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GRASS GENERA II (Spikelets with Two or More Florets)

This guide provides information on various grass genera, including tall ornamental grasses, stoloniferous mat-forming grasses, and grasses with unbranched spike inflorescence. Learn about their characteristics, growth habits, and identifying features.

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GRASS GENERA II (Spikelets with Two or More Florets)

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  1. GRASS GENERA II(Spikelets with Two or MoreFlorets)

  2. (Exceptions: Panicoid Spikelet) e.g., Cenchrus, Digitaria, Echinochloa, Eriochloa, Panicum, Paspalum, Setaria, Urochloa

  3. (Exceptions: (Inflorescence with Rames) e.g., Bothriochloa, Schizachyrium, Sorghum


  5. Cortaderia selloana(Pampas Grass)

  6. Arundo donax(Giant Reed)


  8. Dasyochloa pulchella(Fluffgrass) • Spikelets very pubescent • Low, prostrate perennial • Leaf blades white-edged • Stoloniferous

  9. Munroa squarrosa(False Buffalo-Grass) • All florets in spikelets perfect • Leaves wide, reflexed


  11. Agropyron(Crested Wheatgrass) • Spikelets strongly overlapping • Spikelets diverge from rachis • at a 40o angle • (Compare with Elymus)

  12. Elymus (Rye Grass)

  13. Elymus (Ryegrass) • More than one Floret per Spikelet

  14. Elymus (Ryegrass) (Cespitose or Rhizomatous)

  15. Elymus (Ryegrass) • Cartilaginous Ligule

  16. Elymus(One Spikelet per Node) • Rhizomatous • E. hispidus (Pubescent • Wheatgrass) • E. lanceolatus (Thickspike • Wheatgrass) • E. repens (Quackgrass) • E. smithii (Western Wheatgrass) • Cespitose (Clump-Forming) • E. arizonicus(Arizona Wheatgrass) • E. elongatus (Tall Wheatgrass) • E. spicatus (Bluebunch Wheatgrass) • E. trachycaulus (Wheatgrass)

  17. Elymus(More than One Spikelet per Node) • Rachis Fragile • E. longifolius (Long-Leaved • Squirrel Tail) • Rachis Persistent; Awns Straight • E. glaucus (Blue Wildrye) • Rachis Persistent; Awns Curved • E. canadensis (Canada Wildrye)

  18. Elymus longifolius (= Sitanion hystrix)(Long-leaved Squirrel Tail) • Common perennial • Fragile Rachis

  19. Scleropogon (Burrograss) • Stolons

  20. Pleuraphis (Tobosa; Galleta) • Rhizomatous • Spikelets three at nodes • Apex of glumes, lemmas blunt to dull-pointed

  21. Pleuraphis P. mutica (Tobosa) Glumes broadest above middle P. jamesii (Galleta) Glumes broadest at middle

  22. Hilaria berlangeri (Curly Mesquite) • Plants similar to Pleuraphis, but stoloniferous


  24. Bouteloua • Spicate branches arranged in a raceme • Spicate branches one-sided

  25. Bouteloua (annual) B. aristoides (Needle Grama) B. simplex (Mat Grama) B. barbata (Six-Weeks Grama)

  26. Bouteloua (Perennial)(Spicate branches fifteen or more) B. curtipendula (Side-oats grama)

  27. Bouteloua (Perennial)(Spicate branches thirteen or fewer) B. hirsuta (hairy grama) B. gracilis (blue grama) B. eriopoda (black grama)

  28. Bouteloua gracilis (Blue Grama) (High Forage Value, Increaser with Grazing) • Cespitose • Glabrous Internodes

  29. Bouteloua eriopoda (Black Grama) (High Forage Value, Decreaser with Grazing) • Stoloniferous • Hairy Lower Internodes

  30. Bouteloua dactyloides (=Buchloe dactyloides) Buffalo Grass Spike of Male Spikelets

  31. Leptochloa(Green Sprangletop) • Spicate branches arranged in a raceme • Spicate branches two- or more sided

  32. Chloris (Windmill Grass) • Spicate branches arranged in an umbel • Florets dimorphic within each spikelet

  33. Chloris *C. virgata (Showy Windmill Grass) *C. verticillata (Tumble Windmill Grass)


  35. Eragrostis (Lovegrass, Stinkgrass)

  36. Eragrostis • Hairy Ligule • Open Sheath

  37. Eragrostis • Spikelets usually lead/gray • Florets closely imbricate (= closely • overlapping) • Lemmas three-nerved • Paleas often persisent on rachilla (i.e., they • don’t fall off when lemmas do)

  38. Eragrostis (annual weeds) *E. cilianensis E. pectinacea

  39. Eragrostis (perennials) E. curvula (Weeping Lovegrass) E. intermedia (Plains Lovegrass)

  40. Bromus (Bromegrass; Cheatgrass)

  41. Bromus • Cartilaginous Ligule • Closed Sheath

  42. Bromus • Spikelets Bright Green • Multiple Florets / • Spikelet

  43. Bromus – (Annual) *B. tectorum (Downy Chess) *B. japonicus (Japanese Brome)

  44. Bromus - Perennial • Rhizomatous * B. inermis (Smooth Brome)

  45. Bromus – Perennial • Cespitose • Flattened Spikelets *B. cartharticus (Rescue Grass)

  46. Bromus – Perennial • Cespitose • Spikelets Not • Flattened B. anomalous (Nodding Brome), B. ciliatus (Fringed Brome) B. frondosus (Weeping Brome), B. porteri (Porter’s Brome)

  47. *Dactylis (Orchard Grass) • Compact, Contracted Panicle

  48. Dactylis (Orchard Grass) • Tall Cartilaginous • Ligule • Closed Sheath

  49. Festuca (Fescue) Poa (Bluegrass)

  50. Open Sheath, Cartilaginous Ligule Poa Festuca

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