CLNFKS Defensive COUNT • To counter the threats posed by the offense Iput the defense or defensive back on the same count as the offense, thus turning the offense against itself and making the offense reveal the True Play (run or pass). The defense’s count goes as follows: 1&2&3! It is during this time that the QB mentally recites a count of his own for the offense: one-thousand one, one thousand- two, one-thousand three ball gone. • It is absolutely vital for defensive backs to (remember Play Action occurs within the first 3 seconds of the offensive play 90 % of the time. This is what is called the offensive play –action window) He must recognize the difference between the two counting methods. The defensive count is shorter and quicker compared to that of the QB because they must interpret the read before the QB has executed the True Play. I try to bring through to the defensive back that he will not see the first 3 seconds of the play(aka QB movement) after the ball is snapped. He will only see the results after the first 3 seconds or during his first three slow read steps .The defensive back must remember his first read is in the extended neutral zone when the defensive backs feet is sitting in zone. So with the snap of the ball again with his eyes in the extended neutral zone he will only see the true results ( to weather its run or pass) after he closes the three second Play-Action window with his defensive count. • These numbers are designed to close the quarterbacks 3 second Play-Action window and tells the defensive back when the quarterbacks time in the backfield has run out and the magic show is done. This read also tells the defensive back the true intentions of the offense: RUN or PASS. • The number system also calms the defensive back down because now the defensive back does not receive any run/pass keys from reading anything in the offensive backfield. He already know what the offensive count is. He already knows The defensive count this puts the defensive back on the same count sequence as the quarterback (as mentioned above) and the offense. Now here’s something very important and this is (Key) I want you to know that the defensive backs numbers are just a little different for the defense. These numbers as we mentioned earlier are very important to the defensive back s success so he can focus in on his keys and enter calm and focused state of mind under game time fire with just this key alone will enhance the defensive players play making ability 100%. • How does the offense reveal the True Play? Now let’s start by letting the reader understand that reading into the extended neutral zone will automatically accomplish 5 function at once in Coach Lee’s New Football Key System (CLNFKS). Let’s talk neutral zone reads and how to teach the key read. • First and foremost players must understand the rules of football and what the offense MUST do. They either send the offense linemen into the neutral zone (run) or not (pass). The rules of football state: “No Interior Linemen maycross over into the extendedneutral zone and an offensive team still forwards the ball in the air.” Now remember in the first step we spoke on the QB’s count or number system for the offense and now we will go a step further in my training.