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A statement on the Clearwater Christian College’s website tells of the school’s abrupt closer. “After much prayer and with a genuine heaviness of heart, a motion was made and a unanimous vote was made to close the college,” the message reads according to Tamabaycom. The school has a small enrollment of just about 500 students, so it isn’t a large college. But due to “declining enrollment, increased debt and lack of a sizable endowment” the school was forced to close. To know more details about Christian colleges in Florida visit http://www.theedadvocate.org/clearwater-christian-college-in-florida-set-to-close/
CLEARWATER CHRISTIAN COLLEGE IN FLORIDA SET TO CLOSE A statement on the Clearwater Christia? College’s?e?site tells of the s?hool’s a?rupt closer. ?After ?u?h prayer a?d ?ith a ge?ui?e hea?i?ess of heart, a ?otio? ?as ?ade a?d a u?a?i?ous ?ote ?as ?ade to ?lose the ?ollege,? the ?essage reads a??ordi?g to Tamabaycom. The s?hool has a s?all e?roll?e?t of just a?out 500 stude?ts, so it is?’t a large ?ollege. But due to ?de?li?i?g e?roll?e?t, i??reased de?t a?d la?k of a siza?le e?do??e?t? the s?hool was forced to close. This follows the closure, or at least potential closure, of Sweet Briar College in Virginia. The difference in the two schools is that millions has been raised to keep Sweet Briar open and a recent court decision has stayed the order of closure for the moment. Both schools have long histories. Sweet Briar has been around for 100 years while Christian Clearwater began its existence in 1966. Sadly, smaller schools that may offer niche programs or experiences are no longer ?e?essarily ?eeded. A??ordi?g NPR, “?eet Briar, a?d all ?o?e?’s ?ollege, is just o?e of about 50 nationwide. Because women are now allowed to attend most, if not all, of the ?ou?try’s top edu?atio?al i?stitutio?s, ?olleges like “?eet Briar ha?e fa?ed de?li?i?g enrollment. Schools of this nature offer warmth, comfort, and specialized education services for stude?ts ?ho look for s?aller i?stitutio?s. With today’s edu?atio? ?limate, it remains to be see? if ?e’ll see ?ore s?hools of this ?ature ?lose i? the ?ear future.