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DIESEL FUEL VIA THE CATALYTIC DEPOLYMERIZATION PROCESS (C.P.D) Transformation of wastes material in Diesel, water and fertilizer . The present Project Memorandum is addressed to decision makers who consider a cooperation with our group in order to implement the Technology
DIESEL FUEL VIA THE CATALYTIC DEPOLYMERIZATION PROCESS (C.P.D)Transformation of wastes material in Diesel, water and fertilizer
The present Project Memorandum is addressed to decision makers who consider a cooperation with our group in order to implement the Technology of Catalytic Pressure-less Depolymerisation (CPD*). The CPD-Technology provides the unique opportunity in combining prospective development of new added value with active environment protection. No other Technology is more appropriate, in the endeavour to optimize and decentralise waste management into energy self-sufficiency - A revolutionary way! The global economy as well as the environmental potentials of the CPD- Technology of Dr. Christian Koch stands for hope and commitment in politics and economy. (*Original German Abbreviation: KDV: KatalytischeDurcklose Verölung)
A new technology with worldwide unrivalled potentials for energy politics, waste management and optimal environmental protection is going to market: The technology is the Catalytic PressurelessDepolymerisation (CPD-Technology). After decades of intensive catalyst research and development of the CPD-Reactor as well as the successful application of this technology in a proven system, the way is open now for the world-wide use of this Technology. With regard to the growing prices of crude oil, alternative recycling methods will take a leading position, particularly the technology of the catalytic pressurelessdepolymerisation, which is developed as well as patented several times by Dr. Christian Koch. With this technology it is possible to change organic material residues like waste plastics, waste oil and used wax as well as renewable primary products like rape, wood, plant residues, energy plants and organic waste from the food and meat industry in an economic manner into diesel fuel.
Unlike previous methods which burn the waste materials and produce CO2 and poisonous substances like dioxine and furane, which then have to be filtered out with costly and high-technology arrangements, the CPD- Technology enables a nearly complete utilization of the raw materials into a high-quality and unproblematic storable energy source – diesel fuel. The final product – diesel fuel – of the CPD-Technology has an outstanding quality and can be used without restrictions as diesel fuel for vehicles and all diesel engines. The CPD-Technology shows us the future way of producing synthetic oil products (e.g. diesel fuel) from residues and primary raw materials in an unrivalled and ecological way.
The economical, CO2-neutral diesel production of all organic materials (incl. plastics, domestic waste, waste oil, etc.) opens an extremely wide Spectrum of applications, which is barely imaginable. Concerning the potential applications of the CPD-Technology as well as their influences among other things: the following points counts:
• Reliable forecasts assume that in the year 2060 the world wide energy production from biomass will apply to the current energy consumption of crude oil which is approximately 185 Exajoule (1018 Joules). • Between 2010 and 2020 the demand of crude oil will exceed the production volume. • The energy efficiency of the CPD-Systems surpass the energy efficiencies of all other known technologies producing fuel from biomass by a factor of 2,7 to 4,5. • CPD-Diesel is CO2 neutral. • CPD-Diesel is a mineral diesel with highest qualities • CPD-Diesel complies with the EU standards. Diesel-engines have not to be adjusted to CPD-Diesel All organic matter like • Biomass (C-3 and C-4 plants), wood, biogenous residues like leaves, straw, etc. • Waste oil (also contaminated oil), refinery residues, bitumen • All kinds of synthetic materials (PVC, PET, etc.) • Domestic waste, rubbish from catering, etc.
• Mexico • Finland • Canada • Italy • Spain • USA • Bulgaria • Soon South Africa Dr. Christian Koch is the one and only innovator and owner of the patents. The Technology patents are Filed worldwide as follow: • Patent No. DE10 2005 056 735 from 29.11.2005 (19 patents and patent accretions) • Patent No. DE10 2006 054 506 from 17.11.2006 (16 patents and patent accretions) • Patent No. EP1798274A1 (for Europe) and WO2007062811A3 (World Patent) • There is no formation of dioxine and furane because of the low temperature technology (below 400°C). • There is no danger of explosion since the technology is running with slight under pressure. • There is no accumulation of poisonous residues. They will be disposed in harmless salt. • No BIMSch IV (Federal Emissions Control Ordinance) is necessary but a simple licensing procedure. • A high sustainable return on investment will be achieved with the production of CPD-Diesel. • The energy market is one of the most promising and largest future markets in the history of humanity. • The already high return will be rising further up with increasing energy price.
The Energy Production Reaches the Peak When the “Peak Oil” will be reached is a controversial point under experts. But it is sure that it will come. Norway, Great Britain, Iran, Iraq and the USA have already overstepped this point. Their crude oil production falls off inevitably. The ASPO Switzerland (Association for the study of Peak Oil) thinks that the global peak of crude oil will be before 2020.
The graph shows the amount of the crude oil discovery as well as the crude oil consumption. It can be clearly seen that during the nineties of the 20th century the consumption of crude oil was always higher than the crude oil discovery. The current technology is fully developed so there is just a marginal chance to discover new oil fields. The gap between new discoveries and production will get larger.
Dramatic Rising of Energy Consumption The graph above clearly shows the remarkable growth of energy consumption in the next years world wide. The consumption cannot be covered by natural resources like gas, coal and oil. Based on realistic forecasts the conventional energy will cover in 2060 just one third of our energy consumption. Other energy sources like solar energy and biomass will play the most important role and reach at this time the today world energy volume of nearly 185 Exajoule. Until now there is no other Technology beside the CPD-Technology which shows a nearly intelligent energy balance for renewable energies.
Significant Accumulation of the Energy Tax Burden The planned energy tax in Germany will break free an insolvency wave of the previous high subvention rape-oil, RME and other plant oil companies. Alone the CPD-Technology will achieve high benefits without subventions due to its high energy efficiency.
• produces high-quality Diesel fuel with competitive prices • With the today’s oil price the CPD-Systems produce already high-quality Diesel with profit. Unlike all other • technologies the CPD-technology works economically even without subsidies and promotions. • • fulfils all relevant EU-standards for Diesel fuel • The quality of the CPD-Diesel fuel exceeds furthermore the EU-standard of the normal Diesel with nearly • all input materials and has a Cetane number of 58 to 60. (Cetane number of conventional Diesel = 51- 54) • • has the highest energy efficiency of all known processes • The high efficiency of the CPD-Technology is 4.5 times as much as from RME (Rape-methyl-ester). The • quality of the CPD-Diesel surpasses the quality of conventional diesel by far. • • makes an active environmental and climatic protection possible • An active and conflict-free environmental protection is for the first time possible by the optimization of the • energy production from residual substances and regenerating raw materials • • helps to cover the rising fuel needs • According to a study of the Wuppertal-Institute for climate, environment and energy, two thirds of all cars • will still operate with gasoline and diesel by year 2050. The need by far cannot be covered by conventional • fossil fuels. The CPD-Technology of Dr. Christian Koch
The standard plant of type CPD 500 (catalytic pressureless oiling for at least 500 l/h Diesel) is economically adapted for the most biological and mineral materials. The area of application is listed below, whereby waste and residual substances in solid and liquid form can be processed decentralized in a technological and economical efficient way into diesel:
It is possible to bring the plant to the raw material, especially when plant residues are used as source material. So it will give a better benefit, because of the nonexistent transport costs. When all the raw material from one place is used, the plant can be moved to the next one.
Highest Profit Potential with the CPD-Technology Lowest Costs for Production and Energy Tax for the CPD-Diesel The following graphic compares the production costs of different bio - fuels. For the CPD-Technology the production costs including energy tax are just 25% and 45% of the compared costs of subsidized rape oil, RME, Sun Diesel, etc.
Highest Profit Potential with the CPD-Technology Highest Profit with CPD-Diesel For the graphic above a reference wholesale price for conventional diesel of 90 €-Cent per liter is adopted. This corresponds to the statistical diesel mean value of the last 18 month (Jan. 2006 – Jun. 2007) The Graphic shows clearly that only CPD-Diesel can be produced with benefit. The benefit is between 25 and 34 €-Cent per liter after tax profit and cross licensing (depending on general conditions).
Highest Energy-Efficiency of the CPD-Technology The Table below based on data of the University of Applied Science Hamburg (Prof. Th. Willner). The data shows the predominance of the CPD-Technology compared to all other “BTL”-Technologies for Liquefaction of Biomass. The efficiency of the CPD-Technology is 4.5 times higher than the one of RME (Rape- methyl-ester). The quality of the CPD-Diesel surpasses the quality of conventional diesel by far.
Highest Range for Vehicles Fueled with CPD-Diesel The graphic shows the range of a car which needs 6 liter per 100 km with the amount of diesel which can be produced from the corresponding biomass of four different procedures. The CPD- Technology offers a 7.1 times as much range in comparison with the rape-diesel (RME)
The following tables give a short overview of the enormous potential of the CPD-Technology in several countries. Also for the non - experts it is self - explanatory that an investment in the CPD- Technology is low-risk and offers a higher than average income and benefit potential. CPD-Diesel Potential from the Biomass in Germany In Germany it is possible to produce annually around 64,5 billion liter of CPD-Diesel from all residues, as well as Miscanthus from unused areas and from the 3,5 million hectares, which should be allocated until 2020 according to the plan of the German government. This volume of diesel corresponds to the diesel consumption of Germany (2006) To 190%. For this volume around 16´115 CPD-500 systems would be required.
CPD-Diesel Potential from secondary Raw Materials in Germany With the exploitation of secondary raw materials like wasted plastics (PVC, PE, PP,…) wasted oil, used paper and cardboard it is possible to produce furthermore 6,7 billion liter of CPD-Diesel in Germany. Therefore secondary raw materials could cover 19% of the year consumption of diesel (2006). To produce this volume of diesel, nearly 1´470 CPD-500 systems would be required.
CPD-Diesel Potential from the Biomass in France The annual production potential of CPD-Diesel from agricultural residues of 74,5 million tons is nearly 22,2 billion liter diesel. From Miscanthus with a possible common annual dry matter yield of 27,3 million tons around 13,5 billion liters of CPD-Diesel can be produced. These biomasses corresponds to a total amount (less own requirements of 10%) of 35,6 billion liter of high quality CPD-Diesel and could cover the total diesel consumption of France (2006) by 100,5%. For the processing of the total residues as well as Miscanthus at least 8´919 decentralized CPD-500 plants would be required.
CPD-Potential from the Biomass in Poland It should be possible in Poland to produce annually 44,3 billion liter of CPD-Diesel from all kind of biogenous residues as well as Miscanthus from unused areas. This corresponds to 538% of the diesel consumption of Poland (2006). To produce that volume of diesel, around 11´087 CPD-500 systems would be required. This volume of diesel would furthermore be sufficient to produce beside the complete diesel consumption of Poland also the complete diesel consumption of Germany.