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Holy Mass. Sacrifice and Celebration. 1. When God made human beings, there was friendship, happiness and harmony. 2. But Adam and Eve were disobedient, choosing their way over God‘s way. They lost the friendship of God. Salvation History.
Holy Mass Sacrifice and Celebration
1. When God made human beings, there was friendship, happiness and harmony. 2. But Adam and Eve were disobedient, choosing their way over God‘s way. They lost the friendship of God. Salvation History
3. All humans, since they are from Adam and Eve, carry inside a wounding wish to choose their way over God’s. Every wrong act showed the distance between humans and God. 4. But God didn’t forget about humans. To help them come back he chose people who trusted God, like Noah first and Abraham later. God chose Abraham to be the father of ISRAEL, God’s holy people. God wished to make all people holy through Israel. Salvation History
5. But even Israel drifted away from God. God sent his Word through prophets to remind Israel that they were a holy people. God never stopped calling his people back. 6. At long last, the Word of God was made flesh, a human being, to walk with us and show us the way back to his Father. His name is JESUS. Salvation History
8. By his suffering and death, Jesus carried on his innocent shoulders the weight of every sin that was, is and will be committed – right to the end of the world. 7. But Jesus, the Light of the World, was rejected by the people, who preferred to stay in darkness. He suffered a cruel death. Salvation History
9. On the third day Jesus rose from death, never to die again. His wounds opened up a new path to the Father. Jesus gathers a new people, the Church, to walk in the light. Salvation History
God infinite perfect Humanity finite sinful Theology of Atonement Christ’s perfect sacrifice of atonement (at-one-ment) Infinite – because he is God Saving humans – because he is man
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Summary so far … Sacrificial Worship Temple Ended 70 AD Prayer, Readings & Hymns Worship Synagogues Continues to present day
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