Budget • Bottom Up Review (BUR) on-going

  6. FY 2011 Budget Request Requests $10.08 billion for FY 2011 – discretionary & mandatory Net reduction of 773 positions (-1,112 military & +339 civilian FTP) ** Does not include funding for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) and Polar Icebreaking operations and maintenance. Full funding for FY11 OCO and Polar is included in USN and NSF requests, respectively. 6

  7. Overall net change: an increase of $87M and a decrease of 773 FTP FY 2011 Budget Request Operating Expenses Annualization of Prior Year Funding(+$44.2M): Continue new programs and assets started in FY 2010 Mandatory Entitlements (+$143.4M): Annualization of FY 2010 Pay Raise FY 2011 Pay Increase Military Allowances DHS Balanced Workforce Strategy (-$14.5M, +300 FTP): • Analyze current contract support & bring appropriate work in-house • Must generate savings

  8. FY 2011 Budget Request Operating Expenses Operation & Maintenance (O&M) of New Assets (+$17.5M, +38 FTP): Shore facilities, Response Boat-Mediums, Rescue 21, Nationwide Automatic Identification System, Rescue Swimmer Training Facility Surface & Asset Follow-On (+$62.5M, +336 FTP): Operations and Maintenance for NSC #3 and logistics support for NSC Crews and Operations and Maintenance for FRCs & shore-side support Maritime Patrol Aircraft (HC-144) simulator follow-on AIRSTA Miami and ATC Mobile transition support Operations and Maintenance for HC-144 aircraft Airborne Use of Force sustainment

  9. Asset Decommissionings: • Four High Endurance Cutters (-$28.2M, -764 FTP) • JARVIS, RUSH, HAMILTON, CHASE; backfill 2 HECs in Honolulu and 1 HEC in San Diego • NSC#1 fully operational, NSC#2 operational 4th Qtr FY11; homeport in Alameda • One Medium Endurance Cutter – ACUSHNET (-$2.8M, -86 FTP) FY 2011 Budget Request Operating Expenses • Four HU-25 Aircraft (-7.7 M, -62 FTP) • Three HU-25s will be replaced with new HC-144 at AIRSTA Miami, FL • One HU-25 – removed from service at AIRSTA Cape Cod, MA • HC-144s programmed for 1,200 flight hrs per year vs. HU-25 programmed at 800 flight hours per year

  10. FY 2011 Budget Request Operating Expenses Program Decreases: Rotary Wing Capacity Remove five H-65s out of service (-$5.5M, -68 FTP) Move four H-60’s to AIRSTA Traverse City; two from OPBAT support & two from MSRT support Close seasonal air facilities (AIRFAC Waukegan and AIRFAC Muskegon)

  11. Rotary Wing Re-alignment – Great Lakes AIRSTA Traverse City 95nm AIRFAC Muskegon 173nm 196nm AIRSTA Detroit 151nm AIRFAC Waukegan 104nm 214nm 208nm 32nm Chicago

  12. Program Decreases: Deployable Force Capacity FY 2011 Budget Request Operating Expenses Decommission Five MSSTs (-$18.2M, -391 FTP) New York, King’s Bay, New Orleans, San Francisco and Anchorage Move towards regional concept Reinvest in Law Enforcement Detachments (LEDETs) (+3.6M, 50 FTP) to add 18th LEDET and increase size from 11 to 12 on 17 others

  13. FY 2011 MSST Decommissioning Plan MSST Seattle/Tacoma MSRT location Remaining MSST locations MSST Boston • MSST Decommissionings in FY-2011: • MSST New York, NY • MSST Kings Bay, GA • MSST New Orleans, LA • MSST San Francisco, CA • MSST Anchorage, AK MSST New York MSST San Francisco MSRT Chesapeake MSST LA Long Beach MSST San Diego MSST Kings Bay MSST New Orleans MSST Galveston MSST Anchorage MSST Miami MSST Honolulu

  14. FY 2011 Budget Request Minor Appropriations – Current Services Environmental Compliance & Remediation: Request $13.3M (+0.1M) and 24 FTE (0) Reserve Training: Request $135.7M (+2.0M) and 536 FTE (0) Research, Development Testing & Evaluation: Request $20.0M (-$4.7M) and 101 FTE (0) Health Care Fund: Request $265.3M (-$0.7M) Boating Safety: Request $119M (-$9.9M) and 8 FTE (0) Oil Spill Recovery: Request $92M (+$1M)

  15. FY 2011 FTP Reduction* (Discretionary) • MILITARY (-1,112 FTP) • Follow-on for new assets (NSC, MPA, FRC, RB-M): + 308 FTP • Balanced Workforce Strategy (i.e. insourcing): +115 FTP • Technical Adjustment – FY09 Mil/Civ Conversion: -103 FTP • Decomm four HECs: -747 FTP • Decomm five MSSTs – LEDET Reinvestment: -395 FTP • Decomm ACHUSHNET: -86 FTP • Rotary Wing Realignment: -68 FTP • Decomm four HU-25s: -62 FTP • Reduce Mission Support: -27 FTP • HEC Logistics Support: -17 FTP • MIFC Consolidation: -11 FTP • Eliminate MCSA Follow-on: -12 FTP • DECOM NSFCC: -5 FTP • CGIS Realignment: -2 FTP 01 February 2010 • FY 2010– Enacted ($8,541.7M) • Military: 42,329 FTP • Civilian: 7,927 FTP • Total: 50,256 FTP • CIVILIAN (+ 339) • Follow-on for new assets (NSC, MPA, FRC): + 66 FTP • Balanced Workforce Strategy (i.e. insourcing): +185 FTP • Technical Adjustment – FY 09 Mil/Civ Conversion: +103 FTP • Decomm five MSSTs- LEDET Reinvestment: +4 FTP • Reduce Mission Support: -7 FTP • MIFC Consolidation: -1 FTP • DECOM NSFCC: -4 FTP • CGIS Realignment: -7 FTP -1,112 MILITARY (- 2.6%) $-75.2M (- 0.9%) Net Reduction: -773 FTP (- 1.5%) FY 2011 PB + 339 CIVILIANS (+ 4.3%) • FY 2011– PB ($8,466.5M) • Military: 41,217 FTP • Civilian: 8,266 FTP • Total: 49,483 FTP * Note: Does not include OCO or Polar Icebreaking funding/positions

  16. Fiscal Year 2011Acquisition Construction and Improvement (AC&I) Highlights Surface: $898M

  17. Fiscal Year 2011Acquisition Construction and Improvement (AC&I) Highlights Air: $101M

  18. Fiscal Year 2011Acquisition Construction and Improvement (AC&I) Highlights Other Equipment/Shore: $119M

  19. Fiscal Year 2011Acquisition Construction and Improvement (AC&I) Highlights Other: $263M

  20. FY 2011 Budget Request Summary Questions?

  21. FY 2011 Budget Request Summary Backup Slides

  22. Mandatory Spending Increase Total Discretionary Spending vs. Mandatory Spending in Inflation-Adjusted Dollars (2008)

  23. Future Discretionary Decline

  24. “discretionary” spending “mandatory” spending 59% of Federal Budget funds ‘mandatory bills’ DHS is only 3% of federal discretionary spending

  25. DOD Topline Funding ($ in Billions)(Not adjusted for inflation) • Leveraging acquisition processes to field greater quantities of less exquisite technology • Balancing long-term, high end costly programs with low-tech lest-costly solutions implemented immediately • Continued investment to maintain the size of the workforce *Source: OMB

  26. DHS Topline Funding Profile($ in billions)

  27. CG Topline Funding ($ in Billions)(not adjusted for inflation) • FY10 – Budgetary High Water mark? • FY11-FY15 -Average Discretionary Growth ~1.5%

  28. Potential Out-year Impacts -$1223M -$924M -$629M -$348M Discretionary top-line growth at guidance (FY11-FY15 RAD)= ~1.5% (~$130M/Yr) AC&I: At FY11-FY15 CIP Level

  29. What we do with our money ? FY 2009 Enacted Budget OE $6.195B

  30. Sounds like a lot – But… FY09 Enacted - Operating Expenses $6.195B

  31. The Budget Cycle: Four Budgets At Once

  32. USCG FY 2010 ENACTED 5.1% discretionary growth over FY 09 enacted* • Recapitalizes Aging Assets • Enhances Maritime Safety & Security • Improves Command and Control • Modernizes Business Practices * FY10 5.1% discretionary growth does not include Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding.

  33. Fiscal Year 2010 Operating Expense Highlights $6.81B FY10 Enacted (6.0% growth over FY09 Enacted)* • Increase Marine Inspector, Investigator, and Naval Engineering Capacity • Includes $8.6M for 74 marine inspectors • Increase staff for five National Centers of Expertise • Enhance Biometrics at Sea System • 4 permanent positions • Counternarcotics Enforcement • Increased Armed Helicopter deployment capacity • Increase LEDET capacity • Sustain SeaHawk Charleston - Interagency Operations Center • $1.1M for Charleston O&M • Improve Financial Management • $20M and 86 new positions • $10M for Depot Level Maintenance * FY10 6.0% OE growth does not include Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding.

  34. Fiscal Year 2010 AC&I Highlights $1.54B FY10 Enacted (4.2% growth over FY09 Enacted)

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