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Men on Strike: Financial Massacre in Divorce Courts and Masculist Rebellion

Learn why young men in the US and Japan are refusing marriage and fatherhood, crashing birth rates. Discover the financial massacre in feminist-dominated divorce courts, urging for masculinity rebellion against working for women. Explore the concepts of MGTOWs (Men Going Their Own Way) and Masculists fighting for men's liberation. Embrace the idea that women must work, especially as Financially Independent Persons (FIPs). Uncover the advantages of twaytweffing relationships and the importance of enforcing FIP status on women. Join the movement to eradicate fluffiedom and demand gender equality laws to save humanity. Dive into the debate on the Parer (Paternity Rejection Right) and tackling "accidental" pregnancies. Find out how men hold the power to fippify women and shape a fairer society.

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Men on Strike: Financial Massacre in Divorce Courts and Masculist Rebellion

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  1. MGTOW*-MASCULISM** FOR WOMEN Prof. Dr. Hugo de GARIS*** profhugodegaris@yahoo.com http://profhugodegaris.wordpress.com/ mgtow-masculist-resource-flyers/ * (Men Going Their Own Way, not marrying, not having kids) ** (Men’s Liberation) *** (Coiner of the term “masculist” in the 1970s and principal theorist of the European Men’s Movement in the 1980s)

  2. MEN ON STRIKE In the US and Japan today, two thirds (70%) of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids, thus crashing the birth rate and wiping out whole populations within a mere century. Why?

  3. FINANCIAL MASSACRING OF MEN IN FEMINIST DOMINATED DIVORCE COURTS Roughly one married man in four will be financially massacred in the feminist dominated divorce courts, losing his kids, his house, and forced to pay child payments, and alimony to his parasitic (fluffie) ex wife.

  4. MASCULISM IS A REBELLION BY MEN AGAINST WORKING FOR WOMEN Young men saw what happened to their divorced fathers, so reject marriage and paternity, because divorce is so TOXIC, destroying a man’s life.

  5. MGTOWs and MASCULISTs Those men who walk away from marriage and paternity (and spend their money on themselves) are called MGTOWs (Men Going Their Own Way) Those men who fight for men’s lib are called MASCULISTs. They aim to liberate men from female manslavery, and from other oppressions against men.

  6. WOMEN MUST WORK Thanks to contraceptive pills, women can now work. Now they can work, they must work! Anything else is parasitism on men’s labor. Masculists expect women to pull their financial weight, and punish those who don’t.

  7. FLUFFIEs and FIPs Masculists divide women into two broad categories, fluffies and FIPs. A fluffie is a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man (fluff = light, not serious, not responsible, not adult, not career competent, not FIP.) A FIP is a Financially Independent Person, the type of woman masculists demand women be.

  8. MASCULISTS’ MAIN GOALS The main political goals of the masculists are to wipe out fluffiedom, menfair the gender laws, and to save humanity from extinction. To wipe out fluffiedom means wiping out fluffies, not by killing them, but by ignoring them totally so that they die out. Those women who are not FIPs are punished by MGTOWs/masculists for being manslaving parasites, hence the enemy of the masculists.

  9. WHY WOMEN MUST BE FIPS Masculists are very conscious that many of men’s gender role problems would be solved if all women were FIPs, so they push hard towards this goal. FIP women will at least be able to have a relationship with a (masculist, MGTOW) man, but not fluffies. They will be manless.

  10. TWAYTWEFFING Twaytweffing (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) is a lifestyle for men, where both the man and the woman are FIPs and each has their own apartment. When the relationship goes sour, the two return to their own apartment, cost free to the man. Only FIP women will be able to twaytwef. Fluffies go manless.

  11. ADVANTAGES OF TWAY- TWEFFING FOR MEN After a twaytwef relationship ends, there is no divorce, because no marriage, no child payments, because no kids, no house loss or alimony, because the woman is a FIP. Twaytweffing forces the woman to always be nice to the man, or he returns to his apartment, so no female nagging, no withholding sex, no female hysterics, just female niceness or he finds easily another woman to give him regular sex and companionship.

  12. FLUFFIE CRAPPERS Fluffie crappers are the large majority of young women who study “fluffie crap” i.e. the intellectually easy options at age 16 at high school, i.e. not math, not the sciences. These women are then forced to study more fluffie crap at university, so inevitably earn poor salaries, making them fluffies in their 30s, looking for a manslave to pay for her to have babies in a house that he pays for.

  13. “BE FIP, OR BE MANLESS!” “NO CALCULUS, NO BABY!” Masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs. Fluffie women rot on the shelf - manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and increasingly shunned by society for being “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out!” To become FIPs, women need to study career -competent majors at high school/college.

  14. The PARER (Paternity Rejection Right) The massive injustice occurring today in the divorce courts is not the only major gender discrimination against men. Another big one is the lack of a Parer. Women have the Marer (aka abortion right) A woman can reject maternity, a man cannot reject paternity, a massive discrimination against men.

  15. “ACCIDENTAL” PREGNANCIES Millions of women get pregnant “accidentally” (on purpose) then force men to pay for them. This is criminal, ruining the lives of millions of men. The Parer would allow a man to refuse paternity, so a FIP woman would have to pay for the kid totally if she continues with the pregnancy - another reason why masculists force women to be FIPs.

  16. MEN HAVE THE POWER TO FIPPIFY WOMEN Most men are FIPs. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can find some manslave who is stupid and ignorant enough (of the divorce court financial massacring) to be willing to pay for her. The supply of such men is drying up, so fluffies are now in a panic. Thus men have the power to force women to be FIPs. Already 70% of men are doing this.

  17. TWO THIRDS OF YOUNG WOMEN WONT HAVE BABIES With 70% of young men refusing to marry and have kids, most young women wont have babies in the near future. To even have a (twaytwef) relationship with a man, a woman must be a FIP. Until the gender laws are made menfair (divorce laws, Parer, etc.) MGTOWs/masculists will continue to wipe out the population.

  18. PRESSURING THE GENDER POLITICIANS Men will continue their marriage/paternity strike until the gender laws are made menfair. Divorce will need to be made fair to both sexes. Alimony needs to be scrapped. Custody of kids should be made joint by default. Divorced parents should be encouraged to buy a cheap second apartment and alternate with the kids in the house which is kept by the original owner(s).

  19. ASSASSINATION OF GENDER POLITICIANS (GPs) Masculists have a hatred of gender politicians who have made the gender laws massively unfair to men, creating a gynocentric culture. As the population keeps crashing, desperate measures will be called for. Men will start assassinating GPs to get gender justice, and women will start assassinating GPs, to get men to give them babies.

  20. FEMALE MASCULISTS The masculists and MGTOWs are spreading the main ideas of their movements. Soon everyone will be as familiar with them as today’s society is with feminism. Women will know as well as men how toxic the divorce courts are to men and push the GPs to menfair the gender laws, to get men to be willing again to have babies. Women need to become female masculists.

  21. Prof. Dr. Hugo de GARIS profhugodegaris@yahoo.com http://profhugodegaris.wordpress.com/mgtow-masculist-resource-flyers/

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