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PERSON CENTERED PLANNING PERSONAL OUTCOMES SELF-DETERMINATION . OBJECTIVES. At the end of this session, the participants will be able to: Define Person Centered Planning, Personal Outcomes and Self-Determination Explain the difference between traditional planning and Person Centered Planning
OBJECTIVES • At the end of this session, the participants will be able to: • Define Person Centered Planning, Personal Outcomes and Self-Determination • Explain the difference between traditional planning and Person Centered Planning • Explain the consumer’s choices when utilizing Personal Outcomes • Explain the principles for using Personal Outcome Measures • Explain the steps to using outcomes in planning
OBJECTIVES • Explain the qualities of good planning • Define the consumer’s role in planning • Describe the members of the team • Explain the importance of Self-Determination • Explain the importance of making choices • Express ways to utilize Person Centered Planning, Personal Outcomes and Self-Determination while participating in Choice Making Activities
INTRODUCTION • People with disability labels have been excluded from the mainstream of society for centuries. • Because of this lack of access to and involvement in community life, the value of certain groups of people has not been fully realized.
INTRODUCTION • Person-centered planning attempts to identify and highlight the unique talents, gifts and capabilities inherent in everyone. • Explore and discover where in the “real” world these gifts can be shared and appreciated, and where the person’s contributions and social roles will be valued.
PERSON CENTERED PLANNING • Focuses on the desires and abilities of the individual • Involves a team of family members, friends, professionals and the consumer • Team members are chosen by the consumer
PERSON CENTERED PLANNING • Team identifies skills and abilities of the consumer that can help achieve goals of competitive employment, independent living, continuing education and full inclusion in the community • Identifies areas where consumer may need assistance and support • Team decides how to meet those needs
TRADITIONAL PLANNING METHOD • Views consumers with disabilities as “deficient” and unable to contribute to community • Invites discrimination, ridicule and abuse • Focuses on consumer deficits, perceived lack of skills or talents • Goals centered on “fixing” the consumer
TRADITIONAL PLANNING METHOD • Focuses on the negative • Encourages institutionalization of consumers with disabilities • Works from the theory that consumers with disabilities are not qualified to decide for themselves how they want to spend their lives • Contrary to values of freedom and liberty
PERSON CENTERED PLANNING VS TRADITIONAL PLANNING Person CenteredTraditional • Focus on the person Focus on the and their goal program standard • Changes in service Changes in service based on the person’s based on the needs and wants organization’s decisions
PERSON CENTERED PLANNING VS TRADITIONAL PLANNING Person CenteredTraditional • Program designed for Person assigned to the person the program • Performance Performance expectations defined expectations by the person defined by the program
WHAT IS A REAL PERSON CENTERED PLAN?? • The consumer sets the agenda • The consumer chooses the team • The team works on the consumer’s agenda • There are measurable accomplishments • The team celebrates those accomplishments • The plan is about the individual’s life
WHAT IS A FALSE PERSON CENTERED PLAN?? • Team meets once a year • Planners are mainly professionals • Programs drive the plan • Nothing seems to change • Meetings are a drudge • The plan is about a document
WHAT ARE PERSONAL OUTCOMES? • Goals that we set for ourselves; they are defined from the person’s perspective • Items that each of us individually identify as important to us • Standards by which we measure the quality of our life • Individual and vary from person to person
WHAT ARE PERSONAL OUTCOMES? • Personal outcomes have no standard definition, there is no “right” answer • The agency and staff should not only provide needed supports, but help the consumer develop natural supports in the community that will assist in reaching goals • None of us reach our personal outcome goals without support from others, like family or close friends
PERSONAL OUTCOME MEASURES • Grouped into three factors: • My Self – Who I am as a result of my unique heredity, life experiences and decisions • My World – Where I work, live, socialize, belong and connect • My Dreams – How I want my life (self and world) to be
PEOPLE WHO CHOOSE PERSONAL OUTCOMES • Chose personal goals • Choose where and with whom they live • Choose where they work • Have intimate relationships • Are satisfied with services • Are satisfied with their personal life situations
PEOPLE WHO CHOOSE PERSONAL OUTCOMES • Choose their daily routine • Have time space and opportunity for privacy • Decide when to share personal information • Use their environments
PEOPLE WHO CHOOSE PERSONAL OUTCOMES • Live in integrated environments • Participate in the life of the community • Interact with other members of the community • Perform different social roles • Have friends • Are respected
PEOPLE WHO CHOOSE PERSONAL OUTCOMES • Choose services • Realize personal goals • Are connected to natural support networks • Are safe
PRINCIPLES FOR USING PERSONAL OUTCOME MEASURES • Personal outcomes put “listening to” and “learning from” the consumer at the center • Personal outcomes provide a guide to person-directed planning • Enable agencies to identify consumer’s priorities • Knowing about priorities directs planning efforts
PRINCIPLES FOR USING PERSONAL OUTCOME MEASURES • It is unlikely that any two people define an outcome in the exact same manner • People define their outcomes based on their own experiences • Personal outcomes reinforce diversity • The agency should provide the needed supports after the consumer defines their outcomes
PERSON CENTERED PLANNING WITH PERSONAL OUTCOMES • Identifies the consumer’s desired personal outcomes • Is directed by the consumer • Builds on what we know about the consumer • Links the efforts of many people
PERSON CENTERED PLANNING WITH PERSONAL OUTCOMES • Builds commitment to the consumer • Once the consumer’s personal outcomes are determined, planning should begin as to how to achieve those outcomes • Planning is an ongoing, day-to-day, minute-to-minute process
STEPS TO USING THE OUTCOMES IN PLANNING • Gather information • Understand the Consumer’s vision • Develop action plans • Implement, evaluate, refine plans
QUALITIES OF GOOD PLANNING • Tailored to the dreams, goals and needs of the consumer • Results in real actions and outcomes for that individual • Builds and sustains relationships • Team works together to solve problems and assist the consumer in building a more desirable future
UNDERSTANDING THECONSUMER’S VISION • Most important step in planning • May require creativity and investment • Doesn’t stop with the assessment or planning process
CONSUMER’S ROLE IN PLANNING • The consumer must direct the action (non-negotiable) • The vision for the consumer must come from the consumer and his/her life experiences • The consumer works as a partner with service personnel to ensure staff understand his/her desires and needs • Plan is build around the consumer’s vision for his/her life
INDIVIDUALIZING THE PLAN • Planner focuses on the consumer’s interests, gifts and talents • Team members know the individual and appreciate the consumer’s gifts and talents • Team works to discover the consumer’s agenda and designs a process that works for that consumer
THE TEAM • Invite the “right people” to plan • People who know the consumer and his/her wished, dreams, desires • Family members and friends; people who have contacts in the community that can help the consumer reach their goals • Naturally occurring relationships and resources
PREPARING FOR PLANNING • Identify outcomes most important to the consumer • What is the consumer’s vision? • Describe the consumer’s current situation • Identify what’s going on that supports outcomes for the consumer
PREPARING FOR PLANNING • Consider the effectiveness of the support • Look for BOTH barriers and opportunities • Identify need for more information • Obtain information: Ask the consumer, Ask someone who knows them best, Observe, Read documentation and assessments
PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE • Spend time with the consumer to see what is behind their hopes and dreams • Develop a vision grounded in the consumer’s preferences • Seek to make the ideal a reality, not just settle for a compromise because it is easier or quicker to accomplish
REACHING GOALS • Team should be doers, not just talkers! • Develop concrete goals and action steps to achieve those goals • Develop supports within the community • Celebrate accomplishments together
SOLVING PROBLEMS • Explore every option for available resources, supports and assistance for the consumer • Ongoing listening, learning, reflecting and taking action • Be aware that individuals are constantly changing, as do their wants, needs and desires
SELF - DETERMINATION • Definition A strong voice for and by people with disabilities, promoting independence, empowerment, leading by example, communicating, networking and encouraging each other All about making their own personal choices
WHY IS CHOICE MAKING IMPORTANT? • Decreases behavior support concerns • Consumers are satisfied and happy with their lives • People are more motivated • People are living the type of lifestyle they want
CHOICE MAKING • Choice making is a balance between risk taking, support and safety
GOALS OF CHOICE MAKING • Teach consumers how to communicate clearly • Teach consumers to select preferred options • Give consumers greater control
KEY FACTORS AFFECTING CHOICE MAKING • Choices should be made in stimulating environments and situations • Choices should be meaningful options that lead to preferred events or more control • Once choice is communicated it must be honored • Choice making has to be a pleasant experience
TEACHING CHOICE MAKING • Identify the consumer’s likes and dislikes • Sample additional options • Offer the menu of options • Ask and then WAIT • Respond immediately
EMBEDDING CHOICE MAKING • Identify the consumer’s likes and dislikes • Take a realistic look at the consumer’s daily routine • Look for opportunities for choice making in daily routine • Arrange for choice making options • Respond to choices make
CHOICE MAKING ACTIVITY F • Each student should think of an activity they may be assisting a consumer with, record the steps of the activity and choice options. • Record this assignment on the next page