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Here are five great love handle exercises to help get rid of those pesky love handles.
Love Handle Exercises http://www.dietsmadesimple.net/love-handle-exercises-you-can-try/
If you are a bit overweight, then you certainly know how difficult it is to eliminate belly fat along with those stubborn love handles. Many people choose to use various weight loss products while others exhaust themselves at the gym - the truth is that you can easily get rid of excess fat with some simple yet highly efficient love handle exercises. With that said here are 5 of the best exercises for love handles.
1. Bend Over And Rotate Your Torso. This is one of the most effective love handle exercises. With this exercise just bend over while keeping your feet slightly apart and touch the palms of your hands on the floor. Then very slowly turn your torso to the right as you raise your left arm, as you do this inhale and then exhale when your torso has reached the right side. Then repeat the exercise with your right arm, and do three sets of 12 reps. You'll notice over a short space of time that your love handles are shrinking.
2. Focus On Waist-Slimming Squats. Squats are highly efficient as they sculpt your entire body - however, there are several specific squats that target your waistline. However, for this specific exercise you will need a dumbbell. Stand tall and keep your feet slightly apart, and hold the dumbbell with both of your hands and move your hands to the right. Now lower yourself into a squat position and swing your arms slowly to the left. Press back up to standing position and then extend your arms to the right side again. Repeat the exercise for fifteen times, and you will get a slimmer waist and eliminate those annoying love handles as well
3. Overhead Side bend. You will find that overhead side bends are also very efficient for ridding yourself of love handles. What you do is get two small dumbbells (no more than 5 pounds), make sure the feet are apart and lift your arms over your head, then lean over to the left, then lean to the right. This exercise is very simple and then do three sets of twelve reps. It is a good idea to do this exercise routine up to four times a week and you should start seeing results in a few short months, thats if you stick to the routine.
4. Side-ups. Side-ups (or "obliques") also stimulate your organism and turn it into a real fat burning machine. Basically, what you need to do is to lie on one side and keep your body straight, then lift your legs off the floor while keeping them together. This exercise will stimulate your oblique muscles and you will feel short yet intense contractions of your muscles - which is good, it means the love handles will eventually go away!
5. The Mermaid Crunches. Our final exercise but still very effective is mermaid crunches, these are targeted for the love handles and burn fat from around the stomach. You need to lie down on a mat, place your hands on the back of your head and simply raise yourself slightly from your abdomen. Do twelve repetitions.
In conclusion, love handles are not only very unaesthetic, but they can pose serious health risks as well, as carrying extra fat around your waist significantly increases the risk of early death. Also having love handles can increase the risk of heart disease. Doing the love handle exercises mentioned here and keeping up the routine will significantly reduce those health risks. http://www.dietsmadesimple.net/love-handle-exercises-you-can-try/