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What do organisms compete for?

Learn about the role and specific parts of an organism's niche, the consequences of competitive exclusion, and the difference between fundamental and realized niches.

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What do organisms compete for?

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  1. What do organisms compete for?

  2. What is a Niche? • Niche: The role that an organisms has in an ecosystem. • Including: • Food sources • Reproductive strategies • Shelter • Environmental Conditions • Interactions with their environment and other organisms

  3. What are some specific parts of this organisms niche? http://imagecache6.allposters.com/LRG/61/6185/YV91100Z.jpg

  4. Niche http://legacy.hopkinsville.kctcs.edu/instructors/Jason-Arnold/VLI/Module%204/M4BCommunitiesandecosystems/f31-07_feeding_niches_f_c.jpg

  5. Similar Niches Africa North America Kangaroo Rat Jerboa http://jhay244.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/2/4/38249791/4391715_orig.jpg http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2014-03/enhanced/webdr03/20/20/enhanced-28149-1395360745-6.jpg

  6. Similar Niches North America Africa Bald Eagle African Fish Eagle http://www.whale-images.com/images/600/eagle-fishing-416.jpg http://www.sibuya.co.za/files/uploads/images/African-Fish-Eagle.jpg

  7. Australia South America Sloth Koala http://www.acuteaday.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/koala-lazing-about.jpg sadfhttp://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Education/Pix/pictures/2013/1/17/1358446759827/A-three-toed-tree-sloth-h-008.jpg

  8. What happens when two different interacting species of organisms use the same niche?

  9. Competitive Exclusion • Competitive Exclusion: Two interacting populations of species using the same niche will not maintain stable population sizes. • Long term, one of two things will happen…..

  10. Competitive Exclusion • The species with the advantage will cause the other to become locally extinct.

  11. Competitive Exclusion • The species with the advantage will cause the other to become locally extinct. http://www.asdk12.org/staff/vanarsdale_mark/pages/mrva/marine/Marine_Ecology_Images/Niche_L.jpg

  12. Competitive Exclusion 2. Species will change their behavior or adapt to fill another niche http://www.saburchill.com/IBbiology/chapters02/images/08060302.jpg

  13. Fundamental vs. Realized Niche • Fundamental Niche: the full niche that a species is capable of using without any competition • Realized Niche: The actual niche that a species uses

  14. Fundamental vs. Realized Niche https://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/24/flashcards/1182024/png/screen_shot_2012-03-05_at_3.39.33_pm1330979989988.png

  15. Fundamental vs. Realized Niche Competitive exclusions causes the difference between fundamental and realized niches http://www.asdk12.org/staff/vanarsdale_mark/pages/mrva/marine/Marine_Ecology_Images/Niche_L.jpg

  16. Application of Competitive Exclusion • What might be some consequences of introducing a new species of small insect eating bird into Santa Maria? • What type of human activities might create more competitive exclusion and local extinction between organisms? Is this good?

  17. And NUH is the letter I use to spell Nutches,Who live in small caves, known as Niches, for hutches.These Nutches have troubles, the biggest of which isThe fact there are many more Nutches than Niches.Each Nutch in a Niche knows that some other NutchWould like to move into his Niche very much.So each Nutch in a Niche has to watch that small NicheOr Nutches who haven’t got Niches will snitch. Dr. Seuss – On Beyond Zebra (1955)

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