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Report on the Medspiration Service and its Usage

Report on the Medspiration Service and its Usage. Ian Robinson Medspiration Project manager. Overview of Medspiration: Nov 06-Nov 07. The Concept for the Medspiration Service Changes in the service Development work Products generated Data usage Outreach and promotion of Medspiration

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Report on the Medspiration Service and its Usage

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  1. Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting Report on the Medspiration Service and its Usage Ian Robinson Medspiration Project manager

  2. Overview of Medspiration: Nov 06-Nov 07 • The Concept for the Medspiration Service • Changes in the service • Development work • Products generated • Data usage • Outreach and promotion of Medspiration • Planned transition towards an operational service • Are we fulfilling the goals set for us? • Examples of the GHRSST principles in action Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  3. The Background to Medspiration: 1 • GODAE’s high resolution challenge to the SST community • “Develop a global, high-resolution sea surface temperature analysis with proper consideration of the skin effect and sufficient temporal resolution to resolve the diurnal cycle, that is available in real-time for all environmental and climate applications” • Spatial resolution < 10 km : Resolve diurnal cycle • Accuracy target better than 0.2 K • Near-real time analysis (~24 h) Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  4. The Background to Medspiration: 2 • In response to the GODAE challenge the GHRSST-PP was established • Godae high resolution SST pilot project • Based on collaboration between major SST players (space agencies, data producers, operational users) • Addressed the science of sea “surface” temperature • Diurnal thermocline; thermal cool skin; “Foundation” temperature • Agreed a standard processing model • Converts level 2 SST products into GHRSST-L2P data products • N.B. Does not alter the basic SST data from individual sources • A distributed regional and global task-sharing strategy Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  5. The Medspiration Concept • ESA’s goal in creating Medspiration • To support development of a prototype European RDAC (regional data assembly centre) within the GHRSST framework • To encourage the establishment of GHRSST as the focus of international collaboration on SST products • Specific objectives of the Medspiration Service • Develop the software systems to support the Service • Operate the service by delivering specific products • L2P products for most SST products over the European region • L4 analysis (2 km resolution) over the Mediterranean Sea • Populate a match-up database (MDB) for Medspiration products • Produce Medspiration high resolution diagnostic data set (HRDDS) • Develop a user base for Medspiration products Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  6. 2001-3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Medspiration plan Stop producing L2P forAMSR-E and Navocean AVHRR LAC and GAC Phase A:Development Phase B:Delivery Beta test Acceptance Review & UCM-1 Revised phase B Add global AATSRExtend L4 region New MDB interfaceMedia outreachGoogle Earth L4 User consultation meeting, UCM-2 New SSESfor AATSR Extend to overlap GMESTune L4 configuration UCM-3 UCM-4 (with Globcolour) UCM-5 (with Globcolour) Medspiration has evolved GHRSST established ESA Medspiration ITT ESA supports GHRSST Int. project office Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  7. Medspiration’s front-page products But there are a lot more data, and more effort, behind these headline SST maps . . . . . Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  8. What has Medspiration produced? • Maintained continuous production of L2P products since March 2005. • 1 Jun 2005 to 1 Nov 2007 produced 53882L2P files • 11147 were AATSR, • 3484 were NAR and • 6975 were SEVIRI • Generated UHR (2 km) L4 analyses of Mediterranean since June 2005, and of N.E. Atlantic shelf since 2006 • All L2P and L4 products were archived @ Ifremer and sent to the GDAC @ JPL and thence the LTSRF@NODC • From 1 Mar 05 to 1 Nov 07, 4,092,246 MDB records have been produced • The HRDDS has created data granules from every Medspiration product Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  9. No. data granules from current Medspiration products = 337,374 Total from all sources = 1,032,848 Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  10. How much data have our users downloaded directly from Ifremer ? • Since Medspiration started producing in March 2005, to Oct 2007 usersa have received or downloaded 257,505L2P files • 60200 were AATSR, • 12338 were NAR and • 45044 were SEVIRI • In the same period usersa have received 51,511 L4 files • This implies an average of about 50 receiving users for every L4 file produced. • The ultimate number of end users is not known • These figures do not include Medspiration files downloaded from GDAC or LTSRF • This information is being retrieved by JPL a.) Note that these figures exclude files distributed to GDAC or to NOCS for the HRDDS. Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  11. Usage of the HRDDS web site • In recent months, the usage of the HRDDS website at NOCS averages: • 81 hits per hour (unique sessions) • 75 M bytes per day of information transferred over http (not including any ftp downloads) • Amongst the top 20 user domains we have identified : • ECMWF • NOAA • EUMETSAT • University of Edinburgh • IFM-Geomar • CSIRO, Australia • Samsung (S. Korea) • Met Office As well as NOCS and Ifremer Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  12. Outreach and promotion of Medspiration • Google Earth displays of L4 products (Boost) • Information interface to media outlets, e.g temperature at bathing beaches (via Boost) • Presentations to ESA meetiings (e.g. Envisat symposium) • Presentations ot major R-S meetings (e.g. IGARSS in Barcelona) • Paper submitted to IEEE Systems Journal, GEOSS Special Issue • ISR will give presentations at MISU and SMHI in Sweden, following this meeting • Medspiration & HRDDS given publicity in recent presentation by Hugh Kelliher to a BNSC meeting Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  13. Note the different biases compared to AVHRR 17 LAC Example: AVHRR 18 GAC bias relative to AATSR Mean bias of all match ups in HRDDS between AVHRR 18 GAC and AATSR.

  14. Have we achieved what ESA wanted ? • We have met the requirements of the ITT in developing a working European RDAC for GHRSST • We have tested and proved the basic GHRSST concepts • We have prototyped an effective distributed processor • We have encouraged the establishment of GHRSST • Other RDACs have been developed in parallel with Medspiration • GHRSST is now the international forum in which the quality and planning of SST measurements from satellites is discussed • E.g. GHRSST voiced to ESA/EU the international request that the SST sensor on Sentinel-3 should be an AATSR-class instrument Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  15. Is the Medspiration / GHRSST approach making a difference? • Reliable operational delivery of Medspiration products has triggered the growth of a high-level user community • Met office OSTIA analysis (and soon FOAM) depend on L2P data • DMI/Met.No have recently launched a new analysis • Ifremer now have both Global and NE Atlantic analyses • Australians use AATSR L2P for SST retrievals from AVHRR LAC • Improvements are starting to emerge in • ocean forecasting skill, • reliability of climate records, • benefits to the wider public • Etc. . . (see talks on Wednesday morning !) Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  16. Is the Medspiration / GHRSST approach making a difference? • Two examples of activities that would have been very much more difficult (practically impossible) without the availability of the GHRSST products produced by Medspiration • Checking the validity of SST in the Arctic ocean • Revising error statistics for AATSR Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  17. DDS site in Chutki Sea Use of the Chutki Sea HRDDS site Melting of Arctic sea ice in 2007 Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  18. SST in Chutcki sea during 2007 Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  19. SST in Chutki Sea during 2006 Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  20. Revised error statistics for AATSR • Gary Corlett’s talk will report the improvements made to assigning error statistics to AATSR L2P products • A crucial task so the accuracy of AATSR is effective for driving models and bias-correcting other SST products • This work was facilitated by the availability of the MDB. • Without it there would have been a long & laborious search through buoy data to create a match-up record • The MDB & HRDDS are proving to be versatile tools Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

  21. Conclusion • Medspiration has largely done the job it was given • While it may be difficult to quantify the full extent of its usage, evidence of its impact can be found in: • Operational dependence: Its data products are now being used by a number of key agencies as part of their operational forecasting systems • The wide international consensus that GHRSST and its approach represent the way forward for effective SST monitoring • Space agencies are planning their SST missions to fit in to the GHRSST synergetic model • The talks on Wednesday represent a cross-section of the range of uses for Medspiration data products • But – Medspiration will only be judged a success when the MCS SST-TAC is properly funded and established to carry the work forward operationally. Medspiration-Globcolour User Meeting

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