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Starter – ( Self Evaluation) Full Name on Cards 1 What is your target grade?

5 th March 2012 Catch Up Session - Handing in Unit 2 & Improving on Unit 1 LO: To ensure all key P/M/D Unit 2 tasks are handed in today along with a signed cover sheet. To reflect on comments made On Unit 1 and then upgrade and/ or complete all Unit 1 tasks to P/M/D standard .

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Starter – ( Self Evaluation) Full Name on Cards 1 What is your target grade?

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  1. 5th March 2012Catch Up Session -Handing in Unit 2 & Improving on Unit 1LO: To ensure all key P/M/D Unit 2 tasks are handed in today along with a signed cover sheet.To reflect on comments made On Unit 1 and then upgrade and/ or complete all Unit 1 tasks to P/M/D standard. Starter – (Self Evaluation) Full Name on Cards 1 What is your target grade? 2 Do you think you have completed Unit 2 to the standard of your Target grade? If not what do you need to work on? 3 Did you make your best effort last lesson (cover) to complete your P3 Confidentiality Task? If not why not? 4 Using your portfolio help sheet work out what you have now completed and printed off for your folder and use a post it note to write down what still needs to be done. Remember you will need a cover page for Unit 2.

  2. Unit 2 P1 -You should have a key words sheet including a definition of disability and an explanation of what types of difficulties a person with Down Syndrome and Dyslexia may face in everyday life P1 – You should also have a poster showing the social, political and biological factors that can influence equality in society. P2 A report identifying the rights of people who use care services with an example of how each right could be applied in either the setting of : • A doctors surgery or • A care home for the elderly P3 – A PPT showing why ethics are very important when working in a Health & social care setting: Social Justice/ Person centered approach/ Right to life/ Honesty/ Empathy/ Confidentiality P3 – A Staff Booklet which shows the meaning and importance of confidentiality: Including why it is wrong to break confidentiality, data protection and the rules of disclosure. You should also explain the special circumstances that allow confidentiality to be broken M1 - Add a slide to your Ethics Presentation which discusses how applying ethical values could be difficult and barriers which could affect them being applied and Evaluate the impact of not applying them. M1 – Detailed explanation of confidentiality Data protection and disclosure D1 - A detailed discussion on worker responsibilities RE: A case study

  3. Tasks & Cover Sheets Once you have all Tasks with proper headers: Name, Unit/ Task printed off then you can complete your Cover Sheet: • Full Name • Unit 2 – Individual Rights in Heath and Social Care • An Introduction showing what it is about & what you have learnt in this Unit. • Hand all tasks in with Cover sheet and signed PQF sheet then you can start your Unit 1 Self Evaluation and catch up.

  4. Unit 1 – Read over comments of what you need to do to meet your target grade • Then use the book or online sources to complete work as required. • Ask if there is anything you do not understand. • Do not waste time and do not disrupt anyone else from their learning. YOYOB : You own your own behaviour !

  5. Plenary • Have you made your best effort today? • Have you handed in all tasks , cover sheet and signed PQF for Unit 2? • Have you upgraded & handed in all tasks required for Unit 1 – if not which ones do you still need to do? Make a note of all outstanding work you have still to do for both Units. • You will be expected to attend catch up sessions to complete these tasks or alternatively complete in your own time at home before catch up sessions start. • Now on the back of your self evaluation card from earlier – set yourself 3 targets for the next Unit of Work which we start next week eg what do you need to improve on to reach your target grade?

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